Chapter 267 Let's kill each other

The bush Tibetans can only hide relatively speaking, if someone really wants to find it, they can't hide anything.

The matter is still brought to light!
Ye Tianfeng and James looked at each other.

"Go!" Ye Tianfeng said suddenly.

For a moment, his shadow rushed towards the chaotic crowd behind.

Not to be outdone, James followed closely.

"Hurry up and report to the boss later...

A member of the Jerome family's expedition team had his throat cut in the middle of his words, and he couldn't even see what cut his throat in an instant when he died.

"Hey! You are...

Another member of the Jerome family expedition team was even more funny. At first, he thought that the person who suddenly approached him was a member of the same Jerome family expedition team, but when he realized that the clothes were wrong, he suddenly approached him This person has already charged his life.

The dozen or so people inside were all killed in an instant, but the people further behind had already noticed the big commotion here.

It's too late for Ye Tianfeng and James to hide the corpses of these dozens of people now, and it's useless to hide the corpses now, because the smell of blood is too heavy.

"What should I do?" James felt that he had been discovered properly this time.

"Come and kill one!" Ye Tianfeng said every word.

At this moment, James stared blankly at Ye Tianfeng again: He had never seen such a masculine man, and such a cold man!With a touch of evil!

"Boom!" Someone behind started firing a shot.

"Let's use guns too!" Ye Tianfeng said again.

Immediately, they saw a large group of people rushing towards them.

"Bah ah!"

With three shots in a row, Ye Tianfeng ran backwards to the three people in front.

However, more people flocked from behind.

"What's going on over there?"

At this moment, far away, near the edge of Edith's tribe, some members of the Jaguar Commando and some members of the Weir family Bushguard finally converged.Meanwhile, it was dawn, and the members of the Jaguar commando team and the Weir family's forest guards also realized that Ye Tianfeng was no longer in the tribe.There were still sporadic misunderstandings of gunfire in the tribe, but they stopped completely in the end.Some of them were even ashamed that they didn't know that Ye Tianfeng had escaped from Edith's tribe.

Although the bush is big, some people's ears are still very good. Even if they are far away, some people from the Jaguar commando on the edge of Edith's tribe and the forest guards of the Weir family can still hear it vaguely. Get the gunshots here.

At this time, no one issued an order, and people from the two forces rushed towards this direction at the same time.

They first saw a team from the Jerome family's expedition team running faster along the edge of the bush, trying to rush to the end of the bush to intercept Ye Tianfeng's people, and then some people from the Jaguar commando team and the Weir family's forest guards I was thinking in my heart: Why does it seem that the Jerome family expedition team found out where Ye Tianfeng was, and didn't notify me in time?Could it be that they want to monopolize the results?Oh shit!
Some even scolded their mothers in their hearts.

However, their footsteps were unambiguous. When the leader of them confirmed from some members of the Jerome family expedition team that Ye Tianfeng was hiding in this vast bush, they decided to immediately join the ranks of snatching the results. .

Many of them, like Dodd, now think that Ye Tianfeng may indeed be at the end of his life now.Persistence is victory, depending on the situation, several forces and a large group of people have contributed a lot to dragging the enemy for a night, and now it is the final finale, no matter how fierce the enemy is, there will be a moment of execution!
Besides, it's dawn now, unlike last night in Edith's tribe where there were tragedies where one of her own people beat her own by mistake.

Although some members of the Jaguar Commando and the Weir family's forest guards began to be complacent, Ye Tianfeng, who was carved in the depths of the bush, did not have the same idea as them.

Even though it was dawn, in this bush, Ye Tianfeng felt that it was better to be invisible than in Edith's tribe at night, and it was easier to kill people under the cover of these bushes.

"James, put away your gun, don't shoot now, come with me!"

After knocking down several members of the expedition team of the Jerome family who were not afraid of death, Ye Tianfeng suddenly threw the gun in his hand into the grass on one side.

Immediately, he led James, but instead of heading the way before, he changed direction and headed north, as if he was about to run straight out of the bushes.

At this time, Ye Tianfeng heard that many people from all directions were gathering in this bush, just like last night, he felt that many people were gathering in Edith's tribe.

The principle is the same!Now the bush has become a new encirclement.

OK!Come kill one!
Brother is not in a hurry to get out of this bush now.

And although this bush is long, in fact, some areas are also unimaginably wide.At the beginning, Ye Tianfeng and James wanted to run straight ahead, relying on the cover of these dense bushes to escape from here.But now, the method of watching the situation is not feasible.

And if this bush is surrounded by people in all directions, it is broad daylight now, and they are not as invisible as in the night. Once they get out of the bush, the chance of being shot is even greater.

Ye Tianfeng looked at the terrain and chose a very wide direction to head north. He and James used to run along the length of the bushes from west to east, but now they ran to the width of the bushes and went straight north.

Earlier, a large group of people chased them from west to east in the original place.

But Ye Tianfeng took James straight to the north.For a moment, no one from the large army of Dodd and others went straight north to chase Ye Tianfeng and the others.However, those people still swept the width of the bush unambiguously, with the determination to drive Ye Tianfeng out of the bush without giving up.

"Brother, go straight north and we will be exposed through the bushes!"

At this moment, everyone in James could see a different view behind the bushes in the distance.

"It's okay," Ye Tianfeng said, "Let's not shoot now, the main force of the large group of people before will not know our position, and if someone comes in ahead, let's kill him one by one! Follow the previous practice!"

Ye Tianfeng is thinking like this in his heart now: people will assassinate some mistaken piercers step by step at the edge of the width of the bush, wait for a certain place where the enemy is weaker, and then rush out of the bush, anyway The outside is still in the jungle, so just find a place where you can become invisible outside at once!

(End of this chapter)

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