Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 88 Urban Functions

Chapter 88 Urban Functions
Corpses can be seen everywhere, the smell of blood is endless, and flies are flying around.

A disgusting sight that has annoyed countless players.

Since there is no hope of top ten, let's fight to the death, kill an enemy, and get [-] game coins. If you are killed by the enemy, you can quit the game, so the players on both sides are desperate.

Shandy pulled the trigger again and again, and the enemies fell to the ground one by one.

The sound of gunshots was endless, the sound of explosions came and went, and the screams continued.

It is difficult to distinguish between true and false games. If you are shot, you will be injured, bleed, and hurt.

After firing the bullets one by one, before he knew it, Shandy returned to the top of the list.

The number of kills as high as 16 has left countless players suffocated, terrified, and sluggish.

"The sniper upstairs must be 'God', rush up and kill him." A player from the Berserk Corps shouted.

The 'God' who killed 10,000+ solo became a thorn in the side of the Berserker Corps, and everyone wanted to kill him.

As long as you kill the "God" of the Blood Corps, you will become famous in one battle, and you will also get a huge reward from the leader "Tyrannosaurus".

In the game for more than ten days without enough food and sleep, the patience of each player has long been exhausted.

Hearing someone say that God is upstairs, the members of the Berserk went crazy and rushed into the building fearlessly.

For each player, they are just playing games at the moment, and there is no loss even if they die.

Hundreds of high-explosive grenades flew towards the building, and the sound of explosions continued.

Seeing this situation, Shandy decided to go to the basement.

T-Rex took the walkie-talkie and said, "Guys, burn him with gasoline."

Thousands of players, went to the gas station to get a lot of gas, and then came straight to the building.

After installing some booby traps and changing clothes, Shandy left quietly.

Along the way, Shandi easily avoided the players of the Berserker Corps by virtue of his perspective and hearing.

Half an hour later, the building was engulfed in flames.

"Why isn't God dead yet?" Tyrannosaurus was puzzled.

Seeing that the number of enemies killed by God was still increasing, the people in the Berserk Corps realized that he had run away.

In exchange for the clothes and equipment of the Jagged Corps, Shandy used a sniper rifle to shoot and kill the players of the Berserk Corps from a long distance.

Azure Dragon City is like a real city, there are many things available in the city.

There are more and more players burning houses. If it weren't for the severe road congestion, there would definitely be many players driving.

After fighting bloody battles until dusk, there were still more than 3 people left in the Berserk Corps, and more than 2 people in the Predator Corps.

Ninety-nine out of [-] players were injured, and they quit the game directly because they didn't want to endure the pain.

The number of players who were actually killed in battle was in the tens of thousands.

Being injured in the game feels exactly the same as being injured in the real world.

Taking advantage of the nightfall, Shandi pretended to wear night vision goggles, and once again acted as a night killer for several hours.

Silently sending more than 3000 enemies out of the game, he found a place to sleep.

After dawn, the two sides fought bloody again, and the dead and injured either left the room or became observers.

"There are still more than 900 people in our regiment, and there are only more than 800 left in the Berserk Corps."

"The watch starts to display the enemy's position, and now all players have nowhere to hide."

The traces of the enemy can be found through the watch, and Shandy's efficiency in killing the enemy is doubled, and he does not need to deliberately weaken himself.

More than an hour later, there were more than 600 people left in the Berserk Corps.

After another two hours, there were still more than 300 people left in the Berserk Corps.

If it weren't for the huge area of ​​Qinglong City, the winner would have been decided long ago.

Near dusk, the entire army of the berserk army was wiped out.

After the end of the game, Shandi, who has 10,000+ kills in Enemy II, gained the city function.

The player nicknamed 'Doctor' ranked second in the kill list with a record of 10,000+ poison kills
The victorious Jagged Corps will be rewarded with 100 billion game coins.

"Kill an enemy, and the reward for killing an enemy is 10,000 game coins. I killed two 1000+ enemies, and the reward for killing an enemy alone is more than [-] and two million."

"Destroy a helicopter, reward 500 million game coins, destroy a tank, reward 50 game coins."

Seeing that his game currency has risen to more than 5000 million, Shangdi couldn't help laughing.

In the game world, game coins are extremely important. More than 5000 million game coins are enough for him to use for a long time.

"In the past 10,000 days or so, I only earned [-]+ kills. The efficiency is too low."

To calm down, Shandy took a hot bath comfortably.

Throwing off the dirty clothes into the storage space, a storage space with a volume of [-] million cubic meters, he discovered a new use.

Anything placed in the storage space will disappear without a trace after reincarnation.

Now there is a dedicated space, a storage space that is not used much, and it is very suitable for storing garbage.

"It's been a long time since I had a decent meal."

Using the number of enemies killed, he bought a large table of delicacies from mountains and seas, and Shangdi ate them heartily.

After opening the city function, the black barrier outside the private residence disappears, and the streets and houses appear.
At this time, Shang Di didn't have the idea of ​​going out for a stroll, but just wanted to have a good sleep.

During team battles, there were gunshots, explosions, and roars everywhere, which seriously affected his sleep quality.

After sleeping for more than ten hours, he changed into brand new clothes and ate a bowl of braised noodles with soy sauce, and Shandi left the private residence.

He didn't enter the game room, and planned to study the city's functions first.

Ten minutes later, Shangdi walked outside a restaurant.

Two beauties in business attire bent down and lowered their heads: "Welcome."

"It doesn't look like a player, a game character?"

Shang Di entered the restaurant and walked around, and found that it was not much different from the restaurant in the real world.

It's nothing more than that the waiter is a game character, not a character controlled by the player.

After leaving the restaurant, Shangdi came to another place to buy a car.

"Sir, this is our company's production," the salesperson continued to introduce.

"How much?" Shandy asked.

"500 million game coins," said the salesperson.

Shandy buys a power car and goes to a library.

There are three floors in the library, and recharge consumption is implemented. The first floor is [-] game coins per hour, the second floor is [-] game coins per hour, and the third floor is [-] game coins per hour. When the balance is zero, you will be kicked out .

The curious Shangdi charged 100 million game coins.

Looking at the books on the first floor, he was shocked.

The books on the first floor contain the same knowledge as the real world.

"I have mastered all these things, go to the second floor to have a look."

When he came to the second floor, Shangdi looked at a dozen books and quickly read a dozen pages.

"The knowledge in the book on the second floor is equivalent to when I was in Zhanlanxing, when my life was about to end."

Overjoyed in his heart, Shang Di walked quickly to the third floor and read the book without distraction.

Time is like running water, it is a few hours before you know it.

The balance of the library card was insufficient, and Shandy was kicked out.

"There are so many high technologies, if you don't learn them, I'm sorry for myself!"

Back at the private residence, eat, shower and sleep, and drive to the library a few hours later.

After recharging 3000 million game coins, Shangdi came to the third floor again, picked up the unfinished book, and flipped through it quickly.

With a glance at a page and an unforgettable memory, he jotted down the contents of a book.

"Time flies, I just read more than 2 books before I was kicked out."

"3000 million game coins, exchanged for so much advanced knowledge, made a lot of money."

After returning home to eat and sleep, Shangdi, who was fully recovered, came to the library again.

After charging 500 million game coins, I was once again indulging in the ocean of knowledge.

He can read a book in less than 1 minute, and after 150 hours, he has only read more than 1 books.

"The game currency is almost used up, and the number of kills is not much. Go to play the game currency? Or earn the number of kills?"

For a while, Shandi fell into a difficult choice, killing zombies for 500 hours, he could get more than [-] million kills.

If he plays game coins, he can get 10,000+ game coins if he struggles for [-] hours a day.

(End of this chapter)

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