urban small world

Chapter 1108 Martial Arts Chapter

Chapter 1108 Martial Arts Festival

After a few days of hard work, they finally managed to get started.

It will be easy after getting started, and they can feel that their spiritual power is growing every day.

Although I am not the one who grows stronger on the first day, it is good to have something to gain, it is better than nothing in the first few days.

Therefore, Ye Bo and Liu Zhigang quickly regained their confidence.They feel that everything is going in the right direction.

On the contrary, Li Qinglin and the others were very depressed.Because they felt that the speed of cultivation was too slow, they were all depressed to death.

It is normal to have such different performances. As the saying goes, it is easy to go from simple to extravagant, and it is difficult to go from extravagant to simple.

After they have felt the speed of the high-speed rail, let them feel the speed of a snail, and they really want to die.

On the contrary, Ye Bo and Liu Zhigang have always seen the harvest, so their mentality is also better.So they were happy every day, but Li Qinglin and the others were sad every day. They even went to Li Qingyun's house to find Li Qingyun, wanting to ask Li Qingyun what happened.

Unfortunately, they were unlucky. When they arrived at Li Qingyun's house, Li Qingyun was not at home at all.

It was Xixi and Hanghang who received them.

Xixi and Hanghang told them that Li Qingyun hadn't been home for several days.They didn't know where Dad had gone.

In this regard, Li Qinglin and the others have nothing to do.

I really don't know if this continues, will Li Qinglin and the others be overtaken by Ye Bo and the others.

In fact, when Li Qinglin and the others went to Li Qingyun's house to look for him, Li Qingyun also knew about it.But he didn't show up.

Because he felt that the reason why they came to him for such a small matter was entirely because their cultivation base of the right state of mind was not good enough.

If they had a good attitude, there wouldn't be so many things.

Obviously, their mentality is unacceptable.

They are not satisfied with the progress they make every day. If their strength improves in the future, it will take years for them to close the unit once. When the time comes, they will find that they have not made much progress. At that time, they will not be even more collapsed what.

Therefore, Li Qingyun felt that this matter could not be delayed.The most urgent task now is to get out of the Heart Refining Hall first, and then let them go in and feel it.

Li Qingyun didn't want to, because of his unintentional mistake, they would go crazy in the future.

So, precisely because of this, even though he knew that Li Qinglin and the others were coming, he didn't go out to meet them.

Of course, Li Qinglin and the others would not know about this.Because they didn't know that Li Qingyun would have such an ability.

And Li Qingyun's disappearance means that he has not shown his face in public for a long time.

Of course, he will still go home to accompany Xixi and Hanghang every few days.Therefore, Xixi and Hanghang didn't make a fuss.

And the absence of Li Qingyun in the Wulin Continent did not attract much attention.Because Li Qingyun is usually not a person who attracts too much attention.

Only Li Qinglin and the others looked for Li Qingyun many times, so they were a little depressed.

They even wondered for a while whether Li Qingyun was hiding from them on purpose and didn't want to see them.

Well, no matter what they thought, Li Qingyun just didn't show up again.

And these days when Li Qingyun was not around.

In the Wulin Continent, many people who retreated last time have also left the retreat one after another.And joined the Supreme Continent.

They formed some small teams and started to fight some monsters together.

In this way, the combat power of those humans in the Wulin Continent is also increasing every day.This discovery made many people very excited, and they were even more reluctant to withdraw from the front line.

Even some powerful people recovered from their injuries and set off to the Supreme Continent again.

But compared to the high-profile last time, they are much more low-key this time.

But those big forces are very eye-catching, and I don't know how many people are staring at them.

They are like those first- and second-tier stars in Huaxia. No matter where they go, there will always be a lot of spotlights on them.

Therefore, when someone broke the news on the Internet that those big forces went out again, it also caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

But these didn't have much to do with Li Qingyun.He didn't care about the movements of those people at all.

And this time, those big forces didn't say anything about building a base in Supreme Town.

If the time comes and gets slapped in the face again, that would be bad.

Many things can be done silently, and there is no need for the whole world to know.In this way, when the time comes, when you fail to do so, you will be ashamed as much as you want.

On the contrary, if they just do it and don't talk about it, of course it's good if they succeed, even if they don't succeed, it doesn't matter, at least they won't be in the same embarrassment as last time.

And now they don't dare to easily establish any base outside the supreme town.There are so many monsters outside, if one day they go crazy and attack, then the base they have spent so much effort and so many contribution points to build is not in vain.They don't have the confidence to keep it.

Because those monsters are too smart.Even they all know how to plan, even many times, when they fight, they will send their spiritual consciousness to scold each other.

Apart from not being able to speak, they are not even worse than humans.

So now many people no longer call them monsters, but directly call them monsters.

Yes, they are also another major race in the Wulin Continent besides the human race.

The Yaozu has also appeared in many novels, and they are no strangers to these young people in the Wulin Continent.

Therefore, when those powerful forces saw that the Yaozu had come out, how could they dare to say that they wanted to build a base on the Supreme Continent.They don't want to lose face again.

And with such five actions, Lin Yunfei is the happiest.Because those big forces built their bases one day later, he could gain one more day.

Time flies, and it's time for winter vacation again, Li Qingsong and the others are one step closer to graduation.

But Li Qingsong, they hadn't put their minds on going to school for a long time.

They haven't been to school since the last time they went to sign up.They are eager to get their graduation certificates immediately, so that they can give an explanation to their families, and they can also properly manage their cities in the Wulin mainland in the future.

This is much better than going out to work.

Of course, after the winter vacation, there are still big changes for the Wulin Continent. The biggest change is the population here.

Yes, since New Year's Day, the population of Wulin Continent has also increased.

This year's New Year's Day, of course, the main cities also held a party, but compared to previous years, it was not so grand.

Because not long ago, someone suggested that, after all, New Year’s Day is a holiday on the earth. Although they are all from the earth, they can celebrate the festival on the earth, but there is no need Every time they celebrate earth-earth festivals, they can also celebrate some festivals of their own.

It doesn't matter if there are no holidays.Holidays, isn’t that just finding a day for everyone to have a carnival together, how difficult it is, as long as you want, every day is a festival.

But if every day is a festival, people will get tired of it. Therefore, finding some special days and turning them into festivals has become the common wish of many people.

In the end, after voting, most of them agreed with the first festival, which is March 3 every year as the Wulin Festival.

Yes, that's right, it is this day, because this day is the day when Wulin Continent was born.

A few years ago, on March 3st, the Wulin Continent appeared in front of the world for the first time.And it was also from that day that it changed the lives of many people on Earth.

Therefore, many people will never forget this special day.

Of course, they didn't know that Ye Bo had arrived in the Wulin Continent half a month earlier than them.

But even if others know this, they won't care.

After all, Ye Bo is only a person, and has little relationship with everyone.

Anyway, most people only knew about the existence of the Wulin Continent on March 3st.So they designated this day as Wulin Festival, which is fine.

Of course Ye Bo would not object.After all, festivals are festivals that are recognized by everyone.

Of course, the people in Wulin Mainland are all Chinese-Xia people, so they also kept the Spring Festival.

After all, this festival has been going on for thousands of years.Not everyone can let go easily.

Even if they have become martial arts people now.

This is like the protagonists in many novels. They have traveled to another world. Every time they see the full moon, they will think of the hometown of the earth.

As for New Year's Day, for many people, it is not a big holiday.Some people even wonder if they want to make up their own way of counting years in Wulin Continent.

And although Li Qingyun knew all about it, he didn't participate in it.

Of course, he is still very concerned about this. After all, their behavior shows that many of them still regard themselves as martial arts people.

This shows that they still agree with Wulin Continent very much, and Li Qingyun is also very happy about this.

After all, this shows that what he has done in the past few years is still very meaningful.

If, after he has done so much, no one thinks about Wulin Continent, and no one regards this place as his home, then he is called a failure.Therefore, he is still very supportive of such people.

Of course, if Li Qingyun wanted, he could also set some festivals or calendars himself.But Li Qingyun thought about it or forget it.He doesn't have so much time to think so much.The chronology is not so easy to compile, and there are many things to consider.Whoever likes to make it up can do it.

(End of this chapter)

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