urban small world

Chapter 1196 Chance and retreat

Chapter 1196 Chance and retreat

Although those people didn't take Li Qingyun seriously.But let them offend Li Qingyun with their innocence.Those people would not be so stupid.

After all, Li Qingyun is also the apprentice of the gods, and none of them want to offend the gods. Although the gods don't necessarily care about them, if those gods make trouble for them at a critical moment, wouldn't it be bad? .

Besides, Li Qingyun is usually a person who doesn't show much attention.There is not much intersection with the major forces, and there is not much competition.For such a person, most people will give him some face, and they will not be close friends or offend him.

Of course, even if they wanted to make friends with Li Qingyun, Li Qingyun would still ignore them.But from their standpoint, no matter what, they have to put some gold on their faces, right?

When Li Qingyun and the others came back, it was already November.

This year is about to pass again.

Generally speaking, this year's martial arts mainland has been very stable.Not much happened.

At the beginning of the year, the appearance of the Temple of Refining Heart and the sudden intrusion of those monsters not long ago were the two biggest things. However, the appearance of the Temple of Refining Heart is what the martial artists in the Wulin Continent are most concerned about.Because of its appearance, many people have made a breakthrough.

As a martial artist, their biggest dream is to break through, break through and break through again, if they can keep breaking through, that is of course the best.

Therefore, from the day when the Hall of Refining Hearts appeared on the first day of the Lunar New Year, until today, many people rushed forward one after another.

Originally, what Li Qingyun expected at the beginning was that it would become the home field of all the warriors in the Baodan realm.

But Li Qingyun felt that he was still too naive.

He thought that those fighters in the transformation stage would be reluctant to contribute points, and even in the past, they would not go there often.

But the reality is not like this.Although most Huajin warriors also know that they may not even be able to walk up the steps, and may not be able to reach the gate of the Heart Refining Hall at the end.

But even so, there are still many warriors in the transformation stage rushing forward every day.

In a word, not bad money.

They come to make money, don't they just use it for cultivation.

Although they can't reach the gate of the Heart Refining Hall, they can use the steps to practice.It doesn't matter if it's expensive.Anyway, they think it's all worth it.

What can Li Qingyun say about this.

Those fighters in the energy transformation stage don't care about contribution points, does Li Qingyun still care?
Therefore, even if the Hall of Refining Hearts appeared for a year now, there are still many people there.

On the contrary, the monsters from the Supreme Continent advanced forward.Although there are many people paying attention, the Supreme Continent can only pass after reaching the Baodan state.

Otherwise, they wouldn't even be able to use the teleportation array.

In this way, only those warriors who hold the alchemy state will pay more attention to the movements of those monsters.And those other people can only read the news from the Internet.

In many cases, what you see with your own eyes and what you see on the Internet feel completely different.

Many warriors below the Baodan state stopped paying attention after watching it for a long time.

After all, this is not the first time something like this has happened.So they are used to it too.Moreover, whether those monsters advance or not has nothing to do with most of them, because they can't even go to the Supreme Continent.What to think about so much.

After Li Qingyun and the others came back, on the whole, the Wulin Continent was still very peaceful.

Everyone's life has not been affected.

As for Li Qinglin and the others, they were not always invisible like before.

Before they were stressed and had to do something.

But now that Li Qingyun is back, they feel that they can be their salted fish with peace of mind.

This made Li Qingyun very dissatisfied, but what could he do.I thought they should have improved a bit after being away for a few months.But now as soon as he came back, Li Qinglin and the others returned to the original form.Thinking about it, Li Qingyun felt too depressed, those guys were just a bunch of idiots who couldn't help them.

Li Qingyun sighed, and he also decided not to bother with them anymore.They can do whatever they like.He didn't count on them either.

In the following days, Li Qingyun stayed at home every day and didn't go anywhere.

Over the past year, the Wulin Continent has added a lot of Baodan Realm warriors.However, because there were those monsters watching over there, there was no trouble on the Wulin Continent.

Even if there was a fight, it didn't make much noise.

Many big forces also took the opportunity to recruit some people.However, most of the Baodan realm warriors did not choose to join those big forces.

Although joined those big forces.It will be more convenient for them to act, and they can find backers, but there will be no free lunch in this world, and when they get some, they will lose something.

As for most martial artists, they still prefer to be free.After all, they are all Baodan realm warriors now.They didn't choose to join those big forces for such a long time before, so how could they easily join other forces?

And those who break through by themselves are also very proud in their hearts.

How did the more than 1000 Baodan realm warriors come to be in the first place? This is no secret at all in the Wulin Continent. Therefore, those who break through through their own efforts have reason to look down on those who rely on luck to become Baodan realm Warrior's.

Because among those warriors in the Baodan realm, most of them didn't make any progress after reaching the Baodan realm.It's no wonder that others look down on them.

And those who break through on their own are still very confident in themselves.They feel that even if they don't join those big forces, they can live well.

For warriors, they like freedom, and Li Qingyun can understand that.

For a while, Li Qingyun had nothing to do at home, so he only learned about the news of Wulin Continent from Tiandao.

After all, the world is his.He also needs to grasp some situations.He didn't want to mess with it for a long time, and he didn't know anything.

Li Qingyun needs to understand all aspects.He doesn't want to be someone out of touch with society.

And some basic things, he will also tell Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei.

Otherwise, they may have to spend more time to understand those situations.

After all, if you are out of touch with society, in many cases, some jokes will be made.Li Qingyun didn't want such a thing to happen to them.

Li Qingjing and the others also knew what Li Qingyun was doing, so they didn't bother Li Qingyun either.Even Xixi and Hanghang were taken away by them.

Of course, Li Qingyun is also the master of this world after all, and he understands things very quickly.It only took a few days to sort out what happened in Wulin Continent this year.

It didn't take long for Li Qingyun to tell Li Qingjing and the others some of the news he sorted out.

Then Li Qingyun continued to resume the life of salted fish.Originally, Li Qingyun thought that he would continue to live like this.

On this day, when Li Qingyun was playing with Xixi and Hanghang at home, he suddenly had a subtle feeling.

"Dad, what's wrong with you, why don't you talk anymore."

"Ah, Hang Hang, Dad has something to do, I want to go out for a while. Tell Mom, Dad wants to retreat for a while."

"Ah, Dad, are you going to retreat again? Don't you want to play with me?"

"Well, Dad doesn't have time to explain to you. Tell your mother for me. It may take a while for me to come back."

"Oh, all right. Then I wish Dad an early exit."

Hang Hang, who is over two years old, is not as self-willed as before.

Besides, he himself is also a cultivator at the peak of Jindan, and he also knows that as a cultivator, he must often retreat.

And Li Qingyun has been retreating from time to time over the years.

It's just that in the past, Li Qingyun didn't spend too much time in retreat every time.He is also used to it.

But this time, Li Qingyun said it would take a little longer, so Hang Hang didn't care too much.But what he didn't know was that this time, after Li Qingyun left, when he came back again, it was a long time later.

Li Qingyun also had no choice but to control many things.Just like the matter of cultivation.

Cultivation pays attention to opportunities. Sometimes when opportunities come, if they don’t know how to seize them, then God will not favor you again.

Success is for those who are prepared.

And just now, Li Qingyun felt a subtle change in his body.And that slight change happened to be discovered by Li Qingyun.

So, at this time, he just wanted to find a place to retreat.Because, this may be the most important opportunity for him to break through and become a fairy.

If he missed Liao, he didn't even know when he would have to wait for the next time.

Obviously, Li Qingyun didn't want to wait for the next time, this time, he must seize this opportunity.

Therefore, he didn't even have time to say goodbye to Lin Qingwei and the others, but just said goodbye to Hanghang.Then he left.

Xixi and Hanghang didn't care too much about Li Qingyun's departure.

Because they thought that Li Qingyun would come back soon.

So, after Li Qingyun left, the two of them continued to play there.

It wasn't until Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei came back and they didn't find Li Qingyun there that they told Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei the news of Li Qingyun's retreat.It was also at this time that they realized that Li Qingyun had actually gone to retreat.

And at this time, two hours had passed since Li Qingyun left.

And Zhao Hongfang and Li Youde got to know the news of Li Qingyun's retreat even later.

But all of them, when they heard the news, didn't take it too seriously.

They thought that Li Qingyun would come back soon.

(End of this chapter)

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