urban small world

Chapter 1176 Private Planet

Chapter 1176 Private Planet
When they came to this Lijia Town and saw those familiar monsters and houses, Zhao Hongfang and the others couldn't help but think of the days when they were busy growing and harvesting vegetables here all day a few years ago.

Thinking about it now, they all feel so stupid at the time.

At that time, they also said that they would leave a way out for their son, so they took over Li Qingyun's online store.

Now that they think about it, they all feel that their ideas at that time were so funny.

Anyway, let them go back to open an online store now, and they won't do it if they are killed.

With that time, they might as well take it for a trip.And they do.

Since they found out that Xixi and Hanghang can live well without their care, they started their travel plans.

After all, when they got married, they invited relatives and friends of both parties to have a meal, and decades passed like this.

At that time, how could they have wedding photos.Not to mention a honeymoon trip.

It can be said that for them at that time, they didn't even think about it.

Later, when Li Qinglin and the others got married, Li Qingyun noticed the envy in their eyes and offered to propose it.I took another set of shots for them, and that was the reason why they didn't have any regrets.

After all, as elders, they couldn't say anything about making up wedding photos.

And they became addicted when they traveled.Originally, they just wanted to go back after walking around.

But later, the more they played, the happier they were, and they had long forgotten their initial thoughts.

After all, Li Qingyun and the others are grown up, and they don't need their care anymore.Moreover, Li Qingjing always made them angry, so they simply ignored it and let it be out of sight.

Moreover, they have been busy for their children for so many years, but they have never lived for themselves, so at this time, they feel that they should live for themselves.

It is precisely because of this that they have not come back here for a long time.

Although they haven't been here for a year or two, there are many traces of their lives left here after all.

And there are those pets.It's not deserted here, on the contrary, it's even more lively.

After all, after such a long time, the pets of their family also used their offspring. Even if they were single at the time, when Li Qinglin and the others were not around, they would go out into the wild and abduct their pets back.

So Zhao Hongfang and the others quickly discovered that there were twice as many monsters here than when they left.

If they come back later, there may be more.

Those monsters who had never seen Li Qinglin and the others were fierce towards Li Qingyun and the others at first.

But after they were pawed a few times by their other half or their parents, they all calmed down one by one.

Not long after, they got acquainted with Li Qingyun and the others.

When Li Qingyun saw everything here, he also showed a look of reminiscence.

In fact, this was originally the site of the original star.Later, in order to keep memories, Li Qingyun didn't let other people disturb the place, so he separated this place from the initial star as a whole.

Then they were abandoned on the Li family's private planet.

That is where they are now.

At that time, when Li Qingyun first got this small world, he started his legendary life with Dahei and his dogs.

Thinking about it now, those scenes at the beginning were as if it were just yesterday.

Even Li Qingyun did not expect that in just a few short years, the world would change so much.

Li Qingyun originally spent ten years expanding the small world.

It's just that with the improvement of his strength, the expansion of this small world is getting faster and faster.

When Li Qingjing arrived here, she was also deeply moved when she saw this familiar yet unfamiliar scene.

She still remembers that when the elder brother brought him to this world for the first time, he appeared here.

She even remembered that when she saw the big tiger for the first time, her legs were so frightened that her legs went limp.

At that time, she hid behind her brother reflexively.

And the tiger at that time was still lying on the ground not far away, letting Xixi and Hanghang play on it.That cute look, how can there be a bit of a tiger's prestige.That's just a big dog to please the little master.

Thinking of this, Li Qingjing also wanted to laugh.

The tiger may have noticed that Li Qingjing was staring at it.Therefore, it deliberately turned its head and nodded towards Li Qingjing.

It still has an impression of Li Qingjing, although she hasn't been back for a long time.

Even Lin Qingwei felt very kind when she saw this place.

After all, she and Li Qingyun have been married for so long.If she is still unfamiliar with this place, it can only show that Li Qingyun doesn't really love her.

Obviously, that's not the case.At that time, when she and Li Qingyun were not married, they came here a lot.On the contrary, after getting married, I seldom come here.

Only the two little guys, Hanghang and Xixi, came here for the first time.

After returning home, Li Qingyun and the others were also very happy. The family was very happy here, working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

If someone saw them at this time, they would definitely not believe that this was actually the life of the Lord of the World.

This is completely a hard-working farmer in a ravine.

Every morning, Zhao Hongfang and the others go to work in the fields.Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei will also help.

But Li Qingyun often took Hang Hang into the mountains to hunt.

As for Xixi, she has no interest in hunting at all.Two-year-old Xixi finally has a different hobby from Hang Hang.

As a girl, Xixi has no interest in such violent activities as hunting.Instead, she prefers to raise some furry animals.

If he took her with him, then Li Qingyun and the others would not have to hunt.

The family lived here for more than half a month.

Of course.They are just coming back to experience life, and they are not prepared to live here forever.

After all, their identities now are different from before.When they are free, it is okay to come back and recall the past, but if they want to let them live here for a long time, they will not be willing.

After all, there is no place to shop here, and no place to spend.There is no place for fun.

For people like Li Qingjing and the others who like to be lively, this is very boring.

So, it’s good to come back and experience life once in a while.

This, on the contrary, can adjust their mood.It may also be beneficial to their cultivation.

Therefore, Li Qingyun and the others left here after more than ten days.But they didn't leave the planet right away.

After all, Li Qingyun said that this planet will be the base camp of their Li family in the future.Even in the future, those people from the Wulin Continent will be able to leave the planet.They also couldn't find the planet of the Li family.

In other words, this will be their private domain from now on.

So they feel that they should take a good look around the planet and look around.Maybe this will become a place for them to retire in the future.So they are still very curious about this place.

To be honest, of course Li Qingyun would not say anything.

Anyway, they come out to play, and they don't have a fixed destination, so it's fine to count where they play.

The Li family's private planet is also very large.After all, Li Qingyun is also the master of the world no matter what.If their private planet is too small, it would be embarrassing to him.

And under Li Qingyun's operation of opening the back door.

The concentration of aura on this planet is by far the most dense among the living planets in this universe.

This is also the reason why those pets in their family, even without Li Qingyun's help from me, have all reached the demon baby stage.

And this planet is not just big and full of aura.Moreover, under the ground of this planet, various minerals are also very rich.

There are even more spirit stone mines than other planets.

After all, Li Qingyun wanted to use this place as his base camp.

Except for Li Qingyun, no one else knew about this.

After all, all the big changes here have actually happened in the past two years.

Therefore, Li Qingjing and the others didn't know about it, and they were startled when they turned around.

They did not expect that the conditions on this planet would be so good.

Fortunately, they all knew Li Qingyun's true identity, although they saw a lot of ores here that they had never seen before.But they were not too excited.

If another person comes over.I guess it's already crazy.

There are simply treasures everywhere.

If you stay here for a while, it will be difficult not to make a fortune.

Unfortunately, except for Li Qingyun and his family, no one could come here.

Even so, Li Qingjing and the others were all frightened by the big brother's generosity.

But if you think about it carefully, even this universe belongs to Li Qingyun.It seems that there is nothing strange about this.

Thinking about it this way, they are also much more comfortable.

And the most important thing is, Li Qingyun's is not theirs. If anyone of them wants some materials, they can find Li Qingyun, and they are afraid that Li Qingyun won't help them get it back.

And they don't need to find it by themselves, how convenient it is.

Therefore, even though there are very precious things everywhere now, none of them pick them up.

Just kidding, although those things are precious, they still take up space when you pick them up.

If Li Qinglin and the others knew Li Qingjing's thoughts, they would probably die of depression.

They haven't heard of it yet, and they are afraid that good things will take up space.

Well, this is also because they don't know Li Qingyun's real identity.No wonder they are just Li Qingyun's cousins.

Although they are also related by blood, they are still much worse than Li Qingjing.This is also impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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