urban small world

Chapter 393 Study Abroad?

Chapter 393 Study Abroad?

The development of science and technology is inseparable from energy, and some traditional energy sources pollute the environment too seriously.This is not what Li Qingyun wants to see.

The biggest feature of this martial arts continent is aura.If anyone invents a machine that uses spiritual energy as energy, he will probably be able to embark on a special path of technology and cultivation.

In fact, there is such a civilization in the universe, and Li Qingyun has seen such a civilization from the memory of the Ziqi God.

But he also knows that such a civilization cannot be seen in a day or two, it needs the efforts of many generations.

Humans, it is impossible to eat a fat man in one bite.Li Qingyun also needs to be cultivated from generation to generation.Maybe in the future, some talents can really be cultivated.

This is why, even if he doesn't have a few majors to teach for the time being, he still has to start a university.

Well, it's too early to tell Niu Niu these words.After all, I don't know how many years it will take to realize it.Now that he said it now, Niuniu probably didn't believe his words.

In Wulin Continent, the first college entrance examination finally kicked off.However, not many people pay attention to them at all.

Those candidates were all assigned to unfamiliar schools, and were proctored by unfamiliar teachers. Two days passed in a flash.Those students finally finished their exams.

As for how they did in the exam, only they themselves know.

"Hey, tell me, what's the use of our college entrance examination? Will there be any universities that will admit us by then?"

"There should be some, maybe we will need to go to the earth to go to school at that time."

"Whatever it is, I don't care anyway, and I don't think any university will want me."

"Don't you know, I heard that the university in Xinmin City will be put into use soon. By then, we will be able to go to university even if we don't go to the earth."

"Really? What's the major in the university?"

"I don't know about this. Anyway, I heard from my friend, and I heard that the admission score this time will not be too high."

"Haha, of course, don't even look at it, how many students are there in Wulin Continent, the admission score is high, are there any students?"

"Ah, really, then don't I have a chance to go to college?"

"Haha, you, it depends on your luck. If you throw the dice with a high rate of correctness, you may actually be able to go to college."

Speaking of this, many people laughed.

Although you can't bring anything unrelated to the exam into the exam room, but the dice are so simple, just fold one with paper.Many people who don't usually study are dealing with exams in this way.

The news that the university in Xinmin City was about to enroll students was widely spread, and it quickly spread among the students and parents' associations.

Many people are also very excited.After all, it would be inconvenient to send children to school on Earth.In the Wulin Continent, even if they are farther apart, they will feel better since they have less heart.

Professors are easy to recruit. Ye Bo came forward and chatted with Lao Wu. After that, the country arranged some professors to come over.If a country comes forward, it is better than recruiting them themselves.

Although the professors sent here are relatively young, their knowledge is not inferior to those of the old professors.

As for some technical professors, Ye Bo didn't want them.

Because Li Qingyun is planning to slowly change the textbooks in the martial arts mainland.What Yingyu, this time during the college entrance examination, it was directly canceled by Li Qingyun.

For him, Wulin Continent only needs to learn Chinese well.No need to learn other languages.

This is supported by many students.When they heard that there was no eagle language, they were short of setting off firecrackers to celebrate.

It's a pity that there are no firecrackers in Wulin Continent.

If they knew that Li Qingyun not only reduced Yingyu, but also wanted to cut down Wenzong and Lizong, they would probably be happier.

"Brother, I'm back. Hey. Sister-in-law, where's my brother?"

As soon as Li Qingjing came back, she looked for Li Qingyun all over the world. She wanted to show her graduation certificate to her brother and show off casually.But no one was found.

"Your brother, don't you know? Be busy."

"What's he busy with? Isn't he as long as he gives orders, there will be many people running errands for him?"

"Yeah, but this time is different. Your brother wants to reform the education in Wulin mainland. So, he is busy with it."

"Education reform, such a big thing. Is education so easy to reform? For so many years, Hua Xia has not done something. What can he do?"

"Who knows him? Anyway, according to his idea, children in Wulin University only need to learn Chinese and mathematics, as well as physics, chemistry, and biology. By the way, he also needs to open a new course for cultivation."

"Ah, it's so good. If I was so good when I was in school, I wouldn't be happy. I think it's normal for my brother to make such a choice. There's no need to learn anything else."

Finally, Li Qingyun thought about it and added physics, chemistry and biology into it.After all, he still wants to develop the road of science and technology with the characteristics of Wulin mainland.

That is also indispensable for physics, chemistry and biology.

Of course.Because there are still many differences between here and the earth, even for these three subjects, it is impossible to use the textbooks of the earth directly.

Instead, he needs someone to rewrite it.

For example, many creatures in the Wulin Continent are not found on the earth, and some chemical substances are also different.Gravity in physics is even different.

These differences must be taken into account.Otherwise, it is misleading students.

And this is not something that can be done in a day or two.This requires the hard work of those professors to verify, and then write their difficult results into textbooks.

This is a very troublesome thing.Although there are still more than two months before school starts, whether this time is enough is a problem.

Therefore, Li Qingyun compiled textbooks for those professors faster.Of course he was going to help.

The main reason for Li Qingyun's small world is here. When they want to do experiments, it is much more convenient.

Of course, Li Qingyun didn't use his true face to go there, not even Li Tian's identity.Instead, I changed a vest again.

Of course, to the outside world, he said that Duke Li Tian asked him to help.

Li Qingyun has been with those professors for several days.

Li Qingyun still respects those professors very much.This is worthy of being sent by the country. They only care about research and don't care much about other things.

Of course, when they knew that Li Qingyun was a kind of god, they were also very envious.

When I got home at night, it was too late.Because he also just came back after finishing the experiment.

It's not that he wants to squeeze the professors.It's that those professors forget the time as soon as they start the experiment.

In the end, it was Li Qingyun who forced them to rest and eat on time every day before reaching an agreement with them, otherwise, they might have to work even later.

"Brother, why did you come back. Look, what is this?"

"Haha, Qingjing is back, and I got my graduation certificate. Didn't you take it home to make your parents happy?"

"How is that possible. Of course I took it back to show them the first time. Then I came over to see it. I wanted to tell you the first time, but when you arrived, no one was seen all day long."

"I'm not busy. Well, it's not too late. By the way, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, I'm waiting for you. If you don't come back, how can we eat well?"

Li Qingyun shook his head, patted Li Qingjing's head lightly, and then walked towards the restaurant.

Li Qingyun has been busy for more than a month, and finally helped those professors to do a lot of experiments.Let them record a lot of data.

Although this is only a drop in the bucket for Wulin Continent.

However, there is no problem in using them to write some elementary textbooks.

In fact, for more than a month, Li Qingyun spent most of his time on chemistry.

In comparison, physics is the simplest. Many of its data are fixed, and it only needs to be tested.

Creatures can also choose to use the textbooks on the earth first.

But chemistry is different.

First of all, many elements in Wulin mainland and the earth are different.Just testing the elements and what they do, it took a long time.

Fortunately, with Li Qingyun here, he can take samples from various places in the small world. If those professors were allowed to take samples by themselves, it is estimated that they might not be able to get them back after ten years.

It can be seen from this that Li Qingyun still attaches great importance to the education in this martial arts continent.

In more than a month, Wulin Continental's college entrance examination scores also came down.Admission scores are also announced.

[-] points will get you into college.

This made many candidates who just finished the college entrance examination who went to Wulin mainland to play in the summer vacation feel envious.It would be great if they could go to college with only such a few points.

Li Qingyun saw the envious and jealous expression of Lin Yunfei who came to Wulin Continent during the summer vacation more than once.

This guy even wants to study abroad in Wulin mainland.For this reason, he begged Li Qingyun several times to help him with this matter.

In his words, brother-in-law is the apprentice of a god, so this little thing should still be possible.

Not to mention Lin Yunfei, even Li Qingsong had the same idea.As for Li Qinglin, he will be practicing soon, so he doesn't care.

But in the end Li Qinglin still couldn't let go of his classmate Hua Yinger, so he gave up this idea in the end.

But Lin Yunfei is different. After all, he hasn't gone to university yet, and he doesn't have much affection for the university in the future.Besides, he has a brother-in-law like Li Qingyun, so he is afraid that he will not have a good life in the future.Therefore, where to go to school is not important to him.

(End of this chapter)

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