urban small world

Chapter 920 Enthusiasm

Chapter 920 Enthusiasm
"You can say that too!"

"Ah, what's the matter? Is it too much? You can add a little less." Xu Fei touched his head embarrassedly and said.

"Hey, at first glance, you are not a material for doing business. There are too many, I am embarrassed to say you."

"Ah. Not much? Don't tell me you still want a [-]% increase?" Xu Fei's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

Xu Fei used to be an ordinary person, and his family on Earth-Earth was also the kind of person who couldn't afford a house.

In his mind, 10% is a lot.It's like a house price of [-] yuan suddenly increased to [-] yuan. Even if the house is [-] square meters, it will be [-] yuan more, okay?

For ordinary people, this is enough for their salary for one or two years.

"You, it really isn't the material for doing business. If there is no teleportation array, let alone a [-]% increase, even a [-]% increase is a lot, and it will scare away a lot of customers, but now we have an extra teleportation here. It’s different. Thirty thousand, at least [-]% more before selling.”

"That's right, Xu Fei, I think you'd better do the logistics and let you sell the house, we're not at a loss."

Xu Fei shrugged and didn't care.Anyway, he doesn't know how to speak very much, which is the best. He would rather do more things than deal with those customers. Who made him stupid.

"That's okay. I don't like selling houses in the first place, so I will leave the logistics to me. Don't worry, I will definitely raise you up for nothing." Speaking of this, Xu Fei immediately became more confident.

As a human being, most of the time, he was forced. Xu Fei was not very good at cooking in the past, but a few days ago, he lived alone in the forest. After a long time, he learned to cook even if he couldn't.Otherwise, he would have starved to death.

After a while, people from Brother City came.But Li Qinglin and the others couldn't help showing a smile when they saw it.

If it had been yesterday, Li Qinglin and the others would have frowned when they saw it, but today, they were happy.

That's right, they all knew the first few people, and they were very familiar with them. Who made them appear here for three consecutive days.And they were all very lively people.In the past few days, they have not less expressed their views.It made Li Qingsong and the others want to beat him up a long time ago.

But after what happened last night, Li Qingsong and the others not only didn't want to beat them up, but were very grateful to these people, if it wasn't for them.Li Qinglin and the others will make a lot less money.

"Ah, the brothers are here, haha, you are all tired, come quickly, have a cup of tea, and take a rest. Xu Fei, why don't you pour a few cups of tea?"

"Okay, come right away."

Li Qinglin and the others enthusiastically invited those people to drink tea, but this made them very depressed. They didn't know what Li Qinglin and the others wanted to do?
They couldn't help thinking, could it be that they have confessed, so now they want to please them?
Hmph, we won't be easily fooled.If you want to please us, you have to ask us if we agree.The few people looked at each other, and then they quickly reached an agreement.

"Boss Li, what's the matter with you today, are you so polite?"

"Haha, from what you said, it's because you've been here for so many days and you're all tired, so I want to thank you."

Those few people looked at each other, no, this is very wrong, abnormal, not normal at all.They knew that Li Qinglin and the others wanted to swallow them alive yesterday afternoon.How could their attitude change so much in one night?

If you want to say that there is nothing wrong with it, they will not believe it if you kill them.

But they didn't know what happened, so they felt inexplicable.But is Li Qinglin's tea so delicious?
By the way, they don't want to put something in the tea, do they?

The more they thought about it, the more they felt it was possible. After all, there were no guests here yet, and there were only a few of them. If Li Qinglin and the others took them down, wouldn't their troubles be much less?

The more they thought about it, the more they felt that they had guessed right. After all, if this matter were placed on them, they would do the same.

The few people who thought they had guessed the truth, of course, couldn't easily fall into Li Qinglin's way.

"Well, let's not drink tea. We just drank a lot of water in the morning, so we won't be thirsty now. Drink tea, let's skip it."

"Yes, none of us are thirsty." The others followed suit and shook their heads.

"Boss Lu, and all the bosses, it doesn't matter if you don't drink tea. Everyone, sit here. If you don't drink tea, there are snacks. Xu Fei, bring some snacks."

"Okay, here we come."

Lu Zheng and his companion glanced at each other again, it seemed that Li Qinglin and the others were determined to kill them.Seeing that their plot can't go on, they actually want to make snacks to fool them.

Will they be the kind of people who follow the Tao easily?Think beautiful.

"Boss Li, you are too polite. I ate a lot this morning, and my stomach is still full. I really can't eat anymore. Thank you, Boss Li, for your kindness."

"Yeah, we are all fed up too. Thank you, Boss Li, for your kindness." Others followed suit.

No matter whether they were really full or not, it was obvious that they would not be able to eat the food that Li Qinglin and the others sent, God knows if there were any ingredients in it.They don't want to be put down in a daze.

Although they all knew that they were enemies, they still had to maintain a superficial politeness before they said a lot.

No, now they are shouting one by one, Boss Lu, and one by Boss Li.I don't know, I thought they had a good relationship.Others, if given the chance, both of them would like the other to die immediately.

"It doesn't matter if you don't eat, then everyone should sit down and chat."

Lu Zheng thought about it, and this is definitely possible.They don't dare to eat food cheaply, for fear of being overfilled, but it doesn't matter if they sit for a while.

And they also looked at the chair, it is a very simple chair, there should be no mechanisms or the like.

Besides, as long as they are careful, even if it has organs, they will not be afraid.

"Then we won't be polite. It happens that we are tired after walking so far. Brothers, let's all sit down and recharge our batteries."

As for what they do to save energy, everyone knows it well.Obviously, there are no guests coming yet, and they don't want to talk to Li Qinglin and the others right now.

Yes, they come here to work, and if there are no guests, they don't have to work.But don't think that they are here to work for Li Qinglin and the others.

That is impossible.They're here to make trouble.That's right, they came here to find some shortcomings of Brother City.The purpose, of course, is to prevent those people from buying houses here.

As for why you want to do this.Of course it was for money.Someone paid them to do it.Even if they are beaten, there are other subsidies.

The most important thing is that this is the Wulin Continent, and the consequences of killing people are very serious. Most people dare not kill people no matter how much hatred they have.This is the truth that many people bought back at the price of blood.

It was precisely because they didn't have to worry about their lives being in danger that Lu Zheng and the others dared to take on such a job.As for whether they will offend Li Qinglin and the others, they don't care anymore.

Even Li Qinglin and the others have a big background, but so what.As long as no one dies, they are not afraid.

It was so easy to get money, of course they were happy in their hearts.

Li Qinglin and the others were also happy to see Lu Zheng and the others sitting down.Obviously, they did this on purpose.They just want to show it to others.

Wait a minute, what would the real customers think if they saw Lu Zheng and Li Qinglin happily sitting together, eating and drinking.

Do they think they are a gang?

Although it is not necessary for others to see them eating and drinking, but with tea and snacks on the side, it seems to outsiders that they are eating and drinking.

If it was normal, even if others saw it, they wouldn't say anything. After all, everyone knew that Lu Zheng and Li Qinglin were not in the same group, but what if Li Qingyun and the others announced the price increase while releasing the news of the teleportation array.

What will those people think then.Then I don't know.

Soon, some guests came.Moreover, Li Qinglin saw some familiar faces among them.Yes, this is not the first time they have come here, and Li Qinglin also knows that some of them really want to buy a house.

Seeing them, Li Qingyun was overjoyed.

It doesn't matter if they don't react now, as long as Li Qinglin and the others release their big moves, they will definitely think wildly.

Li Qinglin and the others found the clients, and of course Lu Zheng also found those people.

Just when Lu Zheng was getting ready to go to work, Li Qinglin grabbed his hand and said, "Boss Lu, it doesn't matter if you are not satisfied with the houses you saw a few days ago. There are many, how about I introduce a few more good houses to you today."

Lu Zheng didn't expect that Li Qinglin would hold him back at this time.

But after all, they haven't broken their faces yet, and it's hard for him to break free at this time.

Yes, although he is here to make trouble, he can't make it too obvious, right? He did see a few apartments a few days ago.But in the past, Li Qinglin and the others were all eager for him to leave quickly. Why are they so enthusiastic today?

(End of this chapter)

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