The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 818 Came to Golden Triangle

Chapter 818 Came to the Golden Triangle
After Ye Tianfeng left the caravan that didn't let him have any trouble along the way, he was alone looking at the Golden Triangle area, which seemed far away, but was actually close at hand.

Because of the strange silence of the old man, Yuanpan did not come back to give Ye Tianfeng the knowledge of this area under his control.

Otherwise, like when the strange old man was active before, as long as Ye Tianfeng stared at something like this, Yuanpan would seem to come and give him popular science knowledge automatically.Ye Tianfeng still has a deep memory of his previous trip to South America. He still remembers that at that time, he seemed to only see the Andes Mountains in front of him. He knew all about the geographical conditions of the mountains, including the customs and customs. Come and let him know.

And even though Yuanpan didn't come to give him science popularization due to special reasons, he already knew everything about the Golden Triangle!

The Golden Triangle (Golden Triangle) refers to a triangular area located in the border areas of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos in Southeast Asia. Because this area has long been rich in drugs such as opium and is the main drug producing area in the world, the "Golden Triangle" is famous all over the world.

The scope of the "Golden Triangle" roughly includes Shan State, Kachin State in northern Myanmar, Chiang Rai Province in Thailand, northern Chiang Mai Province, and Luang Namtha, Phongsali, Oudomxay Provinces, and Luang Prabang Provinces in Laos. In the west, there are more than 3000 villages and towns.


This is the general situation, but now Ye Tianfeng has no intention of studying the customs here.

He just wanted to know where exactly Fang Qiang was, and which armed force was in the hands of her.

As for the flood of poppies here, he won't be so lenient. At least for now, with his strength, he still can't eradicate this big cancer in one fell swoop.Maybe in a long time when his strength will explode, but it's really not now.

In fact, with the disintegration of some big drug lords in the past, Ye Tianfeng doesn't know who the boss of the Golden Triangle is now.

But no matter who he is, even if he is the emperor, if he dares to hold on to Fang Qiang, Ye Tianfeng will definitely dare to blow his second child.

Ye Tianfeng planned to blame the old man later, so that he would not be like a blind man touching a wall and delay the time to save Fang Qiang.

"Uh! Where did that man come from and what did he do?"

When Ye Tianfeng was in a daze, someone suddenly called him.

In fact, when people started to appear nearby, he felt it, but he didn't hide for a while. The portrait just wanted to see how much faster he could destroy the energy light spots of the undead system than when others did it first. , if someone wants to attack him first, he wants to see it.

Ye Tianfeng wasn't worried that someone would shoot him directly, it wasn't just that he had the confidence to avoid bullets at the moment, he also seemed to feel that this place wasn't so messy that people would do it as soon as they met.

What's more, it hasn't really entered the Golden Triangle yet.

Ye Tianfeng immediately squinted to see that the people who called him were two aborigines from the Golden Triangle area, and they were actually carrying guns.

It's not surprising to have a gun. Almost everyone in this chaotic area has a gun.

"Those who got lost during the trip are looking for a way!" Ye Tianfeng answered truthfully, casually.

These two people looked at Ye Tianfeng carefully for a while, and then one of them said as if he didn't want to question him any more: "You go! The front is the territory of the leader Maung Aung Ne Win, and no one else is allowed to enter."

Oh I see!The road ahead is already controlled by forces!Ye Tianfeng said in an instant.

Ye Tianfeng's well-prepared undead energy light spots were useless for a while, because he suddenly changed his mind: this person seemed to be kindly reminding him of something, forget it, they didn't use force against him, so he might as well let it go They go for it.

He wasn't worried that these undead-type energy spots would always be useless for heroes, because the road ahead seemed to be long!
And if Fang Qiang can be taken away smoothly in the future, Ye Tianfeng actually likes it without consuming too much energy spots of the undead system!

Ye Tianfeng naturally listened to that person's words for a while, at least in the sight of these two people, he didn't intend to forcefully break into the real Golden Triangle area right away.

But he also seemed unwilling to ask him to go to other places to detour.

Ye Tianfeng then took a look and waited, it seemed that it was going to be dark.

Suddenly, he wanted to go back to some nearby farmer's house to spend the night.One does not deliberately want to rest.He thought it was time to wake up the strange old man.

As long as the old man gets up and gives him some insights, he feels that he can even avoid a lot of detours.

It's almost like knowing where Fang Qiang is right away, and even marching in a straight line, you can see Fang Qiang in less than three days.

Ye Tianfeng seemed to have a beautiful idea in his heart.

He then quickly and smoothly found a reliable farmer and borrowed a room.

A very simple room, reflecting the low living standard of some people here.

But for Ye Tianfeng, there is nothing to be picky about. He has lived in the best palace, but people really don't have high requirements for material life.

After the family rested, Ye Tianfeng began to concentrate on rousing the strange old man.

"We've arrived at the Golden Triangle." This was the first thing the strange old man said when he woke up.

"Hmm!" Ye Tianfeng shrugged.

Here, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is already controlled by some forces in the Golden Triangle. What happened to the two who reminded Ye Tianfeng during the day, didn't it prove it?
"Can you see where Fang Qiang is?" Ye Tianfeng then asked to blame the old man.

It's strange that the old man muttered something in a low voice, and after all, he started to "practice" in a serious manner!

Ye Tianfeng waited seriously.

Soon, there was an answer from the strange old man.

But next, what Ye Tianfeng saw was the helpless expression of the strange old man.

"What's wrong?" Ye Tianfeng felt something ominous.

"You can't take this woman back with you!" After waiting for a while, the strange old man said.

"Why? What's going on?" Ye Tianfeng suddenly became very excited.

A situation like Zhuang Yiqing's was enough to make him uncomfortable, but he didn't want to... Could it be that Fang Qiang was also in this situation?
What made Ye Tianfeng feel uncomfortable was not only because he couldn't complete the task assigned by his wife this time, but more importantly: Fang Qiang and Zhuang Yiqing, these two beauties, he was also reluctant in his heart, how could he let them be bound together? What about a senseless sacrifice?

Thinking about how happy it was for the three of them to play and play in the atmosphere of Jincai before!
What is the difference between their current encounter and the company of the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha?
(End of this chapter)

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