Chapter 1109 A hundred schools of thought contend
Li Qingyun has no interest in this kind of labor-intensive work.

In Wulin Continent, many people don't have much interest in New Year's Day.After all, many high-level cultivators are busy tempering their strength on the Supreme Continent at this time.Without those martial artists who hold the alchemy state, even if someone wants to make a party, the attractiveness will be greatly reduced.

It's like, when those TV stations hold a party, they don't invite any celebrities, or they only invite some not-so-famous stars.How could such a party attract an audience?

That's why, at the end of the year, whether it's the New Year's Eve Gala or the Spring Festival Gala, those big stars are always the busiest time, and it's also the time when they sell at a good price. Whoever gives the most money will go to whoever's house go.

In the Wulin Continent, there is no market for those entertainment stars, and the most popular here are those high-level monks.

With the holidays of various schools, the population of Wulin Continent began to increase rapidly.

Fortunately, after several years of development, the Wulin Continent has long been self-sufficient in terms of food, and there is even a surplus that can be sold to Earth-Qiuqiu.

Although the population of Wulin Continent has skyrocketed a lot, fortunately, various businesses have already expected this, and they have already made preparations. Can't keep up.

Li Qingyun didn't need to worry about these things for a long time.Just kidding, the major city owners are not vegetarians, and for those merchants, this is an opportunity to make money, how could they give up.

But this year, Li Qingyun discovered that many people did not come alone or with a family.

Many students come in groups.

Although Li Qingyun has been refining the Heart Refining Palace and has not appeared in front of everyone, it does not mean that he does not care about the outside world.

Therefore, it is normal for him to notice this.After Li Qingyun's understanding, he realized that there are actually a lot of students, all under the leadership of their teachers, who took advantage of the winter vacation and before the Spring Festival to travel to the Wulin Continent to study and travel.

There is no way, Wulin Continent is no secret for a long time, even if those teachers don't organize students to come together, it is estimated that many students will come by themselves.

This point has been confirmed a few years ago.

But it is precisely because of this that, every year, something will always happen.

After all, with so many children, it is impossible for their families to agree to their going to the Wulin Continent. After all, many seniors also have to go to work, so every year, during the holidays, there will be some students who feel that they have grown up and can go to the Wulin by themselves mainland.

There are too many such things, and some bad things will always happen. No one can avoid this.

Although Li Qingyun was very sympathetic to those who were killed and killed, but he couldn't care so much.

If those things happened in the Wulin Continent, even if he couldn't find out at the time, he could help them avenge them afterwards, but if those things happened outside the Wulin Continent, then Li Qingyun had no choice.

After all, no matter how powerful he is, he can't care about things on the earth-ball-ball, right?

Most of the time, blocking is worse than sparse. Since those parents can't stop those brats at home from being curious about the Wulin Continent, they simply let the school find a way to organize a winter camp or other activities, but this time, they put The location is placed on the Wulin Continent.

It is precisely because of this that Li Qingyun saw a person who looked like my student, led by the teacher, to the Wulin Continent.

After all, there is another advantage of being led by a teacher, that is, they can charter a car to come here by themselves, and don't have to worry about buying tickets.

After all, at this time, during the Hua-Xiahua-Xia Spring Festival travel season, tickets are already hard to buy. If these students still have to buy tickets one by one, there must be many who cannot buy tickets.

But now that they travel together, there is no need to worry about this.

And with a teacher around, you can watch a little bit. For those children, the safety factor has also increased a lot.

The most important thing is that if you put this 'winter camp' in the Wulin Continent, you don't need to pay a venue fee, and it doesn't matter how they want to operate it.

There are many such travel groups, and many schools on Earth-Earth have encountered the same thing.Therefore, when they meet students from schools in other provinces here, apart from being a little surprised at first, they will not be so surprised after seeing too much.

In the end, these teachers from all over the country, from different provinces, and from different schools actually created a realistic version of a city-to-city program on the Wulin Continent.

As the saying goes, peers are enemies.

Although many of them are teachers with the same purpose, they hope to teach good students, but they also compete with each other.

After all, the number of places in those good universities is also limited, and everyone wants to send their students there.

But in this way, the teacher on the opposite side disagreed.After all, one radish is one hole, if you send one more person up there, I will lose one, and every time I come and go, I will lose two places.

The teacher also wants to save face, okay?

Many of them may have heard of each other before. After all, some famous schools are also very famous in the industry.

But before, I only knew that there was such a school, or that there was such a teacher.

But in reality, many people don't know it.But now it is different.They actually met in another world.

Naturally, they also want to compare and distinguish between the superior and inferior.After all, Wen Wu is the first, and Wu Wu is the second.

They don't obey anyone.

What should I do if I don't accept it?You can't have a fight.

After all, they are also teachers, and there are so many classmates, they still can't afford to lose that person, so in the end they came up with a way, that is to let their classmates beat the other's classmates.

Of course, the defeat here does not mean letting them fight.

We are all students, of course we have to defeat each other with knowledge.

So a few days later, without knowing how they did it, they actually set up a large platform on a prairie in the Wulin Continent.

There are actually a hundred phalanxes on the periphery.Each square also represents a school.

Then there was a real version of the contention of a hundred schools of thought here in the Wulin Continent.

And this matter quickly attracted the attention of many people.

And the reason why they were able to set up this arena in such a fast time was obviously that there were also figures of those big forces in the Wulin Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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