urban small world

Chapter 234 Brain Waves

Chapter 234 Brain Waves
Although there are many legends in the Wulin Continent, and they have heard various rumors about immortals before, it is obvious that many people have never believed it.

They only thought that it was spread by people indiscriminately.

Just like three people becoming a tiger, rumors tend to get more and more outrageous as they spread.The so-called, for many people who have just arrived here, they have never believed that there are any gods in this world.

After all, they have always learned atheism.Coupled with modern times, many things on the Internet are not credible.If you really believed it, you would be an idiot.

But this time all of them were really stupid. They didn't expect that they really saw a 'fairy' here.

After all, if it weren't for the gods, how could ordinary people build nine small towns in two days.

It is said to be towns, but their area is not small, each town has a radius of three kilometers.

This time, it can be said that Li Qingyun built it under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of people.In fact, with his strength, one day is enough to complete the construction.

But Li Qingyun thought to himself, this time is also a good opportunity for publicity, so he can't let it go.

Therefore, he deliberately slowed down the speed in order to attract more people to come.

After all, he has built so many new towns, it can't be empty there.

What I have to say is that Li Qingyun was really right.

Although he only dragged on for a day,
Less than two hours after Li Qingyun's construction began, news began to spread on the Internet on the earth. The news that the gods of the Wulin Continent had once again built a city spread out.

And the Hua-xia people like to watch the excitement the most.In this way, some people who were still hesitating whether to go to the Wulin Continent immediately started on the road with their bags.

Some people who were not planning to travel at first also decided to travel to the Wulin Continent, so that they could see the gods casually.

And the consequence of this is that after that, many weird leave notes were exposed on the Internet.

'I heard that there are gods, so I'm going to worship the gods. '

'Seeing that the gods have gone, by the way, do you want to be with the boss? '

No matter what, Li Qingyun's goal was achieved anyway.On the afternoon of the first day, he discovered that tens of thousands of people had come to Wulin Continent.

His heart should be very happy.

For this reason, he told Niuniu that he needed to retreat for the past two days, so he left from Lin Qingwei and the others.

Of course, because Lin Qingwei didn't know that Li Qingyun was pretending to be Li Tian, ​​she also wanted to see the gods, so she didn't care about Li Qingyun, and said that Li Qingyun would not retreat sooner or later, but unfortunately he was not lucky enough to see Fairy.

Li Qingjing heard her sister-in-law's sigh, and she said to herself, if you knew my brother's real identity, you wouldn't think so.

Of course, she just thought about it and didn't say it.

The next day, even more people came.On this day, 8 to [-] people poured directly into Wulin Continent.

This means that the big tourist attractions all over the country are going to be full.

But compared to Wulin Continent.The arrival of these people did not cause any pressure.

Of course, in terms of service, it must not be able to keep up with the tourist attractions outside.

After all, Xinmin City has just begun to develop, and there is still a big gap in various talents.

Anyway, Li Qingyun didn't need to worry about it so much, so he just let Ye Bo have a headache.

Of course.Even if Ye Bo doesn't care, it doesn't matter.Because those tourists came in and didn't pay a penny, and they shouldn't get the service.

Li Qingyun could think so, but Ye Bo couldn't.

Ever since Li Tian left him, Ye Bo knew that his next job might be very busy, and he would never be as relaxed as before.

After all, if there are more towns, that's something he needs to worry about.

First of all, the officials and guards over there have to worry about him.Feel uneasy, he can hand over the job of city guard directly to Gangzi, otherwise, he would have to be even busier.

In fact, these are all good, after all, Xinmin City is now on the right track, and some people are temporarily transferred from Xinmin City, and they can handle it for the time being.

But the most troublesome thing for him is the people's livelihood.

So many people came in, eating and drinking had to give him a headache.

So many people came in at once.There is not much grain left in Xinmin City.No way, they had to buy from outside.

For this, they paid a lot of contribution points.

And of course only the state can do such a business.

Other businessmen want to, but they dare to compete with the country.The country directly transfers them from the granary, not to mention that the price is lower than those ordinary merchants, and in terms of quantity, they are not comparable to those merchants.

In order to find a long-term and stable supplier, Ye Bo and the others can only cooperate with the state.

In order to promote cooperation, Lao Wu also put a lot of effort into it.

Contribution points are rare, so they have always asked to use contribution points for settlement. To them, that contribution point is like foreign exchange.In Wulin Continent, the red old man is useless, all he cares about is contribution points.

Even if there is enough food, it is useless if no one cooks.

But it was obvious that Ye Bo was overthinking.

With such a big cake, why is no one tempted?

Li Qingyun had just completed the construction of those towns, and some big forces started to 'grab the territory' inside.

And those restaurants and taverns were the first places they robbed.

After all, food, clothing, housing and transportation will never disappear, and it is also a very profitable industry.

All forces with some energy in Xinmin City will develop in these industries.

Even for this reason, many people invested all the money they were planning to buy cheat books.

More than a month ago, no one invested in these restaurants.That's because there were not many people in Xinmin City at that time.Except for those who can cook by themselves, the rest can be settled at roadside stalls.Therefore, whoever invested at that time lost money.

But it's different now.

In less than a month now, the population here has doubled several times.

And most of these people are here to travel, so it is obviously impossible for them to cook their own food.Now many people see business opportunities.Ye Bo didn't need to worry at all.

Li Qingyun has just finished building, and no one has left yet.Some people began to 'grab the site'.

After Li Qingyun finished building the last town, he found that there were at least 10 people around the town.

And there are still a steady stream of people rushing here.

What is it like to gather more than [-] people together?Anyway, Li Qingyun saw all the heads at a glance.

These people are to see the 'fairy'.Li Qingyun was very satisfied with this, although he was not a god, but he found that when these people saw him, the mental fluctuations were obviously more active than usual.

And in this way, Tiandao will get more benefits.

Needless to say, this was an unexpected discovery.Didn't think there was such a thing.

He was wondering if he would come out more in the future.

In fact, this is also very normal, let alone gods, on earth, many ordinary people will be more excited when they see stars.

For many ordinary people, regardless of whether they are celebrities or immortals, those are existences far away from them, and they want to contact them, but they will never be able to contact them.That's why I get so excited when I see them.

When excited, their brain waves will be emitted faster.

This may be the so-called distance produces beauty. People tend to cherish what they can't get.

Just like those stars.To put it bluntly, in ancient times they were also called actors.

In ancient times, the status of actors was not very high, and ordinary people could easily get in touch with them.

In this way, many people look down on them, so their status is not very high.

But after the founding of the People's Republic of China, those so-called celebrities began to become aloof, and they stopped contacting ordinary people.With their own company, the company does not allow them to do this, and they are not prepared to do that.And this intangible separates them from ordinary people. Those stars and ordinary people seem to live in two worlds.

Even some of the lives of those stars have to be known to ordinary people through the paparazzi.

And it is precisely this that makes ordinary people want to know them more, so they become stars.

Li Qingyun is similar to those stars now.It is precisely because I don't usually see him with Ben that those people are so interested.

If Li Qingyun was flying around here every day.

It is estimated that it will not be long before others have no interest in him.

Just like when the plane first came out, many people were very curious about it.

Every time I heard the roar of the plane coming from the sky, I would look up and look for it carefully.

But later people saw more planes, and sometimes dozens of planes flew across the sky in one day.So people will still pay attention to it.Obviously not, and many people even think they are too noisy.

Li Qingyun thought for a while, and felt that it was better for him to remain mysterious.

Otherwise, he exposed Li Qingyun's real identity, which would probably disappoint many people.

If they knew that the god in their hearts was actually Li Qingyun who lived in the same city as them, I believe many people would not be able to accept this fact.

Looking at those fanatical people, Li Qingyun still has a sense of accomplishment.

Just now he felt the excitement of Tiandao.

Absorbing so much spiritual power, for Tiandao, this is a gluttonous feast.can speed up its evolution.

Therefore, it made Li Qingyun must find a way to retain more people.

(End of this chapter)

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