Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 315 Chapter school {3 more}

Chapter 315 Returning to School {Third Update}
Ling Feng stayed in the dragon group for a day.

At the same time, he refined a yellow-grade psychic fruit.

Originally, it was impossible for him to evolve a level with a yellow-grade psychic fruit, but now he is only 9 meters away from the third-level crazy dragon.

A yellow-grade psychic fruit can still provide this bit of dragon energy.

After refining the psychic fruit.

"Hey, remind the host that the dragon energy value is 139, and it has reached the evolution condition. Do you want to evolve?"


"Evolving...evolved successfully!"

In the secret room, Ling Fenglong's body swelled up again, and it was nearly seven meters long. The delicate scales shone with light, and a powerful aura emerged spontaneously.

Level [-] mad dragon!

Since Ling Feng came out of East China Wu University, it has been less than ten days since he has evolved two levels in succession, which is not unpleasant.

With his current strength, the four-star heaven realm is not enough for him. Even a five-star can fight, and if he is a dragon, it is not impossible to kill the opponent.

"It's time to go back to school."

He is very satisfied with Ling Fenghua.

Just when it was time to go back to school.


East China Wuhan University.

Student Union.

At this moment, a group of students in the student union are also discussing one thing.

If you listen carefully, you will know that it was Li Feng who hurt someone in the student union before.

Inside the office.

Ye Bin, Zhou Zijie, and nearly ten people included.

However, this time the person was not headed by Ye Bin, but a young man who was four or five points similar to Zhou Zijie.

This young man is also from the Zhou family, and is Zhou Zijie's cousin Zhou Zihao.

"Brother Zihao, Ling Feng is really abominable, relying on himself as the rookie king and a student of Instructor Feng, he dares to attack members of our student union, and doesn't take our student union seriously at all, so he must be taught a lesson One meal, teach him a profound lesson."

Zhou Zijie said bitterly.

"That's right, that kid is too presumptuous. My student union has lost face this time. If we don't get back our place, who will be convinced in the future?"

Ye Bin said in a deep voice.

"That's true, you can't let this person go!"

"Even if he is a student of Feng Tuo, he can't let it go."

"We have to let him know, what about the rookie king, and the students of Feng Tuo? In front of our student union, even a dragon has to be coiled."

"That's it!"


Several important figures in the student union echoed.

Zhou Zihao waved his hand to signal everyone to stop.

"This Ling Feng does have some strength. He has just entered East China Martial Arts University, and his strength is comparable to the three-star heaven realm. Among the four rookie kings, he is also the strongest."

Zhou Zihao smiled, but his smile made people feel chills:
"However, he shouldn't, absolutely shouldn't. He's looking for death if he touches people in my student union. Although our student union won't kill him or abolish him, it's okay to let him lie in bed for a year or so. At that time, Feng Tuo will have no reason to criticize us."

Zhou Zihao said, glanced at Zhou Zijie, and snorted: "Everyone in my Zhou family is unwilling to admit defeat. Your aptitude is not bad, and Brother Ziyang has not given you less training resources, but Now that you have just stepped into the Nine-Star Realm, you are really embarrassing my Zhou family, and you don't have the ability, so don't provoke this Ling Feng. If you have revenge, you will attack the student union. This time the student union will lose face, and you will also You can't escape the guilt, after you have taught Ling Feng a lesson this time, you can go to the spiritual realm to practice, when will you step into the heavenly realm, and when will you come back, do you know?"

Zhou Zijie's body trembled slightly: "Understood, Brother Zihao!"

Only then did Zhou Zihao nod his head, then raised his head and asked, "Is Ling Feng back yet?"

"not yet."

Ye Bin shook his head:

"I heard that he went to Yunnan Province before and nearly wiped out the Storm Sword Sect. The suzerain and his son of the Storm Sword School were killed by this person. It seems that he went to Shanbei City later. I don't know if he is still there now. ?”

"Haven't you come back yet?"

Zhou Zihao frowned slightly:
"By the way, Teng Yue of Mingxinhui is also from Shanbei Province, so I asked him to come and ask."

"I am here."

While speaking, a voice came.

It was Teng Yue who came in with a student union member.

"Ling Feng is indeed in Shanbei City. He and I went to the Ancient Cave Mansion in Taishan before. This person has some tricks. He robbed me of two yellow-grade psychic fruits. It's very hateful!"

Teng Yue said coldly.

His face was full of unwillingness and anger.

After Ling Feng and Ni Qiandie left that day, he took his two attendants and searched in the ancient cave over and over again. Unfortunately, they found nothing. The pool of spiritual liquid seemed to disappear out of thin air, without a shadow at all. , which made him very angry.

In the end, he guessed that there was only one possibility, and that was that Ling Feng had a space ring.

The space ring is very precious, only some ancient families have it, this thing is a priceless treasure, few people own it.

"Could this person have obtained an ancient relic?"

Thinking of this, Teng Yue's heart skipped a beat.

A space ring, a pool of psychic liquid, and two psychic fruits, this is simply a big treasure.

It's a pity that he can't do anything to Ling Feng at all.

I'm afraid it's very difficult to get these things from him, and I have to think of a way.


Zhou Zihao and the others suddenly stood up:

"Two yellow grade psychic fruits!"

Several members of the student union in the office were shocked.

Huang Pin psychic fruit, of course they know what it means.

A psychic fruit means a one-star realm, which is worth their years of penance.

And there are still two yellow-grade psychic fruits that Tianjing takes.

"Is this true?"

Teng Yue stared at Teng Yue with sharp eyes.

"Of course, there is no falsehood. Ni Qiandie also knows about it."

Teng Yue didn't pay attention to the other party's eyes any more, he just said bitterly:

"The two yellow psychic fruits originally belonged to me. When I was fighting the orangutan, he took advantage of them and stole them. I wish I could kill him!"

Zhou Zihao laughed, "It's good to steal it, if you don't steal it, it won't be his turn."

"This person actually has Huangpin psychic fruit. It seems that Teng Yue came to ask me for help."

Zhou Zihao said.

"Yes, I hope you can help me find the psychic fruit. I can give you one."

Teng Yue spoke.

"Good to say."

Zhou Zihao smiled:

"Then where is this kid now, do you know?"

"Well...he should be back at school soon."

Teng Yue frowned.

He knew that Ling Feng had left Shanbei City.

But where he went, he didn't know.

Zhou Zihao couldn't help being a little disappointed. If Ling Feng didn't come back and hid outside, it would be useless to refine the psychic fruit.

He was about to speak, but at this moment, a person from the student union knocked on the door and came in: "Senior Zhou, Ling Feng is back!"

"What, he's back!"

There was a gleam in Zhou Zihao's eyes, and a smile appeared on his face.

"That's right, it's right at the gate of the school."

The students of the student union paused:
"However, he seems to have some conflict with Zheng Feihong, and they are confronting each other."

(End of this chapter)

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