urban small world

Chapter 921 Invisible Welfare

Chapter 921 Invisible Welfare
If he didn't clarify the question in his heart, Lu Zheng would feel very uncomfortable.And he also faintly felt that something was wrong.But what the hell is wrong.He couldn't say this again.I have become an official who is not a scholar, and I feel that I should be more careful.Don't follow Li Qinglin's way.It is best not to go alone with them to places where there are few people.So as not to be sacked by them.If Li Qinglin and the others knew what Lu Zheng was thinking, they would probably die laughing.Yes, they had such thoughts before, but after last night, they no longer had such thoughts.Not only will they not be able to do anything, but they will even present a pennant to them face to face when there are many people.Of course, Yinger and the others came up with this idea, and even the pennant was made by the two of them when they were bored yesterday.Of course, their original intention was to disgust Lu Zheng and the others, so let's not talk about the quality of the pennant, but it still looks very beautiful from the outside.Otherwise, they will not be able to achieve the desired effect.It was dawn, and many people came to Brother City one after another.It has to be said that a house is still a very important thing for Huaxia people.Even now they don't lack houses to live in, but it's a pity that the houses in the main city can only be rented, not bought, no matter how much money they have, they can't buy them, which makes many of them feel insecure feel.Therefore, now that Brother City has opened, it has attracted the attention of many people.It's just that a few days ago, everyone was still waiting and watching. Of course, it is also possible that they want to buy it cheaper.It's a pity that when they hesitated, the development of the matter not only did not go in the direction they wanted, but instead went all the way in the direction they didn't want.Yes, when they came here today, they heard that the housing prices in Brother City had actually increased by [-]% compared to yesterday. At that time, many people were stunned.Did they hear it wrong, or did Li Qinglin and the others go crazy?Many of them thought the price yesterday was too high, but why would they dare to increase it by [-]% today? It's just grabbing.No, Lu Zheng also heard those voices not far away. Originally, he was still thinking about what reason he would use to criticize today.Now it's all right, he doesn't need to think about it, Li Qinglin and the others directly gave the 'handle' to their hands.If they don't know how to use it, then they are really stupid. "No way, Boss Li, you guys are just robbing. Your house price is from the Rockets. Even if you want to increase the price, there is no such way to increase it. Everyone comes to buy a house sincerely. You are like this now. , I just don’t want everyone to buy a house, I think you are driving customers out.” “That’s right, that’s right, Boss Li, that’s not how you do business.” Why did the price increase so much all of a sudden, you tell us." "That is, don't buy it, don't buy it, listen to me, everyone, Wulin Mainland, it's not only the brother cities that have houses to buy, if you want to buy a house If so. Wait for a while, isn’t there three more cities that need to be repaired, and then go there to buy a house, I think, it will definitely be cheaper than here.” Of course, Lu Zheng will not let go of this opportunity Not only did they despise Li Qinglin and the others, but they also made an advertisement for the boss behind them.And when those people heard it, yes, it seemed to make sense, anyway, now they also have a house to live in, and no one will drive them away in a while, and the matter of the house is not in a hurry.Let them wait a little longer, and they can wait. "That's right, that's right, if Boss Li can't give us a credible reason, we won't buy it, and we'll wait for other plans." Many people beside him also booed.And this was all due to Li Qinglin's calculations. Obviously, they didn't take these people's words seriously.And those who can come to see the house for a while, it is obvious that they have good eyesight.But Li Qinglin didn't believe it. If they knew that there was a teleportation array leading to the Supreme Continent, they wouldn't know the business opportunities here.Don't look at them screaming fiercely at this time, if they know about the teleportation array, it is estimated that Li Qinglin and the others will not sell it to them, and they must find a way to plead with Li Qinglin and the others to sell it to them.As for whether that will slap them in the face, for these business people, slapping in the face is nothing. They usually encounter a lot of embarrassing things. If they are thin-skinned people, they will not survive at all. .As long as they see that they are making money, they don't care whether they will be slapped in the face.Li Qinglin also knew this, so he was not in a hurry, he just wanted to watch Lu Zheng's performance, the more he incited others now, the more he would be resented when Li Qinglin finished his tricks.Obviously, Li Qinglin has thoroughly studied human nature. "Don't be impatient, everyone. We raised the price after careful consideration, because we think the house in Brother City is worth the price." "Boss Li, the house in Brother City is worth the price. If it is really It’s worth the price, you wouldn’t sell it so cheap a few days ago, right? Your explanation is too far-fetched.” After thinking about it, everyone was right. Although they didn’t like Lu Zheng, what he said was true. It makes sense. "That's right, we don't accept this explanation." Li Qinglin and the others don't care about other people's objections. Anyway, they will not easily change the things they have decided long ago. "In the first three days, we had a promotion, so the price will be cheaper. Today, it's just to restore the original price, and this is also a benefit we give to customers who placed orders in the first three days. Sorry, this benefit is today. No more, so now everyone can only buy at the original price." Li Qinglin is really talking nonsense with his eyes open.But who told him to be Party A? Aren't they the ones who have the final say on everything. "What kind of welfare, you didn't even mention it, this is completely made up by you now, Boss Li, you are not authentic." Lu Zheng continued to attack Li Qinglin and the others there.Although what he said was right, Li Qinglin would not admit it, what a joke, as long as he didn't admit it, what could others do to him.After all, all the interpretation rights here belong to Li Qinglin and the others. "This is an invisible benefit that we offer. Of course we won't say it out. Everything depends on fate. If we don't get this benefit, we can only say that we are not destined."

(End of this chapter)

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