I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 242 A Powerful Warrior

Chapter 242 A Powerful Warrior


A loud bang.

A tightly sealed giant steel door that required fingerprints, pupils, and passwords to open was smashed to pieces.

And it was a human fist that smashed the door.

Li Yisi was wearing a windbreaker and a felt hat, and once again saw the outside world.

It was already evening at this moment.

"Sir, we should go."

Several of his close aides were a little anxious after hearing the SAVE siren.

Li Yisi took a deep breath and smiled to the people around him: "The air outside is still comfortable, what do you think?"


The man nodded respectfully, and even bent over to answer.

Lewis boarded the helicopter.

A small force of more than a dozen people left half to guard the door, while the other half went to activate the other helicopters.

A large number of SAVE troops rushed outside with guns to stop them.

But the small army composed of a dozen people reacted extremely quickly, their speed, strength, and physical strength all reached the peak that humans could not achieve.

Lewis ascended high,
He can overlook the entire battlefield.

His soldiers played all their cards and spread across the tarmac, engaging in a fierce decisive battle with the enemy.

Gunshots and flames continued, and several helicopters even exploded before they were fully lifted into the air.

Hundreds of people were reduced to corpses, lying on the ground, scattered,
The remaining fighters clenched their fists, boarded the last helicopter and chased after Lewis.

One against ten,

With a team of more than a dozen people, it can fight against an army of hundreds of people without losing the wind, and even wipe them out.

Anyone can see that they are not ordinary people.

They are K-3s.

The latest drug developed by NW Company has a 40%-70% success rate with just one injection, which can strengthen human genetic neurons.

Don't look at the small number of these dozen people,

They are now the entire property of NW Corporation.

Lewis laughed secretly in his heart.

what medicine,
It's just another virus that manipulates the human body.

However, these people are excellent tools...

"Sir, where are we going?"

Li Yisi straightened the collar of his coat, and there was even the smell of Jiang Tanyun on it.

He frowned, feeling that it smelled bad: "Go to Shanhe Town."



Two helicopters flew towards Shanhe Town.

The sirens are over.

Seeing hundreds of people lying on the tarmac, Cai Rongzhi and the follow-up troops rushed over, his face was full of shock and surprise.

Originally, I wanted to ask Jiang Tanyun about Xiang Fei's whereabouts.

Now, Jiang Tanyun is dead,

SAVE HQ, heavily damaged.

"Report! They boarded helicopters No. 003 and No. 007 and escaped!" A soldier came up to report after checking.

Cai Rong shook his hand, lit a cigarette, and sat on an electric box transformer almost as if tired, with an extremely gloomy face.

he was thinking,
This matter...how should I explain to Shangfeng...

"It turned out that he wasn't caught by us at all, never, he just came in undercover, trying to get something from Mr. Jiang..."


"Zhang Yun, something happened."

Shelter No. [-], Zhou Jue's urgent cry came from the monitoring room.

Zhang Yun woke up from his sleep.

take advantage of the night,

He climbed quickly up the hill,
Zhou Jue was wearing a pajamas, drinking coffee, sitting in the monitoring room, with a serious face.

Standing aside, Luo Guoguo was also very worried. When he saw Zhang Yun coming in, he nodded to him and left quickly.

It's past three o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Yun didn't have time to worry about why Luo Guoguo was here, and why she was wearing the same style of pajamas as Zhou Jue.

Because he saw a picture on the computer screen,
"This is a photo sent back by the satellite from the SAVE headquarters. I was very lucky to capture this scene."

Zhou Jue was typing while typing on the keyboard, trying to make the photo clearer.

In the photo, it is an apron covered with dead bodies...

Two helicopters passed by in a flash, leaving an invisible phantom pattern in the corner of the photo.

"They're in an emergency." Zhou Jue didn't think it was an emergency now, but his face was very serious.

Luo Guoguo didn't leave, just stood there with a tray of coffee cups in his hand.

Zhang Yun sat next to Zhou Jue and lit a cigarette, rubbed his sleepy eyes: "Internal division? Or have you encountered an external enemy?"

"It's hard to say. In short, they killed a large number of people and then managed to escape."

Zhou Jue glanced at the photo again: "I think so."

The information that can be transmitted through satellites is always limited.

Zhang Yun kept this matter in mind, and frowned slightly: "In any case, increase the defense around the area, not only to prevent zombies from invading, but also to defend against humans."

"Well, I will inform you tomorrow." Zhou Jue nodded.

However, in the photo, the route the two helicopters left was exactly the route facing the direction of Shanhe Town.

Of course Zhang Yun didn't think they would come towards the shelter, but Zhang Yun was a little sensitive seeing this angle and direction.

Sensitivity is a normal emotion,

It will make Zhang Yun more vigilant.

His injury is just right,
I don't want to suffer the same serious injury again in the future.

Old life can't stand him playing like this.

In short, shelters need to increase their defenses,

Before going down the mountain, Zhang Yun used the few points in the system to buy 20 grenades for the grenade gun and the [Strength +9] attribute.

Fights will happen frequently.

What Zhang Yun can do is to make himself stronger.

But because the level is higher, the difficulty of upgrading is getting higher and higher.

It seems that I have to find a way to go to the city,

There are many zombies there, which can provide him with a lot of experience points.


Tonight is not the time to work, let's get some sleep first.


It turns out that

When you rarely want to rest, all kinds of chores will only increase, and then pile up, making it impossible for you to seriously rest.

Zhang Yun woke up after sleeping for several hours.

It was just dawn.

The Qin family members of the inspection team came back to rest one after another, and the rest rushed to take over.

In the town, Xi Lu and the others also got up one after another, and those who acted quickly had already started work.

as a leader,

What Zhang Yun does every day is nothing more than some record work,
He will record how long who has been working, and then register them one by one, and count them into the working hours of each person, so that they can use them to buy everything they want.

As for the issue of the shelter system,
After more than half a year of running-in, everyone has gradually adapted,

Today there is no longer any resistance to institutional issues.

Busy until noon, Zhu Lingshan got in touch with Zhang Yun through the walkie-talkie, saying that she and Luo Yujie would come down to deliver meals later, and then she had something to discuss with Zhang Yun...

(End of this chapter)

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