urban small world

Chapter 1149 Lively

Chapter 1149 Lively
After all, in the past, it was precisely because she interfered too much in everyone's cultivation that the Heart Refining Palace was required to come out to remedy it.

If he interferes again at this time, then the Hall of Refining Hearts will be taken out for nothing!

But to Li Qingyun's relief, he didn't need to do this anymore.

Because, not long after Li Qingyun sent Ying Er and the others away, people came out from the Heart Refining Palace one after another.

And Li Qinglin was also in that group.

With the emergence of this group of people, someone finally revealed the secret of the Palace of Refining Hearts.

However, there were still some people who did not come out that day.For example, Lin Yunfei, Liu Zhigang and Li Qingsong.

Several other people Li Qingyun knew came out on this day.

And their return finally gave Xinmin City and Brother City a backbone.

Although there are still some people who haven't come back, it doesn't matter, as long as someone takes the initiative to host the Wulin Festival.

Although Li Qingsong and Liu Zhigang hadn't come back yet, Yinger and Zhao Jie breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the news from Li Qinglin and the others.

In the past, they only got news from Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei. Although they knew that they would not lie to them, they were more at ease when they got the news again.

Early the next morning, even Li Qingsong, Lin Yunfei and Liu Zhigang came out.

Finally, all those people who had a good relationship with Li Qingyun appeared at the same time.

They actually all came out of the Heart Refining Hall the day before the Martial Arts Festival, which was finally a happy event.

Well, in this way, Li Qingyun's plan to fish them out could not be realized, but Li Qingyun was very pleased with this.

This is also the result he wants to see.

They came out with their own ability and Li Qingyun's help to come out, those are two completely different results.

Relying on their own ability to come out is also more conducive to their future development.

"Honey, you're finally back, you're worried about me, don't leave me in the future, okay?"

"My wife, I don't want to either, but we all have to practice, there is no way around it. I miss you too."

This kind of thing is happening in many places in Wulin Continent.

After all, Li Qingsong is not the only couple in the Wulin Continent who have been separated for more than a month.

Of course, there are not many people who can come out of the Heart Refining Palace.However, more than a month passed, and many people on the steps finally couldn't stand it any longer.In the past few days, people have finally come down from the top one after another.

And those couples, who have been separated for so long, are just as the saying goes, a little farewell is better than a newlywed.

It's normal for something to happen between them afterwards.

Finally, the time came to March [-]st.This day was originally an ordinary day.But festivals are not just created by people, they are a kind of commemorative day.

And the Wulin Festival is also a memorable day in the Wulin Continent.

A few years ago today, the Wulin Continent appeared on Earth.Since then, the fate of tens of millions of people in the Wulin Continent has changed.

Many of them were originally at the bottom of society, and they may have the same chance to stand up in their lifetime.

It was the appearance of the Wulin Continent that let them know that they still had a brand new kind of hair.

Therefore, these people are especially grateful to Wulin Continent.

In the past, those people who wanted to be educated but not educated, who wanted to fight for their fathers and had no father to fight for, they seemed to be living a chic life, but they didn't know that one day they would be hacked to death on the street.

It was the emergence of the Wulin Continent that changed their fate.Many of them turned into soldiers of Wulin Continent.

Most of Liu Zhigang's former subordinates were like this.

Therefore, when someone proposes to have a martial arts festival, these people are also the most supportive.

It is precisely because the appearance of the Wulin Continent has changed the fate of many people, so they are also sincerely grateful to the Wulin Continent. In the past, even if they were grateful, they didn't know who to thank.

And suddenly someone said that a martial arts festival will be held, and this is the first martial arts festival.

This allows those who want to thank but can't find someone to thank, finally have a place to vent.

No, on March 3st, early in the morning, all the places where people gathered in the Wulin Continent became lively.Not only those main cities, but even some villages and towns became very lively today.

In many places, bamboos have started to burn.

Therefore, early in the morning, many people were woken up by the firecrackers.

After all, not everyone's home has the sound-proof formation like Li Qingyun's.

Even if there is a soundproof formation in the home of ordinary people, they are reluctant to open it.

Yes, the houses created by Li Qingyun actually have complete functions, but if you want to use them, it is not free.

There is no free lunch in the world, and many functions are charged.

For example, the sound insulation array, in fact, most of the houses have this array, but usually very few people will open it.

Unless you are doing something you don't want people to know, or when you are in retreat.Otherwise, it usually requires contribution points to open it.

Of course, Li Qingyun's family is different, those formations were originally arranged by him.

The reason why the opening of those formations need to contribute points is because opening them requires energy consumption.And if there is no charge, a lot of energy will be consumed for nothing every day, which is not what Li Qingyun wants to see.

As for Li Qingyun's own family, he didn't care.Adding a spirit-gathering array directly inside, all problems are solved.

Therefore, their family was not awakened by those firecrackers.

But even so, they were woken up early in the morning.

People outside can't disturb them, but it's different if someone comes in.

No, in the early morning, Li Qingsong and the others brought their wives to Li Qingyun and the others.

As for Brother City, they threw it directly to He Yuanfang.

Today is the first martial arts festival in the martial arts mainland, and they want to spend it with Li Qingyun and the others.

As for why, they think that on such an important day, maybe Li Tian will appear.If he really showed up, then the chance of showing up at Li Qingyun's house must be much higher, so they came to Li Qingyun's house early in the morning.

When they came, Li Qingyun and the others hadn't gotten up yet.But they don't think of themselves as outsiders.Soon, because of their arrival, Li's residence was also bustled by them.

Those monsters at home are also crazy.For Li Qinglin and the others, those monsters were no strangers at all.For them, they have long been envious of the excitement outside.

It's a pity that they can't go out unless they follow the master, otherwise, they will easily be beaten to death when they go out.

Although they are very powerful, this is in a human city. Humans have a saying that mosquitoes kill elephants.They don't think that they can survive the siege of those humans.

For those who can surf the Internet, of course they have heard of the Wulin Festival.Originally, they thought that they could only watch the excitement online at home.Unexpectedly, people like Li Qingsong would come early in the morning.

And they also brought a lot of bamboo. In Huaxia, during the festival, if there is no movement, it seems that there is no festival.This is why so many people set off firecrackers and fireworks during the Chinese New Year.

In many rural areas, the more noise a family makes, the more beautiful their family is.

Especially for families with conflicts, if others play more and louder than their own, they will not accept it, and they must overwhelm the other party before giving up.

No, early in the morning, Li Qingyun and the others were disturbed by the roars of those monsters at home.

"Brother, you're just getting up now. Really, go outside and see how lively it is outside. It's too deserted here. Look, what good things we brought over, haha, don't be moved, don't say anything Thank you, this is what we should do. Brother, since you are up, let's burn the firecrackers quickly."

Li Qingyun saw Li Qingsong's face asking for credit, so he couldn't help but give him a hard meal. I thank you for your face.Shameless guy, who should thank you.Still moved.It would be nice if I didn't bother you.

But seeing Yinger and the others beside them, Li Qingyun couldn't do anything to them.After all, as the eldest brother, you still have to save some face for them.

It's okay to deal with them in private. At this time, with their wives and other people around, Li Qingyun is not going to deal with them.After all, they also want face.

Seeing the pile of bamboo knots they brought over, Li Qingyun was also speechless.What are you trying to do? Is it necessary to waste so much?
You know, in the Wulin Continent, once the bamboo is blown, it has to be planted back.Otherwise, bad things will happen.

It is precisely because of this that the environment of the Wulin Continent has not been damaged. Otherwise, with the destructive power of the people on Earth, the surrounding areas of the major cities would have been cut bare in the past few years.

Even if you want to plant it back.Now that they are all so wasteful, Li Qingyun really doesn't know what to say about them.

"Okay, okay, do what you want, I'll go wash my face first." Li Qingyun shook his head, and decided not to bother with them, they can do whatever they like.He didn't bother to care about it.

After all, today is a day of great joy.Li Qingyun didn't want to spoil the atmosphere either.

As for Xixi and Hanghang, they were overjoyed to have so many people playing with them together.

After all, they are still children. Although they don't know why, they are very happy as long as someone plays with them.

No, Li Qingyun hasn't started washing his face yet.The sound of firecrackers began to sound from the front yard.

(End of this chapter)

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