Chapter 318 Leave Safely
Ye Tianfeng, Shanhu, and Mingzai were led by the armadillo in front, and quickly turned from the connected rooms on the second floor to another corridor.

This corridor was also winding like the one that led from the first floor to the second floor, but it was undoubtedly much longer.

At many, many corners, the armadillos in front of us flashed and then disappeared.

This corridor seems to be endless. At the end of this corridor, Ye Tianfeng and the three of them know without even thinking about it. Once they go out, they can leave the general scope of the temple.

That is to say: Once they get there, it is very easy to get out.

"Boss, you must have cured that woman of some illness before, so she let us go?" Shan Hu said while on the way, "Oh! By the way, Boss, I didn't expect you to be good at medicine , but in the special forces before, I have never heard of you treating people!"

Ye Tianfeng replied to him like this at this time: "There are many things you haven't heard of!"

For a moment he thought of the miraculous and mysterious disc in his mind, but no one in the world knew about this disc except him.

"This woman is so strange! She also has pets like armadillos, all of whom seem to be psychic," Shanhu said again, "This temple is really incredible."

Ming Zai interrupted at this moment: "Boss, that woman seems to have magic powers! I didn't believe this before, but today I saw it with my own eyes!"

Ye Tianfeng also really felt some heresy, he didn't believe in this before, but since he had things like Zizhu and Yuanpan, he felt that the depths of the world might not be as superficial as he used to know.

Ye Tianfeng could only say to Shanhu and Mingzai in this way: "Maybe she relies on some special geographical location, but even if we encounter such a situation, we don't need to be afraid of her, just believe in science!"

The armadillo finally took Ye Tianfeng and the three out of the tunnel, and it was a different world outside. Although they were still in the Amazon jungle, Ye Tianfeng, Shanhu and Mingzai seemed to understand in their hearts: this place has already It is outside the scope of the temple.

The armadillo jumped to the entrance of the passage again after Ye Tianfeng and the three of them left the entrance of the passage which was obscured by some plants.

At this time, Ye Tianfeng thought to himself: Leaving aside the mysterious woman before, to be more realistic, it was this armadillo that brought the three of them out of the temple area safely. If you rush out, you will have to pay a very heavy price.

Armadillo, since he started his way to the remote temple, has always seemed to be the most beautiful animal in the Amazon jungle.

At this moment, Ye Tianfeng turned his head and looked at the armadillo intently again, and even though the three of them had walked a long way, the armadillo was still watching the back of the three of them reluctantly at the entrance of the cave.

It is really so human, her master is already an extraordinary woman, and it seems to have been upgraded from an ordinary animal to some kind of spiritual thing.

And it really is a spiritual thing!Ye Tianfeng knew that since he entered the Amazon, it was the only animal that could vibrate the mysterious disc in his mind.

Ye Tianfeng was so focused on bidding farewell to the armadillo at this time, so the disc in his mind immediately revisited some popular science knowledge about armadillos for him——

The armadillo family, widespread in the southern United States and South America, is covered with joint strips or horny bony plates that can curl up into a ball to protect the whole body.The toe has long claws, likes to dig holes, and has spike-like teeth. It feeds on insects and other invertebrates.The size varies, the giant armadillo is about 120 cm long, and the rare pink fairy armadillo is about 12 cm long.

Armadillos, small mammals closely related to anteaters and sloths, protect themselves with armor-like bony armor.In most species of armadillo, bony armor covers the head, body, tail, and outside of the legs; the bony armor penetrates deep into the skin and is covered by thin keratinous tissue.The bony carapace is separate on the head, anterior and posterior halves.The bony armor in the middle of the body is band-shaped and can move flexibly.Where there is no pelvis on the body, there is sparse hair.Armadillos have small ears and a long, pointed snout.The front feet have powerful claws for digging.

The giant armadillo (Giant Armadillo) has a body length of 1 meter and a tail of 51 cm. [2] It can sit on its buttocks, using its tail for support.The Pink Fairy Armadillo, or Pichiciego, is the smallest species of armadillo, about 6 inches long, pinkish-white, and unlike other species, its armor covers only the crown and torso.The Three-banded Armadillo can ball itself up to protect itself.The Nine-banded Armadillo is the only species found in the United States and lives mainly from North Carolina to Texas.About 30 inches long, females typically give birth to identical quadruplets each spring. [3]
The most obvious structural feature is the jointed nail.This scute, which is composed of bone, is also covered with a horny epidermis.The upper body scutes form various patterns, but are usually a head shield and a series of protective shields for the neck and most of the body.Between the abdomen and the limb scutes, the soft skin is sparsely hairy.Some species curl up to protect vulnerable limbs and abdomen.Skull long and flat dorsally and ventrally.Teeth are partially lost with age.All armadillos have strong limbs, with large front and rear feet and blunt claws.Except for the genus Zhixu, the front and rear feet are all five-toed, and the hind feet are often amped.

Most species of armadillos live in burrows during the day and come out to forage for food at night.They eat termites, ants, snakes, carrion and vegetation.

Armadillos have no more dramatic specializations in diet and locomotion than in other species of the order.Most species feed primarily on insects, but also eat invertebrates and small vertebrates, as well as plant foods.

The body length is 12.5-100 cm, the tail length is 2.5-50 cm, and the weight can reach more than 50 kg; the sides of the upper body and the outside of the four limbs are often covered with bone plates and scales, which constitute the armor to protect the body. This armor consists of several rows. The movable horizontal belt is divided into two parts, the front and the rear, and the horizontal belt is connected by elastic skin, which can curl the body into a ball to defend against natural enemies; the ears are small; the tongue can be retracted; the forelimbs have 4-3 fingers, the claws are curved and strong, 5 toes, with claws; teeth are small, nail-shaped, and grow throughout life.

The most distinctive feature that distinguishes an armadillo from other animals is its scaly armor.It is because of this pair of armor that it was dubbed the "armored pig" by the Spanish conquistadors.When the Spanish ravaged Mesoamerica, they often saw Aztec tribal peddlers exchanging armadillo meat for cocoa beans at village fairs.They also noted that armadillo meat was "very tasty and tasty".

(End of this chapter)

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