The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 266 The Shadow of the Knife in the Bush

Chapter 266 The Shadow of the Knife in the Bush

"You want to trap us in this bush like you're surrounded by that tribe?" Ye Tianfeng smiled instantly, "Next in this bush, brother is really going to teach them what it means to kill people like hemp. Ha ha!"

James didn't know for a while that the Death Scythe could exert its greatest power in this kind of bush.

Knives are better and faster than guns in this bush!

"Should we still not shoot?" James asked.

After all, he was just a big kid.

Ye Tianfeng said: "Use other weapons! This bush is their burial place, come and kill one by one!"

For a moment, Ye Tianfeng suddenly closed his eyes like an old monk in meditation.

James also didn't speak for a while, and began to half-close his eyes to rest.

Neither of them slept all night!And by this time, it was almost dawn.

But even until dawn, God does not allow them to sleep.

Because they seem to have been surrounded again now.The enemy is hunting bush by bush until they are found.

However, Ye Tianfeng and James seem to be sleeping now, there are also snakes wanting to swim in, but when they smell the smell of medicine powder, they swim away again, the medicine without tea is not covered!
This bush is surprisingly large, although it is not a big deal in the vast Amazon jungle, but for Ye Tianfeng, playing killing games is enough place. When he was a man, the area of ​​the forest seemed to be smaller than this bush, but he still felt that he could handle it with ease.

Earlier, a group of Jerome family expedition members were divided into two groups. In the two groups, a group of more than 20 people went around the bushes, intending to run to the front to contain them, but the more they ran, the more they went. I feel more and more that this bush is unusually long, and it is still in the Amazon jungle at the end. Even if this bush is over, it is not a clear plain.In fact, some expedition members of the Jerome family felt a little disappointed that they might not be able to catch up with them in the end, but they didn't show it.

But the leader, Dodd, looked full of confidence. He felt more and more that Ye Tianfeng was still hiding in the bushes, and in his consciousness, Ye Tianfeng had already been injured.

Dodd, Commons, and Edith personally led the large force of the Jerome family expedition to search from the bushes, and Commons arranged for his adjutant to lead the attack on both sides of the bushes.

Their team still has some vanguard troops to open the way ahead.

There are many snakes in the bushes, but the members of the Jerome family expedition team are used to playing in the jungle. These snakes have also become desperate souls under their swords and guns. In this bushland, the people of the Jerome family expedition who cooperated outside saw Ye Tianfeng, and usually spared their lives, because shooting innocent animals to waste their bullets and energy is really not much. meaningful.

James opened his eyes after sleeping for a while, and saw that Ye Tianfeng still had no intention of leaving.

He couldn't ask anything for a while, and wanted to close his eyes and continue to meditate, but suddenly he heard a sound that didn't look like an animal approaching from a distance behind.

At the same time, two shots were heard.

Sometimes some are relatively dense, and the members of the Jerome family expedition do not want to drill into the bushes to experience in person, they usually take the method of shooting to check.

Sometimes they were actually shot by some animals that they checked inside, but there was still no one.

"Have you finally caught up?"

Ye Tianfeng opened his eyes at this time, with a habitual, slightly wicked smile on his face.

"Let's kill!" James immediately stood up.

For a while, the two of them hid in a blind corner of some kind of bush, listening to the sound with their ears.

"Still searching like a carpet! I guess people have already run out of the bushes!" A voice came.

Another voice came over immediately: "Isn't it? Connie, let's hurry up, if this continues, I'm really going crazy!"

After hearing the voice, Ye Tianfeng looked again, and indeed there were only two people who came first.

"呵呵" two sounds of needle shooting that were so thin that they were almost inaudible, the two people who spoke immediately fell down for no reason.

Ye Tianfeng and James rushed out immediately, and hid their bodies in a dense bush at an extremely fast speed.

Then they just hid their bodies when three more people came over.

"Hey! Where's Connie and Kelan?" The leader of the three suddenly yelled, "Isn't it going so fast? The boss said, we need to take care of each other, otherwise we will...

Before he could finish his words, suddenly there was a ray of demonic light in front of the three of them, and then he would never finish his words.

"Quick, Tibetan!" Ye Tianfeng said to James immediately.

He estimated that this might be the first team to find the way.

"I just heard a voice in front of me, hurry up!"

Ye Tianfeng and James had just finished hiding the three dead men, when suddenly several people ran past them who had fled to one side of the bush.

Is the big team here?
Ye Tianfeng heard that there was no sound from behind.

In fact, Dodd, Commons, and Edith's team hadn't arrived here yet. They searched very carefully. According to Dodd's words, they were afraid that Ye Tianfeng had already hidden in some bush and fell asleep, and then happened to be there again. After being shot by them, I fell into a sleepless sleep for a while.

Dodd laughed self-righteously after he finished speaking, and Commons and Edith, like idiots, laughed along with him.

When Ye Tianfeng heard that there was no sound from behind, he knew that the one who ran past just now might be just the enemy's second team of scouts.

Hurry up and kill them all!

At this moment, both Ye Tianfeng and James had the same idea.

Now James has also put away his gun, and took out a dagger that he carried with him. It was shining brightly, and he knew it was a murderous weapon at a glance.

It was five people who ran over just now.

"I don't think it's possible for Connie and the others to walk so fast, ah—"

He turned around suddenly, but when he saw the bright shadow of a knife, his throat felt sweet, and his words stopped.

The other four also didn't see the faces of Ye Tianfeng and James clearly, and they all became souls under the knife.

"I did hear noises ahead, and I could smell blood, it's definitely not animal blood!"

Ye Tianfeng and James had just finished disposing of the bodies of the five people when a voice came from behind.

"Ah! Our people, they're dead—"

Suddenly there was a scream, it turned out that someone from behind found the corpse of his companion following the smell of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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