Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 85 Joining the Corps

Chapter 85 Joining the Corps
The sniper bullet was too powerful, and the bandit who was hit by the bullet had a big hole in his head.

After taking out an enemy, Shandy stopped firing.

Focusing on killing zombies for more than ten years, he doesn't know much about the current strength of players.

The power of the weapon has not changed, and the marksmanship of many players has obviously improved several levels.

The curious Shangdi silently watched the players who were fighting.

"The ability to dodge is getting stronger and stronger, and several guys can actually dodge bullets."

Under the dynamic vision, he could see the bullet's trajectory clearly.

Finding a few players avoiding the pistol bullets miraculously, Shangdi was stunned.

"The two-meter-high container climbed up in an instant, and the human beings in the real world became stronger?"

Doubts filled his mind, and Shangdi, who couldn't get out of the game world, was inevitably a little depressed and regretful.

"It's useless to think too much. Instead of wasting time thinking about it, it's better to kill a few more enemies."

Turning the gun, Shandi pulled the trigger again and again, and the bandits fell to the ground one by one.

After a while, the bandits died and the police won.

"Brother God, have you joined the team?" A girl dressed boldly asked with a voice like a yellow warbler.

There were a total of sixteen bandits, nine of whom were killed by Shangdi, and it was inevitable that they would be targeted by players with teams.

Looking at the girl wearing a bulletproof vest and nicknamed 'Flame Phoenix' on her head, Shandi said casually; "No."

"Our Xuelan Corps is the ninth-ranked Corps in the game, with a total number of over 120 million. Brother God, you join our Xuelan Corps, okay?" Flame Phoenix said coquettishly.

"I'm not interested in your Shenandoah Corps." Shandi reflexively refused.

"Brother, how about joining our Jagged Corps?" Flying Pig asked.

"It's you?" Shandi found out that the player who spoke was actually known to him.

"Do you want to join our Jagged Corps?" Flying Pig asked again.

"Okay." Shang Di nodded in response, and the Jagged Corps ranked third in the game, with a total number of more than 300 million.

Flying Pig pressed the combat watch on his hand a few times, and sent out a message inviting the opponent to join the regiment.

Shan Di clicked to confirm, and in the blink of an eye, besides his nickname, there was also a regiment emblem on his head.

On the combat wristwatch that could only be used to view the map, there were messages sent by members of the Jagged Corps.

"Brother, what's your star network number?" Flying Pig asked.

"I'm not on Starnet." Shandi said solemnly.

"In this day and age, people who don't go to the star network can't find three living planets." Flying Pig doubted.

"I really don't want to go to Xingwang." After Shangdi finished speaking, he said again: "The game has begun."

The Flying Pig followed behind the other party in an unhurried manner, chattering non-stop.

"What's the scale of the teamfight tomorrow?" Shandy asked.

"There is no limit to the number of people, as long as you are willing to participate, you can go." Flying Pig said.

"How many people are there in a general team battle?" Shandi asked again.

"In team battles at the corps level, there are hundreds of people when there are few, and millions when there are many." Flying Pig thought for a while and said.

"What good is a team fight?" Shandy asked again.

"For team battles with more than 20 participants, kill the top ten players and activate the city function for free. Others need [-] Xingyu coins to activate the city function." Flying Pig said.

"What is the function of the city?" Shandi asked curiously.

"Cities in the game are like cities in the real world. Players who have not activated the city function can only enter the game room or stay in a private house when they are in the game." Flying Pig said slowly.

"Oh, so that's the case." Shangdi suddenly realized.

Seeing him stop, Flying Pig asked, "Why don't you leave?"

"The effective range of the sniper rifle is 1000 to 2000 meters. With my marksmanship, I can hit [-] meters. This position is just right. It can not only shoot the bandits, but also ensure my own safety." Shandi laughed.

The range of firearms is roughly divided into effective range, lethal range, and maximum range.

The effective range is also the precise range. Within the effective range, the accuracy of the bullet is very high.

The distance that exceeds the effective range and can kill the target is the killing range.

The maximum range doesn't make much sense, the distance the bullet travels can vary greatly from different angles.

Although his physical strength can resist sniper bullets, Shandi doesn't want to be hit by bullets.

In the current game world, it is easy to earn kills, and he doesn't want to be banned.

If the account is blocked by the game company, they will be kicked out of the game world, which is tantamount to losing more than 100 years of life.

"I heard from the team leader that in this team battle, weapons such as heavy snipers, energy rifles, tanks, and helicopters will appear. Xingyu Company will also increase the room for mecha battle mode." Flying Pig sat behind a rock .

"Can you fly a helicopter?" Shandy asked.

Flying Pig shook his head, and then said: "I really want to buy a helicopter in the game. When I know how to fly a helicopter in the game, I can get a helicopter license in the real world."

"Individual mechas are much more powerful than helicopters." Shandi said as a matter of course.

"The individual mechas produced by Xingyu Company are too expensive. The cheapest individual mechas cost 5000 million star coins, which is equivalent to 5000 billion of our Dayou Empire." Flying Pig said with a complicated expression.

"Can the game currency be exchanged for money?" Shandi asked.

"You don't know?" Flying Pig couldn't believe it.

"I didn't pay attention to these." Shandy said casually.

"Many people are collecting game currency. Private houses need game currency to increase land and fruit trees." Flying Pig said.

Hearing the sound of gunfire, Shandy looked towards the pier, then picked up the sniper rifle and shot the enemy.

"Excellent, one shot at a time." The Flying Pig was envious.

Shandy stalks the Flying Pigs while hunting enemies.

Two hours later, the Flying Pig, who was exhausted, quit the game with unfulfilled desires.

"The real world is wonderful, and the game world is also wonderful."

Shandy, who was full of energy, fought police and robber battles for several hours.

Back at his private residence, he added a swimming pool with 100 million game coins.

"There are only three 10,000+ game coins left. Get an orchard and a farm as soon as possible."

Taking off her clothes and jumping into the pool, Shandy swam for a while.

"Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat in the ground, donkey meat for dinner."

After buying food with the number of kills, Shandi ate alone.

"The beautiful players in the game are all codes, but I am a real human being."

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shandy took a shower, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

The Five Elements Wind and Thunder Kungfu can run automatically, and he has practiced the soul-suppressing formula to the highest level, but he can't practice the Zixiao Divine Thunder Art. After playing games every day, eating and taking a bath, he lies in bed and sleeps.

Martial arts cultivation has reached the innate early stage, and the limit lifespan has risen to 150 years. If there is no accident, he still has a lifespan of about 110 years in the game world.

After waking up from sleep, Shangdi ate his breakfast leisurely.

A few minutes later, the combat watch rang.

Shandy clicked to join, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in the dense crowd.

Figures of people appeared out of nowhere, and in less than 10 minutes, more than 200 million members of the Jagged Corps participated in the battle.

The number of participants on both sides has exceeded 300 million.

The leader of the Jagged Corps, a player nicknamed 'War Spirit', said loudly: "Brothers, the goal this time is Qinglong City. Our Jagged Corps and the Berserk Corps, whichever side captures Qinglong City will win."

The noisy voices kept ringing one after another.

Compared with the real army in the real world, the teams in the game are all mobs.

Ordinary members use walkie-talkies, and the signal coverage is only 50 meters. The administrators of the Jagged Corps level 900 to [-] use walkie-talkies, and the signal coverage is [-] to [-] meters.

Only when the leader uses the walkie-talkie, the signal can cover every member.

Shandy looked at the map with his combat watch, sold his sniper rifle, bought a heavy sniper rifle, thirty magazines full of sniper bullets, an assault rifle, ten magazines full of rifle bullets folder
 It will be on the shelves this Friday, please collect it, ask for a recommendation ticket, and ask for a reward

(End of this chapter)

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