Chapter 86
Looking at the large pile of weapons and ammunition in front of him, Shandy bought another combat backpack.

The heavy gun is hung on the body, the pistol is inserted in the waist, and a few magazines are carried with him. Food, drinking water, magazines, etc. are all put into the combat backpack. The load of more than 100 kilograms is obviously insignificant to him.

Battle Soul, the leader of the Jagged Corps, bought 600 tanks with 36 million game coins, nine armed helicopters with 9000 million game coins, and an armored command vehicle with 500 million game coins
After the game started, nine armed helicopters flew aggressively towards Azure Dragon City.

Nine tanks galloped away, followed by many teammates.

Looking around, there are teammates with guns and live ammunition everywhere, and Shandi's blood boils and his heart is extremely shocked.

It was the first time he had seen the scene of millions of people charging. Even though they were all mobs, there were too many people.

"Both the Berserk Corps and the Predator Corps have more than 300 million people participating in the battle. Is there such a thing as a dormant warehouse in the real world?"

There are more than 600 million players in a team battle, and there is absolutely no winner or loser in less than ten days and half a month.

If you get caught in a tug-of-war in the middle, it will take a few months to decide the winner.

Shang Di, who was puzzled in his heart, didn't bother to think about it, and hurried to a hill outside Qinglong City.

"The area of ​​the team battle map this time is more than 2000 square kilometers, and there are all kinds of terrain."

Half an hour later, Shangdi came to the lush hillside and looked at the Azure Dragon City a few hundred meters away.

"The large troops of the Berserk Corps have not yet entered Azure Dragon City. With my marksmanship, it is more suitable to be inside the city."

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Shandi decided to hide in the city before a large number of enemies entered the city.

The speed of infantry is not as fast as tanks. In order to get cover from infantry, tanks are not fast.

At this time, the tanks of both sides had not yet arrived at Azure Dragon City.

Only the armed helicopter, and the players in the helicopter, arrived at Azure Dragon City.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, but an armed helicopter was hit by a rocket.

"Damn it, we lost an armed helicopter." The commander's voice sounded from the walkie-talkie.

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, and several members of the Berserk Corps were blown away by the missiles carried by the helicopter.

Turning off the sound of the walkie-talkie, Shangdi quietly slipped into Qinglong City, and then came to the roof of a building.

Looking around, he raised his heavy sniper rifle and aimed at a red gunship.

The equipment and clothing of one's own side are blue, and the equipment and clothing of the enemy are red.

Of course, by changing clothing or equipment, you can become an 'enemy'.

"Bang!" There was a gunshot, and the bullets shot out, hitting the pilot of the helicopter.

The unmanned armed helicopter dangled around like a headless fly, and then exploded on the ground.

"I only get a little number of kills, but I don't get any kills from helicopters?"

Seeing that the gun god system only increased the number of kills a little, Shangdi felt a little depressed.

Turn the gun, pull the trigger again, and another helicopter falls.

"Want to run? No way!"

By increasing the effective range, bullet redirection and other additional capabilities, Shandy easily killed several other helicopters.

At this moment, five rockets shot through the air, and the three helicopters of the Jagged Corps exploded in the air.

"Flying so low, isn't it delivering food to people?"

Shandy whispered a few words to himself, picked up the assault rifle next to him, and pulled the trigger continuously.

Bullets shot out one after another, and several members of the berserk corps were shot in the head one after another, and fell to the ground with their eyes wide open.

"A gunship can hold ten people. If I'm not mistaken, there are dozens of Berserkers in the city."

"Use a helicopter to transport players carrying rockets, enter Qinglong City to ambush, and can fight both planes and tanks."

"Some people are self-centered and will definitely use helicopters or tanks to kill enemies on a large scale for the kill list."

With a heavy sniper on his body and an assault rifle in his hand, Shandi left the roof and ran straight to the tallest building in the city.

Several enemies who took him as prey received a free bullet.

The roaring rockets were either easily avoided by him, or he missed them with bullets.

Rockets with a speed of about 300 meters per second can be avoided by ordinary people as long as the distance is more than 400 meters.

When he came to the tallest building in the city, Shandi took out high-explosive grenades and made some booby traps.

I found some things, blocked the elevator and stairs, installed some booby traps, and then came to the top floor.

A few hours later, people from both sides, the enemy and us, rushed into Azure Dragon City from two directions.

"The scuffle has begun, it's time to kill the enemy."

Seeing that the enemy and us were in a brutal bloody battle, Shangdi took up his assault rifle and kept shooting the enemies hundreds of meters away.

In less than 5 minutes, he shot out all the bullets from the assault rifle.

"The number of enemies killed has increased by more than 900 points."

The magazine of the assault rifle is full of thirty bullets.

There are 930 bullets in [-] magazines, plus the magazines that come with the assault rifle, a total of [-] rifle bullets.

Shandy, who never misses a bullet, takes one shot at a time.

"It's too rogue. In the game, you still do such a thing."

Looking at the strong man who was bullying the beautiful player 800 meters away, Shangdi picked up the heavy sniper and shot the opponent.

The strong man who was shot suddenly screamed, and the players around him burst into laughter.

"The operation was successful, the first eunuch, my marksmanship is really accurate!"

Turn the gun, kill five tanks in a row, and then kill the enemy with a heavy sniper.

The trigger was pulled again and again, and headless corpses fell to the ground.

"Where is it!" A member of the Berserk Legion pointed to a tall building in the distance.

The assault rifle in the game has a silencer, but the heavy sniper does not have a silencer. It is easy for the enemy to find the position when using the heavy sniper.

After changing a room, Shandy killed a few enemies, changed the room again, and fired a few more shots.

Tossing and turning, shooting out the sniper bullets, and throwing away the heavy sniper casually.

"The enemy has entered the building."

Hearing the explosion of high-explosive grenades downstairs, Shandy picked up a pistol and quickly ran out of the room.

Go through the corridor and come to the living room opposite. After confirming that there are no enemies outside, go down the window.

After going down six floors in one breath, Shandy took out a pistol with a silencer and killed several enemies in a row.

Gunshots continued, screams were loud, and enemies rushed up from downstairs one by one.

Going over the corpse and coming to the house on the far right, Shandy pulled the trigger again and again.

Enemies entering the building will be hit in the head by bullets as long as they appear in his sight.

Looking at the kill list on the combat watch, no surprises, he topped the list.

"I killed 15 of them, and No.2 has more than 600 less than me."

No. 2 on the kill list is a player of the Predator Corps who pilots a helicopter. With the help of the helicopter's own cannon and missiles, he plundered the infantry group of the Berserker Corps for a few minutes, and was killed at this time.

Picking up the weapons and ammunition on the ground and putting them into the combat backpack, Shandy picked up an energy rifle.

Energy rifles use energy magazines to stimulate energy bullets. The brand new energy magazines can fire a thousand energy bullets.

"The bullet capacity of the energy rifle is much higher than that of ordinary rifles, but the effective range is only 300 meters."

"This building is the tallest in the city, and it will definitely become the focus of robbing for both the enemy and us."

"It's too cunning, lying on the ground, crashing to death, and smearing other people's blood on his body."

Shangdi, who has a talent for clairvoyance, couldn't help laughing when he saw an enemy downstairs lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

Millions of people fought, gunshots, screams, roars, explosions everywhere, and more and more players pretended to be dead.

Shandy, who was guarding the door, took the trouble to shoot and kill the enemy. Even when night fell, he didn't stop.

"More than 3000 rifle magazines, more than [-] rifle bullets, energy rifles can be eliminated."

Throwing away the energy rifle, Shandy replaced it with an assault rifle and fitted it with a suppressor.

Landing silently, he came to the corridor downstairs and took out a high-explosive grenade.
"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the player who was lying under the corpse and pretended to be dead was hit by a high-explosive grenade.

(End of this chapter)

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