urban small world

Chapter 1197 Start Retreat

Chapter 1197 Start Retreat

However, when half a month passed and they still hadn't seen Li Qingyun come back, and they couldn't get through on the phone, they became anxious.

But unfortunately, at that time, no matter how anxious they were, it was useless.

Because even if they wanted to find Li Qingyun, there was nothing they could do.Unless Li Qingyun took the initiative to contact them.Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to find Li Qingyun.

Of course, Li Qingyun didn't know what happened next.

Because no matter how powerful Li Qingyun is, he doesn't know what will happen in the future.

And he himself did not expect that this retreat would take so long.

And when people are retreating, they often forget the passage of time.

Even many times, when people come out of retreat, they still feel that time has only passed a little bit.

After Li Qingyun left home, he came to the edge of the universe in a flash.

It is very dangerous for others here.Maybe it will be involved in the turbulent flow of space at any time.

If something like that actually happened.Even if the gods came, the survival rate would not be high.

But for Li Qingyun, there is no need to consider safety at all, he is the master of this plane.Born to be the master of a world.

It is protected by the will of this universe.

Especially Tiandao has become his avatar.

It can be said that Li Qingyun is always under the protection of heaven.

As long as he is still in this universe and the Dao of Heaven has not been destroyed, he will not be in danger.

And the reason why he chose this edge of the universe is also because there is more energy of chaos here for him to absorb.

In other places, as the master of the universe, although he can also call the chaotic aura.However, because of the distance, some energy will be wasted more or less in the middle.

If only a small amount of Primal Chaos Qi is used, that's fine.Li Qingyun didn't care either.

But now if Li Qingyun wanted to transform his divine body, it was obvious that more than a little Chaos Qi was needed.

Moreover, he is just a cultivator in the transformation stage.

He himself didn't even have the confidence that he could absorb the chaotic energy one hundred percent.

Don't say it's [-]%.If he can absorb [-]%, that is amazing.

But it's different at the edge of the universe. Outside here is the wall of the universe.Beyond that is chaos.

Li Qingyun is here, but it is said that he has inexhaustible energy of chaos, and there is no place in the entire universe that is more suitable for Li Qingyun to retreat than this fringe area.

After arriving at the place, Li Qingyun didn't think about it any more, and immediately devoted himself to cultivation. After all, the sooner he breaks through, the sooner he can go back and share the joy with his family, right?

After all, when he came out, he didn't discuss it with his family.

And once a person retreats, he will not feel the passage of time.Therefore, Li Qingyun lost his sense of the outside world when he entered the samadhi.

Fortunately, Tiandao can help him move his position all the time, so that he can always be on the edge of the universe.

After all, without Tiandao's help, he might be far away from the edge in a few days.

After all, Li Qingyun's universe is still growing rapidly every day.

Even though his universe has a diameter of one light-year.

But in the entire chaos, this is still a small point.

Let's compare it with the earth's universe. Li Qingyun's universe is like a drop of water in the ocean, no, it is just a water molecule in the ocean.

The gap between them is too big to imagine.

If the earth universe is an adult, then Li Qingyun's small universe is just a newly conceived egg.They haven't really grown up yet.

Therefore, this time is also the time when his universe is growing the fastest.

As soon as Li Qingyun calmed down, he soon found the point that made him throb just now.

At this time, at the position of Li Qingyun's dantian, a small cell has completed its transformation.After so long of hard work, Li Qingyun finally transformed a cell.

And it was precisely in this way that Li Qingyun saw the hope of a breakthrough.

That's why he just came to retreat happily just now.He wanted to spend a little time on his own, strike while the iron is hot, and directly let the cells in his body complete the evolution. At that time, he would also become a real immortal life.

And what is the purpose of cultivation?Isn't it just to become gods and immortals?

At least Li Qingyun's goal so far is this.

Therefore, he retreated desperately.

It's not like Li Qingyun didn't practice retreat before, but many times, he didn't make much progress even in retreat.

But this time it was different.

As soon as Li Qingyun practiced, he mobilized the transformed cells to guide the chaotic spiritual energy absorbed by the body.

After those chaotic auras entered Li Qingyun's body before, he only knew how to do it step by step, using exercises to drive them to strengthen his body.

And that effect is really not that good.

Because he has no experience in this area.

One must know that Ziqi God Venerable did not have such an opportunity as Li Qingyun back then.Only after he had reached the realm of God Venerable could he obtain the Qi of Primal Chaos to practice. Earlier, he did not have the Qi of Primal Chaos to practice.

If he had cultivated with the Qi of Primal Chaos from the beginning, Li Qingyun might not have had anything to do with him at all.

Therefore, at this time, Li Qingyun could only rely on himself.

I couldn't find the direction of cultivation before, but now it's different.Although there is only one small cell in his body that has completed evolution.However, this cell is like a spark. Although a spark is small, if it is used well, it can also start a prairie fire.

But what Li Qingyun wants to do now is to rely on this cell to evolve the whole body.

This is destined to be a vertical battle.

However, at this time, Li Qingyun was still very confident in himself.

The small cells in Li Qingyun's body can be said to be a tiny little one in front of the chaotic air.

If you are not careful, you may be assimilated by them.

After all, the air of chaos is not so docile.

I believe that many people in the Wulin Continent also have a deep understanding of this point.

After all, in the past, Li Qingyun only created a trace of chaos, and many people were able to break through.Of course.The breakthrough process for those people was not so peaceful either.

But compared to their gains, that bit of pain is nothing.

Even if Li Qingyun is a person who has stepped into the fairyland with half a foot, he still has to devote himself to the cultivation. At this time, he dare not be distracted, which is why Li Qingjing and the others cannot contact Li Qingyun.

(End of this chapter)

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