Chapter 319 Information
Armadillos are still hunted, eaten for meat, and made into baskets for their skins, but armadillos are still primarily used as scientific subjects, for the study of genetics and embryology.Scientists may prove that armadillos could play an important role in the effort to eradicate leprosy.


"Shanhu, Mingzi, don't hurt the armadillo in the future!" Ye Tianfeng turned around and said for a while.

Both Shan Hu and Ming Tsai seemed to know what was going on without asking, and immediately agreed to Ye Tianfeng with a solemn oath like a soldier.

For a while, the three found their way and quickly left the Amazon jungle.

As the three of them were on their way, Ye Tianfeng had a detailed understanding of what Shanhu and Mingzai had said to him about their mission in South America.

Now that his business has been settled, besides looking for Li Aoxue, he can also help Shanhu and Mingzai freely.

"We found this group of traitors near Lima, but we lost them later." Shan Hu said afterwards.

Ye Tianfeng heard from Shan Hu and Ming Zai that besides reselling cultural relics and antiques from China, this group of traitors also planned to find some underground treasures of the ancient Mayans in America with some forces here, and even got some magic from China. Things, what kind of gate should be opened in this special geographical location.

Shanhu and Mingzai said that these people and overseas forces are looking for underground treasures of the ancient Mayans together, or even opening heavenly gates. What kind of miraculous things that flowed overseas even got here, not to mention that the senior management of Huaxia did not allow it, even the ordinary people of Huaxia despised this kind of behavior very much.

As a member of the top special forces in China, Ye Tianfeng also understood a certain truth: Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!

If this group of people hurt Huaxia's dignity even in different places on this day, Ye Tianfeng would not hesitate to kill them all here on behalf of Huaxia!

But who exactly are these traitors?

Shanhu and Mingzai are still unable to clearly state the list of traitors who came to this South American land this time, and they need to track further to confirm.Naturally, every Chinese who came to this land of South America cannot be regarded as an object of suspicion, because everything must pay attention to a proof.

Ye Tianfeng just thought in his heart: Does this gang of traitors include people like Li Deqiang and Xu Zhiqiang?

If there is, then the account of the hatred of the country and the family will be settled together!

When necessary, even let their souls stay on this South American land forever, to accompany the ancestors of those Indians.

When Ye Tianfeng came out of the Amazon jungle, he arrested the group of people who were fantasizing about holding a meeting of god-slaying heroes, that is, the people who were full of confidence in the banquet booth of Robert's house at that time. Most of the people in the group are gathering together again.


This time they still held a meeting in the banquet pavilion in Robert's manor, which is famous for its magnificence in South America.And Robert is still like the last time this time, roaring loudly without knowing who he is scolding.

In the Amazon jungle, the people sent by several major forces to capture Ye Tianfeng continued to fail, losing troops and losing generals. Moreover, this time even the whereabouts of the first brave general sent this time, Zhou Yong, were unknown.

Xu Zhiqiang and Li Deqiang contacted Zhou Yong personally, but they couldn't get in touch.How did they know that Zhou Yong's heart had already been given to Ye Tianfeng.

Zhou Yong is actually in a conflict right now: he cut off contact with Xu Zhiqiang and Li Deqiang for a while, because all of a sudden he was in some kind of undecidable consideration.

He was considering whether to return to Xu Zhiqiang's side temporarily, and said that he had missed and failed to catch Ye Tianfeng in the end.Now he feels that this is not a shame for him, and he can live with it in his heart - because Ye Tianfeng already has the capital to be admired by him, and he has personally proved it this time.Otherwise, in the past, even if others boasted about how powerful Ye Tianfeng was, he would not have taken it seriously.

But now, Ye Tianfeng has even become a big mountain in front of him, and he feels that he might have to look up.

If he returns to Xu Zhiqiang's camp for a while, he will consider helping them with other things, but if they want him to deal with Ye Tianfeng again, he thinks these people really don't think about it.

Zhou Yong also decided in his heart: If there is a chance in the future, he will help Ye Tianfeng more.

At the banquet booth, the result of arresting Ye Tianfeng was like this again. Although it was frustrating, some people still seemed to be optimistic and said: Zhou Yong and the warriors who went to the Amazon jungle have not returned yet, who can determine the final result? Is it a failure?Maybe there will be some unexpected reversal at the end.

Robert and Xu Zhiqiang were helpless in the end, but they could only rely on some kind of fantasy.

"In my opinion, let's put aside the matter of Ye Tianfeng and think about our next major event first! If the major event can be achieved, then I think it will be a trivial matter to solve Ye Tianfeng!" Later, in the banquet hall, a Robert The honored guest said so.

For a moment, almost everyone in the banquet hall turned their attention to this person.

But it turns out that he is also from China like Xu Zhiqiang and Li Deqiang. He also met Xu Zhiqiang and Li Deqiang in this banquet booth last time.It's just that he was a little indifferent to Xu Zhiqiang and Li Deqiang, who are also Chinese, and the latter two didn't want to bother him too much.

The faction that this person belongs to is the gang of Chinese cultural relics and treasure play reselling traitors that Shanhu and Mingzai want to track down.It's a pity that the group of them who came to South America are now hidden in Robert's manor. Even if they are abroad, they are as low-key as they are in China. But it may not be possible to find them.

In Xu Zhiqiang's heart, he always seemed to put the matter of catching Ye Tianfeng first, but now, after being reminded by this Huaxia person, almost everyone in this banquet hall was completely given up by what this person said. Attracted to go!
And Robert took the lead in excitement: "Yes! We have the treasures of the ancient Mayans in South America, as well as the Tianmen, which is the Tianmen! Once the Tianmen is opened, it will be easy to clean up Ye Tianfeng!"

Robert went on to say: The magical thing that opens the gate of heaven, now the alliance forces have two, and when the time comes to unite with the Virgin Mary of the South American temple, the matter of opening the gate of heaven will be carried out in some special locations on the South American continent. There is no suspense.

For a while, everyone cheered, as if the whole world would belong to them!

During the champagne celebration, a group of people simultaneously discussed the mining that the alliance will carry out later: in fact, they told the outsiders that it was mining, but secretly they wanted to plot the treasures of the ancient Mayans in the underground world.

(End of this chapter)

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