Chapter 819 The Truth
No, Ye Tianfeng even felt that their current situation was worse than the life of the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha. Although Wuming was like the life of the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha in the meditation nunnery on the mountain, Wuming did not. She was able to go down the mountain to accompany her, just like last time, she went to Africa to accompany her for so long!

But with the current situation of Fang Qiang and Zhuang Yiqing, it seems impossible to even go out to the outside world with her.

Ye Tianfeng, how could he not be angry now?
"Don't get excited, okay?" The strange old man seemed to disappreciate Ye Tianfeng's excessive emotion.

"How could I not be excited, tell me: I can't take Fang Qian away!" Ye Tianfeng still seemed to be entangled in the strange old man's words!
The strange old man seemed to curl his lips for a moment, "I'm telling the truth! If you don't listen to me, I can't help it. Okay! If you really don't give up, you can ask her yourself to see if she wants to go with you That's it!"

"Okay, then tell me where she is!" Ye Tianfeng didn't expect that the old man would say that next time, but his mood swings remained unabated.

"What about her! In fact, for you, it's far away in the sky and right in front of you!" The strange old man's next words continued to make Ye Tianfeng's emotions fluctuate.

Ye Tianfeng hurriedly asked: "How do you say that?"

The strange old man seemed to twirl his beard at this moment: "Have you forgotten those two people you saw during the day? Do you still remember what they said?"

Ye Tianfeng naturally still remembered that one of those two people said to himself: The front is the territory of the leader Maung Aung Ne Win.

Could it be...Fang Qiang is currently in the territory of Maang Aung Ne Win?
This is really... too much, Ye Tianfeng couldn't describe it for a while.

The strange old man could still see Ye Tianfeng's thoughts at a glance, the strange old man said instantly: "That's right, the Fang Qiang you are looking for is currently in Maung Aung Ne Win's territory."

How could it be at such an edge?Ye Tianfeng still seemed unbelievable for a moment. According to his own general logic, Fang Qiang would most likely be in the center of the Golden Triangle, or even a little farther away from him now. Is it all like this?
The strange old man read Ye Tianfeng's heart again, and he continued: "Maung Aung Ne Win is actually not the biggest warlord in the Golden Triangle area, it's just that your girlfriend just happened to visit his territory now."

What words?What did the old man say?Ye Tianfeng is confident that there is nothing wrong with his young ears!

"Passing..." What does this mean?
All the splendor on Ye Tianfeng's face was seen by the strange old man, including the splendor in his heart at this moment.

And the strange old man also seemed to save time, and he didn't deliberately mess with Ye Tianfeng as before, and then he seemed to give Ye Tianfeng a complete back up: "I mean, your girlfriend's status here is even higher. It seems to have a higher status than the girlfriend you met last time!"

What?Ye Tianfeng was once again shocked in his heart, although he did understand what the old man meant, but this incident was really shocking.

Fang Qiang—how could she look down on some forces, maybe even all the forces here, in a place where drug lords are rampant like the Golden Triangle?
At a certain moment, the scene of Fang Qiang flying in that beautiful field of poppies suddenly hit Ye Tianfeng's heart again.At that time, Ye Tianfeng didn't think that beauty was really Fang Qiang, but thought that she was actually an elf transformed by Poppy.

At that time, Fang Qiang had already told him clearly: The poppy world is her home!

The Golden Triangle is a veritable world of poppies!

The Golden Triangle is Fang Qiang's home!
Fang Qiang is the owner of the Golden Triangle?

These questions seem to be convoluted, but they are actually a clear line.

Ye Tianfeng suddenly sighed helplessly.

"What are you sighing for?" Even with Ye Tianfeng's vague emotions, it's hard to escape the old man's discernment.

Ye Tianfeng actually suddenly felt tired!

Really, the significance of poppy to human beings is really something that people in the old man's world can understand, right?
Ye Tianfeng just suddenly felt: If Fang Qiang is really a big drug lord, no, it should be said that she may actually be the baby daughter of a big drug lord, then from now on, what should I do with my feelings for her?
Don't say that Huaxia has always opposed Poppy, even Ye Tianfeng himself, he can't forgive some things that are extremely evil to mankind!
"I'll go to Maung Aung Ne Win's place tomorrow to meet Fang Qiang!" Ye Tianfeng then said to the strange old man, "Give me her specific address."

No matter who Fang Qiang became or what his status was, Ye Tianfeng felt that since he had come from a long way, he must see her this time around.

At that time, whether to persuade her earnestly or kidnap her directly seems to be a matter of tomorrow, so I don't have to think about it for now.

The strange old man is very forthright, as if he has nothing to do with how harmful drugs are to human beings!He only knew that he was brought here by Ye Tianfeng for the purpose of finding someone for Ye Tianfeng, which seemed to be his obligation.

The strange old man gave Ye Tianfeng some places where Fang Qiang should appear tomorrow through the image of the disc.

Ye Tianfeng only read it for a while and memorized it all.He has traveled all over the world, and no matter how complicated the terrain here is, it will not trouble him.

And for the next whole night, Ye Tianfeng stopped meditating and capturing those energy spots.

And the whole night that followed seemed to him some kind of mental torment - it seemed that Ye Tianfeng and others seemed a little uncomfortable if he saw Fang Qiang sooner or later.

Beforehand, he never imagined that this trip to the south would end like this.

Both Fang Qiang and Zhuang Yiqing were fine, nothing happened, but to him, it seemed to be another kind of indescribable pain.

Ye Tianfeng even thought: Going back to the North of China next time, it will be a waste of time to explain to Li Aoxue.

But even if Ye Tianfeng didn't sleep all night, the next day would come in the order of his biological clock.

The next day, Ye Tianfeng bid farewell to this farmer, and truly embarked on the journey into the Golden Triangle.

It's just that he now knows: this journey may not be as intense as he expected.

Because of Fang Qiang's current status.

Ye Tianfeng could have predicted that when he saw Fang Qiang next, he wouldn't even shoot a single shot.

Ye Tianfeng didn't take a detour to other places, even though those two people had clearly reminded him yesterday, but now that he knew that Fang Qiang was in this place in front, how could he have detoured to other places.

(End of this chapter)

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