Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 89 Shandy's crooked thoughts

Chapter 89 Shandy's crooked thoughts

You can use game coins to read books. The books on the third floor of the library contain many high-tech records.

The number of enemies killed can upgrade the performance of firearms, purchase various materials, and improve his strength.

Whether it is game currency or the number of enemies killed, it has a huge effect on Shangdi.

"I don't want to, the game currency and the number of enemies killed, use as much as you earn."

To dispel the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shandy drove the energy car around for several hours.

Only the city function has been activated, he can only move within the city, and there is an invisible barrier between the outside of the city and the sky.

"For me, only the library is useful, and the rest are dispensable."

After thinking about it, Shandy entered a room in biochemical mode.

After killing all the zombies, he entered another room in biochemical mode.

He ignored the players who greeted him, even if they were top beauties.

As a real human being, how much common language do you have with a character controlled by a player?

He was reborn in the game world, and he didn't have the idea that life is like a drama, and drama is like life.

"More than 500 million enemy kills in one day, more than 5000 million enemy kills in ten days"

After fighting zombies for more than ten days, Shandi played cops and robbers for a few more days.

When the people in the regiment asked him for help, he didn't bother to answer them. He was not from the same world as them.

If you can't beat someone, just call him for help, only trash can do this.

A few months later, the game added a mecha battle mode.

"Nimma, I still have to buy mechas myself, [-] million game coins per mecha?"

Hearing that you can get 2000 million game coins by destroying a mecha, while Shangdi secretly scolded Xingyu Company for being greedy, he was extremely happy in his heart. With his physical fitness and the additional abilities of the system
After fighting for 130 hours a day and playing police and robber mode for a full [-] days, he managed to scrape together [-] million game coins.

With 50 game coins and learning the driving skills of the mecha, Shandi bought a mecha.

Looking at the 18-meter-high mecha, he was extremely shocked.

Suddenly, Shandi entered the mecha, and with a thought, he came to a room in the mecha battle mode.

The mecha has three kinds of weapons, one is a cold weapon, one is a cannon, and the other is an energy cannon.

"Mind control? Isn't my physical fitness wasted?"

After a few minutes, the game starts.

Shan Di went straight to a mecha. With a mental power of 96.6, he instantly killed the opponent's mecha.

"2000 million game coins have arrived, and I can go to the third floor of the library to read books for [-] hours."

Exit the room, enter another room, and kill an opponent again.

"With my spiritual strength, it is obviously difficult to meet my opponent!"

Sweeping the rooms in the mecha battle mode one by one, Shandy's game coins continued to increase.

"A cannonball costs [-] game coins. Xingyu Company is too dark."

With a few words to himself, Shangdi took the trouble to smash the mechs.

"Nimma, it costs 50 game coins to change a barrel. It's too deceitful for players."

"Before the barrel is scrapped, the barrel will not be replaced."

Enter the game again and again, replenish the shells again and again, and kill the player's mech in seconds.

After playing the mecha battle mode for more than ten hours, Shangdi earned more than 37 billion game coins.

In less than a week, no one played mecha mode, and he was very depressed after losing his opponent.

The mech bought for [-] million game coins was smashed by several guns, and the maintenance cost was tens of millions of game coins. The money is unbearable!

"More than 200 billion game coins, even if you go to the third floor of the library, you can stay for more than 20 hours and read books for more than ten hours a day. More than 200 billion game coins can be used for more than 37 years. I am 150 years old now. With a lifespan of [-] years, and a few more decades to earn the number of kills, the game currency is more than enough.”

Sell ​​the existing mechas, buy five new mechas, and then return to the private residence.

Afterwards, apart from eating, drinking and sleeping, Shandi was either beating zombies or reading in the library.

In order to earn more kills, and also for his own guess, Shang Di took the trouble to fight zombies.

Changing nicknames from time to time, no longer participating in team battles, time passed year after year.

Decades later, Shandy used 1000 billion kills to buy a life, and his reserve life became 29 times.

A few years later, he used 77 billion kills to change the volume of the exclusive space from [-] cubic meters to [-] cubic meters.

"The length, width and height are more than ten meters long, and the mecha can finally be put down."

In an instant, the mecha was taken into the exclusive space by Shangdi.

"If the mecha can be used in the next world, it will be perfect."

Enter each game room and use the game currency to buy tanks, helicopters, heavy machine guns, sniper rifles, pistols, energy rifles, energy cars, heavy sniper rifles, assault rifles, and piles of weapons and ammunition.

Put the purchased weapons and equipment into your own exclusive space again and again.

This afternoon, Shandi took a look at the main page of Gunshen System.

"I'm already a hundred years old, and there are still about 50 years before the end of my life."

After eating, taking a shower, and sleeping, Shandy came to the library.

More than 200 years have passed quietly, and more than [-] billion game coins have been exhausted.

"Even if mechas, helicopters and other things cannot be brought to the next world, I still make a lot of money."

After reading books for more than [-] years, Shangdi memorized countless knowledge.

"I still have about 27 years to live. I occasionally go to fight zombies, and usually do other things."

In a good mood, Shangdi buys various ingredients with the number of kills and cooks by himself every day.

"It's okay to study cooking, it feels pretty good."

Shandi kept smiling when he ate the delicious food.

"I have been single for more than 120 years. In this life, I can only be single until I die."

Abandoning the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shandy changed his nickname and came to a room in biochemical mode.

After beating the zombies for a while, he found it meaningless, so he entered a room where the hostages were rescued.

The player nicknamed 'Gun King' couldn't help asking: "Brother, which planet are you from?"

"What's none of your business?" Shandy replied.

"At such an age, he can run faster than me. I'm a little curious." Said the gun king.

Shangdi, who is in his 120s, now has white hair and many wrinkles on his forehead. He looks like a fairy.

Warriors in the innate realm do not have the ability to not age, but the speed of aging is relatively slow.

"Don't you know it's popular to pretend to be old now? Take a potion of aging, and a teenager can turn into a gray-haired grandfather." The player nicknamed 'Chu Tian' said sarcastically.

"Let me just say, looking at such an old man, how can he run faster than me?" The gun king suddenly realized.

After the game is over, Shandy exits the room and enters an infinite fighting mode room.

"At such an age, you don't stay at home, but go to the game to play?" A player sneered.

Shang Di smiled coldly, and quickly walked up to him, practicing fists and kicks with the opponent.

In the room of infinite fighting mode, if you die, you will be resurrected. He has no shortage of opponents.

"Compared with marksmanship, my punches are much worse."

After practicing hand-to-hand combat for several months, Shandy entered the room again and bought a cold weapon spear.

"It's too weak, you can't stop a single shot, let's suppress your strength."

Converging strength, agility, and mental strength, Shangdi's strength declined accordingly.

"A player with a better record is almost killed by one move, and his fighting ability is very powerful."

"Guoshu is the same as wrestling, it's all done by fighting, not by practicing."

"Only by sparring without casualties, can one develop real fighting skills."

Day after day, month after month, year after year.

For more than twenty years in a row, Shandy was almost in the infinite fighting mode room during the day.

With countless sparring partners, his fighting ability is constantly improving.

This morning, as he was preparing to fight zombies, his figure disappeared from the game world.

 Please bookmark, please recommend tickets, this book will be on the shelves this Friday


(End of this chapter)

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