Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 314 Condition {2 more}

Chapter 314 Conditions {Second Update}
Ni Qiandie looked at Ling Feng expectantly.

Today she has to find a way to get a psychic fruit from Ling Feng no matter what she says.

Her efforts paid off.

Ling Feng thought for a while, and said: "A yellow-grade psychic fruit is no small matter! But since you said it, I have to refrain from it. In this way, if you find me fifty catties of Five Elements Crystal, I will let you have one!"

"Fifty pounds!"

Ni Qiandie frowned, fifty catties of Five Elements Crystal, in terms of value, if she had this thing now, she would agree without hesitation, but it is not easy to find.

Of course, let's talk about getting the psychic fruit first.

Ni Qiandie nodded: "That's fine, I'll help you find fifty catties of Five Elements Crystal, but you have to give me the psychic fruit now."

Ling Feng smiled: "This is impossible, we will deal with one hand."

Naturally, Ling Feng would not agree to this kind of thing. If the psychic fruit was let out, who knew when Ni Qiandie would be able to find enough five-element crystals. If it was a few years later, it would be useless.

Ni Qiandie's face was a little ugly.

Fifty catties of five element crystals are not easy to find, and the first twenty catties were collected by the Gao Shenghui over the years, all of their savings.

It is very difficult to find another fifty catties now.

"Of course, you can also find fine gold such as meteorite gold, rock gold, earth gold, and magic gold, but you need a hundred catties."

Ling Feng said another sentence.

He needs to find the fine gold and the five elements crystal now.


Ni Qiandie's eyes lit up:
"My Gaosheng Society has rock gold and meteorite gold, but only about forty catties."

These four types of fine gold are actually the same as the five-element crystal, which belong to very rare ores, like meteorite gold, which is an ore from outside the sky. It rubs and burns at high speed in the cosmic galaxy, and the last essence is left, and rock gold is also one of the rock ores. It was formed after hundreds of millions of years of changes, calcination of lava, and nourishment of spiritual energy, each of which is hard to find.

These stone mines are used to refine spirit weapons.

It took a long time for Gao Shenghui to have forty catties of meteorite gold and rock gold.

"Then I'll give it to you when you get it all together."

Ling Feng laughed.


Ni Qiandie could only nod.

But this is a little bit better, in addition to the Five Elements Crystal, after all, there is another fine gold, which has a wider range, so it is easier to find it.

However, when Ni Qiandie thought of this trip to the ancient cave, her teeth itch with hatred.

All the benefits were taken by Ling Feng.

She didn't get anything, and now a psychic fruit needs to work hard to find these materials for the other party.

"Ling Feng, I'm at a big loss this time. I knew I shouldn't have asked you to help me. I'll go alone. When I meet Teng Yue and him, I can finally get a psychic fruit."

Ni Qiandie's eyes were full of resentment.

She really regrets it.

However, Ling Feng smiled: "That's not necessarily the case. If I don't go, with your little cleverness, you can't play with him, and you may not get anything. But he got two psychic fruits and a pool of spiritual fruits." Ye, think about it, will he exchange with you? He doesn't know anything. Both of you are big forces in Shanbei City, competing with each other. Moreover, he has two psychic fruits and a pool of spiritual fruits. Ye, at most one year, you can step into the five-star or even six-star heavenly realm. In that case, your High Saint Society will be in danger, but I am not a threat to your High Saint Society. On the contrary, you have a chance to get it now. One of mine."

"You can talk."

Ni Qiandie rolled her eyes.

I didn't say any more.

Think about it for the same reason.

She hopes that Ling Feng will improve his strength, and she does not want Teng Yue.

"Okay, that's all for this matter, when you have gathered enough materials, just come to me."

Ling Feng waved his hand:

"I'm going back now too."

Say goodbye to Ni Qiandie.

Ling Feng didn't go back to school immediately, but returned to Jiangcheng.

This is his base camp, he has to come back and have a look.

Now in Jiangcheng, the person he is familiar with, Sister Yin has also returned to the Qi family. Lan Qing and Linger have also gone to East China Wuda like him, and they rarely come back. Didn't call him, he called, but couldn't get through, only Hei Lang, Wang Meng and others were here.

On the contrary, the dragon group headquarters he arranged for Wang Meng to build is ready.

Fuyao Mountain.

foot of the mountain.

When Ling Feng came here, at a glance, he saw two buildings side by side. Behind the building, there were several small buildings. There were dozens of them. This area of ​​floors was surrounded by walls, with rockery and flowing water, flower gardens and grasslands inside. , narrow trails, the scenery is very good.

Ling Feng turned around and was very satisfied.

In the future, Longzu will work and live here, and if he himself returns to Jiangcheng, it will be the same.

"Leader, do you want to hold a ceremony?"

Hei Lang and Wang Meng followed behind.

"This is not needed for the time being."

Ling Feng waved his hand:
"Wait until the dragon team has enough power."

Hei Lang, Wang Meng hastily responded.

Ling Feng said: "You all did a good job this time, Wang Meng, come here, and I will improve your strength!"

Ling Feng grabbed Wang Meng and slapped the gate of life with his palm.

Streams of dragon energy poured into his body.

His strength was rising steadily, and soon he stepped into the two-star realm, three-star, four-star... After reaching the nine-star realm, Ling Feng stopped.

Wang Meng's aura is strong and sometimes weak, constantly changing, because Ling Feng has boosted his strength too much and his realm is unstable, which caused this phenomenon.

At this moment, I don't have the energy to speak, and I am absorbing my energy to run my exercises and stabilize my realm.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ling Feng raised his hand, and he also improved Hei Lang's strength. He did the same thing, and he was also promoted to the nine-star realm.

Ling Feng exhaled lightly.

A little bit tired.

To improve the strength of the two, the dragon energy consumed is not worth mentioning. The total amount is less than one milliliter, but it consumes energy. He needs to control the dragon energy that enters the body of the two to transform the body and run stably, otherwise the two bodies will It will explode at once, and only he can do this kind of thing.

At this time, the restless qi in Wang Meng and Hei Lang's bodies gradually stabilized.

The two are incredible.

We all know that Ling Feng can improve their strength, but they didn't expect that they can improve so much when they get to the ground, and they can see that this doesn't seem to be a big deal to the team leader. What kind of method is this?It is really the means of God, unimaginable and unfathomable.

They have reached the realm that others can hardly reach in a lifetime of cultivation.

Everything seemed like a dream.

No matter for Wang Meng or Hei Lang, neither of them thought that they would become strong in the Nine Star Realm in this life, and it would be impossible for them to practice by themselves until they died.


Hei Lang threw himself on the ground, tears welling up in his eyes:
"The subordinate's life belongs to the team leader, and in the future, he must be terrified to repay the team leader's kindness and support!"

Wang Meng also knelt on the ground, hugged Ling Feng's thigh, and burst into tears: "Team leader, you are really omnipotent. You are God, my god, and my belief. From now on, I will dedicate my life to the team leader." ,My everything!"

"Okay, get up!"

Ling Feng's goosebumps jumped up one by one, dumbfounding.

(End of this chapter)

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