Chapter 392

Parents, for the sake of their children, they would rather endure hardships. For example, many parents, in order for their children to have a better future, they often go to Xiangjiang or the United States to give birth.Because in this way, the child can get a household registration in Xiangjiang or the United States as soon as he is born.

As for whether they are doing right or not, let's not evaluate it first, but this is something that parents can do.

You know, the Wulin Continent is not the original Wulin Continent. Since Li Qingyun's strength broke through to the Nascent Soul Stage, the gravity here can reach 1.5 times that of the earth.

It's just that many young people who don't exercise regularly are not used to it here.

It's like having them carry half their own body weight, and it's all the time.

Most people have to adapt to it for many days before they get used to it slowly.

Fortunately, the Wulin Continent is no different from the earth. There is a rich aura here. When they are tired, the aura they breathe can slowly nourish their bodies.Therefore, the speed of this adaptation must be faster than that on the earth.

But those pregnant women originally had an extra baby in their stomachs, which brought them a lot of burden.Then to the Wulin Continent, when most people first entered, they were carried in lying down.It didn't take more than half a month to get used to it.

But persistence is victory.When they get used to it, it will be good for the children in their womb.

For this reason, Ye Bo specially sent people to Earth to invite some obstetrical doctors to Xinmin City.Specifically for those pregnant women.

Moreover, the hospitals in Xinmin City are equipped with the most advanced equipment in the country.After all, they are not short of money.

Those equipment companies heard that Ye Bo and the others would pay with contributions, and they were overjoyed.Here in the Wulin Continent, contribution points are more popular than the red old man.

After Lao Wu left, Li Qingyun immediately changed into Li Tian's appearance, and then notified all the city lords except Ye Bo one by one.

Let them do the reception work.

Because Xinmin City is the closest city to the entrance of the earth, it is also the most populous city in Wulin Continent.

Although the new main city was built, many people were moved from here.

However, there are 1000 million people in Wulin mainland, and almost 500 million people are in Xinmin City and the surrounding small towns.

After all, not everyone who goes to Wulin Continent will run a few kilometers to other cities.

It can be said that the city farthest from Xinmin City has a smaller population.

Therefore, upon hearing Li Tian's notice this time, the city owners were all very active. Obviously, they wanted to bring more people to their city.

After all, only when there are more people can urbanization develop faster, and when urbanization develops, they can receive more taxes.

In the face of benefits, everyone is the same, that is, those Taoist priests who have left the world and monks who have become monks.In order to rob people, they still acted.

Of course, it doesn't matter what happened to Li Qingyun.As long as he's notified.

At the beginning, he was very interested in those immigrants, but after a few times, he was not interested.He was interested in the numbers of that population, not those specific people.

Sure enough, five days later, Lao Wu brought people to the Wulin Continent.

At that time, those 10 people entered the Wulin Continent, and they queued for more than a day.

After all, most of them didn't bring much stuff compared to those tourists, so it was easy to cross the stone wall.But among these immigrants, a small part didn't know Wulin Continent at all, and they almost didn't scare them to death when they saw people bumping into the stone wall.

Besides, although they immigrated, they still couldn't bear to throw away a lot of things in their hometown, so they brought a lot of luggage.

Li Qingyun even found that some people even carried hoes and sickles.

Some people even led the old cattle. I really don't know how they brought them to Sen City so far.Can even cows get on the cart?

What Li Qingyun didn't know was that Li Tian came forward to urge him, and the higher ups also attached great importance to this matter, so they made some concessions.Otherwise, how could there be so many immigrants so quickly.

There were more people coming this time, Li Qingyun thought, then the university should also be put into use.

After all, it is not the case that college students are always sent to study on Earth.

As for kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools, various cities have already put them into use.As for the teachers, they are also recruited by each city itself.

People who come to the Wulin Continent actually come from all walks of life.It is not easy to find some teachers.

There are so many graduates from normal universities every year, but not everyone can find a satisfactory job.Many people go to some remote mountainous areas as volunteer teachers for a job opportunity, and only they know the suffering.

Now Wulin Continent offered them an olive branch, and of course they would not refuse.First, the environment here is good, and second, the treatment is good.There are many people rushing to do this kind of work.

The reason why they were able to do this job was that they met at the right time.

The reason why the university has not been opened is because there are not many college students in the Wulin mainland.

When those immigrants entered the Wulin Continent, they were still very uncomfortable at first, but they adapted much faster than ordinary people.

It's normal to think about it.After all, most of them also do heavy work. Usually in the countryside, the burden on their shoulders is sometimes heavier than their weight.

In those mountain villages, even if they were children, the older ones usually took care of the younger ones and had to help the family with the work.It is not a problem to carry dozens of catties.

Of course, except for some people who are not in good health, such people will naturally be picked up by people sent by various city lords.

Fortunately, before these immigrants came, they were assigned the cities they were going to.Otherwise, with so many people coming in, it would be a mess.

Each of them has a small sign, and the people of the City Lord's Mansion will guide them to the city where they are when they see the sign on them.

For this immigration, various city owners requisitioned all the horses in their city, and then transformed them into many carriages. In the next few days, this group of people probably had to spend their time in the carriages.

You should know that most of those cities are far away from Xinmin City, even hundreds of kilometers are normal.

The furthest one is more than 300 kilometers away.

Even in order to take care of these immigrants, the various city lords sent out those who had storage equipment.Let them distribute to those immigrants with a large amount of supplies.

Li Qingyun couldn't help but nodded when he saw this.

He couldn't help thinking that he really did the right thing, he hid behind the scenes and gave up the front desk to others.In this way, he only needs to order him to do anything.

There is no need for him to work hard at all.

For example, now, if he came to the front desk, this time, he would definitely need to come forward to make arrangements in person.From the beginning to the end, within ten days, I couldn't be free.

But now it's all right, he just passed a few words to the past.For the rest of the time, he can hide in the crowd and watch the excitement.There is no need to do anything at all.Naturally, someone will consider various issues.

It wasn't until half a month later, when the school was about to go on summer vacation, that all these immigrants settled down, and their fields were divided by the various city lords.

And some children who went to school are also re-enrolled.

As for some third-year students, many of them didn't come with them at all. They chose to take the college entrance examination in Huaxia.Li Qingyun didn't care about it.

However, there are still some people who also choose to come to the Wulin Continent with their families.

Therefore, Li Qingyun also decided to give them a college entrance examination in Wulin Continent.

It just so happened that there were also some high school seniors in Wulin Continent.You can let them take the exam together.

In this way, his university can be put into use.

Because there are not many students in the third year of high school, he can only reduce the number of admissions when the time comes.You can't make the university too spacious, right?

As for whether such college students do not have much gold content, this is not what Li Qingyun needs to consider.

Li Qingyun went to Huaxia to randomly find a set of test papers for the third year of high school, and then directly took them back to do the high school test papers of Wulin Continent, which is no one.But he doesn't care that much.

The college entrance examination is a major event in life. In Huaxia, the college entrance examination can be said to be a turning point for a person. Every year when those days come, it will attract the attention of the whole society.

In those few days, it seemed that the whole society would revolve around candidates, but in Wulin Continent, it was not so exaggerated.

The college entrance examination is coming up the day after tomorrow. Except for those candidates and their parents, other people don't care at all, and many people haven't even heard of it.

"Honey, do you really want them to take the college entrance examination?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"But what will your university teach them then? It seems that you haven't even found a professor."

"What's the matter? Isn't it enough for the university to teach them Chinese, mathematics and practice?"

"No, these are the only majors you have."

"Well, special feature, you know, our special feature is cultivation, not those sciences outside. There is no use for learning science here."

Niu Niu thinks about it too, this is a world of cultivation after all, if technology develops like the earth, it will probably not be long before the aura here will be polluted.This is not what Li Qingyun wants to see.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Li Qingyun not to let those polluted things enter the Wulin Continent.

In fact, it is not that Li Qingyun does not want to develop technology, but it is obvious that the technology he wants to develop is not in the same direction as the technology on the earth.

Their tech trees are different.

(End of this chapter)

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