urban small world

Chapter 1148 End of August

Chapter 1148

And as long as it is safe, those who put safety first will dare to go to the Hall of Refining Hearts.

After all, in this world, there are still more people who cherish their own lives. After all, only when people are alive can they have more wonderful lives.

Therefore, when they saw someone coming out of the Heart Training Palace, some people who had been wavering and wondering whether to go to the Heart Training Palace made up their minds that it was worth their trip.

Therefore, when those from the Xuanyuan family came to the foot of the mountain in the Hall of Refining Hearts, they found that many people were walking up the steps today.

Li Qingyun was also very happy that so many people went to the Heart Refining Hall.This shows that there are still many people who are self-motivated.

In the next few days, many people would go up the mountain every day, but most of them couldn't walk very far.

Yes, even some dark warriors joined in the fun.Such a person can walk more than ten steps, which is considered pretty good.

It's just a waste of resources for them to go up.

After knowing this situation, Li Qingyun also felt that his original setting was very wise.

Now there is a fee to go up the steps, but it can't stop so many people from going up the steps.If there was no charge, Li Qingyun estimated that the steps would have been crowded with all kinds of people.

He knows the Hua-Xia people too well, and he doesn't take advantage of small advantages, unless he is stupid.

Take a look, when many supermarkets are selling specials, those old men and women, one by one, charge forward, and you can tell that their waists and legs are no longer sore.All of them run like 'Liu Xiang'.

If there is no charge for the steps, there is no need to wait until now.It is estimated that it has been overwhelmed by people.

Even if there are still many people who are not short of money who will run up the steps, they only account for a small part of the total population of Wulin Continent.

This also gives more space to those warriors who really need the Hall of Refining Hearts.

Of course, Li Qingyun would not pay attention to those who were overreaching. As long as they suffered enough, they would naturally go down.Even the fees they are reluctant to pay are the same.

After all, not everyone can walk all the steps.

It's not good for them if you get stuck on a level for too long.

In a flash, another ten days passed, and in a flash, it was the end of February.

It will be March soon, you know, March [-]st is the Wulin Festival set by Wulin Continent.This year, as the first martial arts festival, after the new year, the main cities began to prepare for it.

But here in Xinmin City, the martial arts festival is coming soon, but the two backbones, Ye Bo and Liu Zhigang, have never appeared.

If they don't show up again.At that time, those people below don't know if they can hide it.

After all, the Martial Arts Festival is a big festival. Although it has never been held before, it is precisely because of this that many people are still looking forward to this first Martial Arts Festival.

No matter how depressed the officials in Xinmin City were, Liu Zhigang and Ye Bo hadn't come out of the Heart Refining Palace.

They just hope that they can come out sooner.

And the closer it is to March, the more nervous many people are.

Because, at this time, not only the city lord of Xinmin City did not come out from the Hall of Refining Hearts.

The same goes for Brother City.

There is only one city lord in Xinmin City. He is not there, and there is a deputy city lord who can preside over it.

But Brother City, there are four city owners, and none of the four city owners are there.

Yes, Lin Yunfei has skipped class for a month.The local Li Qinglin and the others went to the Hall of Refining Hearts. Lin Yunfei was still in school at first, but he went to school for a day and found it too boring, so he went to the Hall of Refining Hearts without even talking to Li Qingyun.

For this, Tan Jingrou almost died of anger.But she said that when Lin Yunfei comes back, she must make him look good.

In this regard, Li Qingyun expressed that he did not want to participate in the cooperation,

Others were nervous, but Li Qingyun didn't care about it.

Whether Ye Bo and the others can come back, no one can say now.

Even Li Qingyun didn't know when they would come back.

After all, they were in the phantom formation at this time, although Li Qingyun, as the refiner of the Heart Refining Palace, had no intention of seeing them in the phantom formation, but Li Qingyun was not so boring.

And even if he saw it, what's the use of it.God knows when they will come out.

As for the phantom formation, it is possible that they will be able to see through it in the next second and then break out of the formation, or it may be possible that they will be trapped in it and cannot be freed.

But Li Qingyun was not in a hurry, but Chen Yourong and the others were in a hurry.

Originally, when they knew from Li Qingjing that the Hall of Refining Hearts was just a place for cultivation, they were relieved.

But now another ten days have passed.They finally couldn't sit still.

Because these days, He Yuanfang and the others have asked them many times, when will Li Qinglin and the others come back.

Originally, they weren't very worried, but when He Yuanfang and the others asked, Chen Yourong and the others became worried again.

You know, Li Qinglin and Li Qingjing passed away almost on the same day.But Li Qingjing and the others have been out for more than ten days, and Li Qinglin and the others have not heard anything.

In addition, there are always some people there asking this and that every day.They can not worry about it.

But what was the use of them worrying.Li Qinglin and the others couldn't get through on the phone.

Therefore, they could only find Li Qingyun and his family.

"Brother, do you really have no way to contact Qinglin and the others? Don't you know what's going on with them now?"

Li Qingyun shrugged his shoulders, "It's not that I don't want to help you, I really don't know. The phantom formations each of them face are different, how could I know. Even if I go to them at this time, it's not You can find it in a short time."

Although Li Qingyun's words were completely nonsense, but it's okay to fool Yinger and the others.

This wasn't the first time Chen Yourong and the others asked such a question.Although Li Qingyun gave the same answer every time, Yinger and the others were still very disappointed.

And Li Qingyun shook his head when he saw their depressing looks. It was two days before the Martial Arts Festival, so Li Qingyun was also thinking, if they didn't come out tomorrow, then Li Qingyun could only move his hands and feet first. They were called out.

So that these girls don't bother themselves all day long.

But in that case, Li Qinglin and the rest of the clan in the Palace of Refining Hearts will have greatly reduced their gains this time.

Therefore, Li Qingyun was still unwilling to take this step unless it was absolutely necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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