Chapter 1175
Li Qingyun himself is still single and doesn't even have a boyfriend.If she went to talk to Chen Yourong and Ying Er about having a baby.Is it convincing?

It would be embarrassing if you didn't convince them, but were lectured by them.

Because of this, when Li Qingyun said that he would take them on a trip together, they agreed without even thinking about it.

As for Xixi and Hang Hang, that's not to mention.

As long as they can be with their parents, they are very happy.

And they also like to travel with their parents.

After all, the world is so big.Even if Li Qingyun often took them out to play, it was only in a few places.There are still many good places I haven't been to yet.

There are also many different landscapes on each planet.

If they play carefully, a living planet can be played for a year.

After all, every place is also the scenery of every place.

For the development of a world, Li Qingyun will deliberately guide its growth except at the very beginning.Later, Li Qingyun rarely did such things.

After all, up to now, his world can be said to be expanding at any time, and there are many places appearing at any time. If he has to take care of everything, he simply doesn't have that much energy.

But it was different in the beginning.At that time, let alone a planet, even a mountain would take a long time to 'grow' out.

At that time, Li Qingyun also influenced the formation of many landforms on the initial star according to his own preferences.

Later, after the initial star appeared, Li Qingyun also artificially controlled the "growth" of some living planets in the small world.

If at this time, someone can cross the void, leave the primordial star, and travel among the stars, they will find that the life planets around the primordial star are a bit too 'dense'.

Of course.This will also become an unsolved secret of this universe for many years to come.

Although no one has discovered this secret except Li Qingyun and the others, after many years, there will always be people on the initial star who will walk out of the initial star.

Then they will find out.But that was many years later.At that time, it was hard to say what kind of existence Li Qingyun had become.

And at this time, Li Qingyun took his family to travel on those planets that are 'very close' to the initial star.

Yes, he really took his family with him this time.Even Li Youde and Zhao Hongfang were with them.

When Li Qingyun set off, he brought his parents together.

For so many years, Li Qingyun hadn't played well with them.Even since Xixi and Hanghang were born, they rarely even went to the Li family planet.

This time, Li Qingyun and the others did not pass through the teleportation array, but Li Qingyun brought them to the secret planet of the Li family with a teleportation.

This planet was hidden by Li Qingyun, and it was impossible for others to discover its existence.

This is also the headquarters of Li Qingyun and his family.

In the beginning, when Li Qingyun got this world, the town he built was also managed by Zhao Hongfang and the others.

Ever since they moved to Xinmin City to take care of Xixi and Hanghang, there was no one here.

But even though there was no one for several years.But when Li Qingyun and the others came back, the place was also very lively.

After all, Yue Hongfang and the others had a lot of pets at that time.Tigers, black bears too.

A few years passed.Obviously, they haven't forgotten Li Qingyun and the others.

Seeing Li Qingyun and the others came back.

Those guys were so happy one by one.

Although Li Qingyun and the others haven't been at home in recent years.But these guys were also Li Qingyun's pets at first.

Therefore, Li Qingyun never treated them badly.

If there are good exercises, they also have a share.

Even Li Qingyun's family's pets were literate, Li Qingyun did not forget them.

Although Li Qingyun's people didn't show up, don't forget that he is the master of this world.As long as he wanted to, it would not be difficult to directly pass some knowledge into their minds.

So, when Li Qingyun and his family appeared, those pets were overjoyed.

"Welcome home, Master."

Although they can't speak yet, they can transmit sound.Such words can be said to have appeared in the minds of each of Li Qingyun and the others.

Although it was the first time for Xixi and Hang Hang to come here, they were not afraid of the monsters opposite them at all.Although those monsters are stronger than them.But the eyes of the two little guys lit up when they saw them.

There is no way, although the two little guys are only two years old, they have seen many powerful monsters.

And now that my parents are still around, I will definitely not let them get hurt.

So they ran directly towards the opposite side.

Originally, Zhao Hongfang and the others were worried that those pets would hurt Xixi and Hanghang.

But she's just worrying about it.

Those monsters are not stupid.Even if they have never met Xixi and Hanghang.But they came back with their masters.As long as they are not stupid, they can think of the identities of Xixi and Hang Hang.

After all, in the past few years, they themselves have descendants.Therefore, it is not normal for the master to bring back two little masters.

If they can't even figure this out and hurt Xixi and Hanghang.Then they deserve to be eaten.

But it is clear that none of them are fools.Seeing the two little ones, Xixi and Hanghang, running over, they not only bent down to let the two little guys play on them, but also cooperated with the two little guys to play with them from time to time.

This also made Zhao Hongfang swallow all the words that came to his mouth.

Although they are all monsters, they are also as smart as humans. Zhao Hongfang and the others have long been familiar with this.

They even have monsters who can speak human language.After seeing more, their hearts are not as fragile as before.

It has to be said that ever since Li Qingyun told them that he owns a world, Zhao Hongfang's heart has become extraordinarily strong.

Originally, at the very beginning, Li Qingyun said that he owned a world, but they were still thinking that Li Qingyun was too exaggerated.

Because when Li Qingyun told them, the world was less than half the size of a planet.But in just a few short years, the world has changed so much.To be honest, if they hadn't watched the world become so big step by step, they couldn't believe it was real.

Coming back here again, they also have a lot of emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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