urban small world

Chapter 235 New Identity

Chapter 235 New Identity
For this point, Li Qingyun is still very confident.

After all, the innate conditions here in the Wulin Continent are there. Whether it is the air or the beautiful scenery, they are not comparable on earth.

Especially on the earth, it is the time of dog days.Many people don't want to go out, otherwise, they will be blackened.

But compared to Wulin Continent, that's much better.

Although it is also summer in the martial arts continent.But the sun here is not so big.The temperature here during the day is about [-] degrees.

In addition, here is not far from the sea, and there is a big river in the city.

Therefore, there will be a breeze blowing here every day.

It still feels very refreshing.Such weather is suitable for traveling.

Of course, here in Wulin Continent, one disadvantage is that the gravity is stronger than that of the earth.

Obviously, this blocked the footsteps of many old people.

Now in China-Xia, sunset red travel is getting more and more popular.Many elderly people can't sit still anymore, and they can still walk if they really want to, so they need to go out and walk more.

In the past, when the gravity of Wulin Continent was not so strong, to be honest, at that time, many old people came here to play.

Since the increase in gravity, it has made many old people shrink back.After all, many elderly people are not in good health.

Not everyone can bear such a sudden increase in gravity.

However, there was no way around this, and this was not up to Li Qingyun. Although he could adjust the gravity, it was obvious that he had to pay for it.

And his giving and receiving were extremely asymmetrical, so Li Qingyun would not do such a thing foolishly.

But even without those old people.Li Qingyun is also confident that those young people will travel here.

I believe that these more than [-] people will be fascinated by the beauty of the Wulin Continent. At that time, with their publicity, more people will definitely be able to see the beauty of the Wulin Continent.

There is also a reason why Li Qingyun put the entrance here.It's not that it's just installed here casually.

Others don't know, but Li Qingyun knows that there are many beautiful scenery around here, and there are even many different terrains around here, which create many different scenery.

If this was placed on Earth, it would probably have become a tourist attraction long ago.

In Wulin Continent, more than [-] people flooded in in two days.Fortunately, Li Qingyun urgently built some towns, otherwise there would really be no place to settle them.

Including the people in Xinmin City, there are now millions of people in the Wulin Continent.

This is the most populous time since Li Qingyun got the small world.

Over the past few months, more and more people have joined Xinmin City.

Xinmin City has a population of more than 80, of which 30 are mainland Chinese who have joined the martial arts.

And this time, the managers of the new towns were also selected from among these people.

Hearing such news, many people were overjoyed.

Hua-xia people are very interested in being an official.

After hearing the news, Ye Bo found that there are thousands of people competing for each position.This is no more than Hua-Xia's civil servant examination.

While Ye Bo and the others were busy with the selection process, Li Qingyun was finally able to live his quiet life.

As soon as he got home, he heard Li Qingsong and the others yelling.Listening carefully, it turned out that these guys were discussing themselves.

Of course, they were talking about Li Tian, ​​not Li Qingyun.

But why the more you listen, the more Li Qingyun wants to beat you up.

Are you as old as they say?In their statement, although Li Tian is very young, they think that Li Tian is just rejuvenated because of his high skill.

Maybe Li Tian is the kind of old antique that has lived for thousands of years.

Although Li Qingyun didn't care about his age as much as those women did, but he was obviously only in his twenties, okay?

"Hey, brother, you're out of customs. Haha, you missed the show this time."

Li Qingyun pretended to be puzzled and asked: "What a good show."

"You don't know, as soon as you retreated, there were gods who came out and started to build towns, gods, do you know that the houses look like you grow out of the ground, haha, it makes people's blood boil when they see it. Mu doesn't know when will I be able to cultivate to that level."

Speaking of this, Li Qingsong still looked forward to it.Li Qingyun shook his head as he watched, he wanted to tell him that you probably had no hope.

After all, if Li Qingyun did not use the power of this space, it would be impossible to do such a thing.

At least he knew that even after he became an immortal, he might be able to do it, but in terms of efficiency, he must not be as fast as the current Li Qingyun.

Therefore, on the other hand, it is not wrong for others to call Li Qingyun a god.Li Qingyun just used the power of space to experience in advance what a god can do.

Therefore, if Li Qingsong and the others want to achieve this, they cannot do it in a short while.

After all, how things will develop in the future, who can say clearly.

"Oh, god, what's so interesting about that, it's not like I haven't seen it before." Li Qingyun said indifferently.

This is not false.After all, he has some memories of Ziqi God Venerable.In his memory, let alone seeing it, there are tens of thousands of gods he knows.

But Li Qingsong and the others don't think so.They thought Li Qingyun had seen Li Tian.

After all, brother, he came in earlier than them.And the strength of the elder brother is also very abnormal.

After all, he came in with Brother Gangzi, why is Li Qingyun so powerful.

When they heard Li Qingyun's words now, they couldn't help thinking, this cousin of theirs would have seen the gods a long time ago, and maybe his strength in this body was also inseparable from those gods.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why he is so powerful.

The more they think about it, the more they feel that the possibility of this is still very high.

"Brother, do you know that fairy? Don't lie to us, you must be, otherwise, how did you get your strength. Or, can you recommend it to us, okay?"

Li Qingyun shook his head, "What are you thinking? You think that god can see whoever he wants. Just you two bastards, if you offend the god, I don't want to be in bad luck with you."

Although Li Qingyun rejected him, at this time, instead of being sad, Li Qingsong said excitedly: "Ah, so, brother, you really know gods. Haha. I knew it."

The eyes of the other people on the side also lit up.

Although Li Qingyun is very powerful, they are also very envious, but they did not expect that Li Qingyun is even more powerful than they imagined.Actually know those gods.

No wonder he is often mysterious. "Brother Li, are you an apprentice of a god?"

Li Qingyun looked at this group of curious babies, and then said: "It's okay to calculate, I, like Ye Bo, have learned things from those gods, but it's a pity that they didn't accept us as apprentices. Register your disciples."

"What, City Lord Ye is only a registered disciple. How is this possible?"

You know, everyone in Xinmin City knows that Ye Bo is an apprentice of a god.

Because many people have heard that Ye Bo was called the immortal master, and the immortal did not object at that time.

Well, an unnamed disciple is also a disciple, so there is nothing wrong with calling him a master.

The reason why Li Qingyun was so assertive today was entirely because he wanted to find an excuse for his own strength.

Instead of letting them think about it by themselves, it is better to make one up for them.

And in this way, it is also good for him.

After being related to the gods, it will also be of great help to him in walking in the Wulin Continent in the future.

If other people know that he has a relationship with the gods, they will not dare to offend him, although he is not afraid.But he is afraid of trouble.

And in this way, no matter how outstanding he is, others will only think that the god is amazing.

In this way, when Li Qingyun and Niuniu were together in the future, even if he discovered some unusual things.He can even blame the gods.Hehe, in this way, she probably won't doubt Li Qingyun's identity anymore.

As for lies, 90.00% of them are the truth, and [-]% of them are the least likely to be exposed.

In fact, except that Li Qingyun didn't tell them that he was the god in their eyes, everyone else was telling the truth.

Of course, here, Li Qingjing, who knew the truth from the beginning, watched Li Qingyun talking nonsense there for a long time, making everyone in the room dumbfounded, she was also speechless.

If she hadn't known the details of her brother, she would have believed Li Qingyun's words.

She knew Li Qingyun's identity in advance, and listening to Li Qingyun's nonsense, she found it very interesting.

Especially when those guys who thought they were talented students didn't know about Li Qingyun's tricks, she had a feeling that everyone was drunk and the only one was sober.

Although what Li Qingyun said was absurd, she didn't intend to expose him.

On the contrary, she thought it was quite amusing.

After all, she is the only one who knows her brother's secret, and to a certain extent, her brother still believes in her the most, otherwise, he wouldn't just tell himself the truth, right?

Li Qingyun made up a new identity for himself. He knew that after a while, his identity would be known throughout the city.

(End of this chapter)

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