Chapter 1080

A monster in the demon infant stage is no worse than a martial artist in the pill-holding state.Even most of the time, those human warriors may not necessarily win if they face head-to-head.

There are so many monsters in the Supreme Continent, they will feel numb when they see them.

If they encountered a few monsters together, if they ran away immediately, they might still be able to run away. If they were accidentally surrounded, they didn't know what would happen.

Therefore, even some courageous people, after seeing the real picture more than 1000 kilometers away, many people came back and joined the army of retreat.

And some warriors who haven't reached the pill-holding realm, seeing those warriors in the pill-holding realm practice so hard, how can they have any reason to play.

After all, they live in the Wulin Continent. If those monsters really attack, they may be affected.

And if the strength is strong, it is also their own.

It is precisely because of these monsters.The Wulin Continent, which was originally a little impetuous, suddenly calmed down.

This makes a lot of people a little unaccustomed to it.

Such as those who do business.They are, of course, the group of people who like to be lively the most.

Because when it is lively, it means that there are more people, and when there are more people, of course they have to consume, and in this way, they can also earn contribution points.

But now many people don't hang out on the street anymore.The business of those merchants is also much worse.

Of course, some people are sad, and some people are excited.For example, Lin Qingwei, Li Qingjing and the others.

They never cared about anything else.Because they all knew that everything here was decided by Li Qingyun.They didn't worry about those monsters attacking at all.

Their mentality has not changed at all from before.They also like to go shopping when they are not practicing.

And every time I went out before, the streets were full of people. Although they like to be lively, they don't like to be crowded.But this time it was different.

They found that there were a lot fewer pedestrians on the big cards they used to go to, which made them very happy.

Of course, when they were happy, Li Qingyun's contribution points also decreased a lot.

Fortunately, in Wulin Continent, Li Qingyun didn't have to worry about contribution points at all.

This is issued by him, and everything is up to him.

And how much can Li Qingjing and the others use.That little contribution point will not cause the depreciation of the contribution point.

In fact, everything on this planet belongs to Li Qingyun.

Even the things that many people sell are obtained from Li Qingyun's planet.And then buy it back with the contribution points issued by Li Qingyun himself, this is no one else.

But who made Li Qingjing and the others like it?What can Li Qingyun do?

It seems that women like to go shopping no matter where they go, and this has not changed because they have become practitioners.

The changes in the Wulin Continent were felt even by travelers from Earth.

After all, they walked on the street and found that there were a lot fewer people in those main cities.

For many people, this is not the first time they have come to Wulin Continent.

Although they have come here many times, they can still get some benefits from here every time they come here.

Seeing some novelty, this is also the reason why the Wulin Continent will become the most popular tourist attraction in China-Xia.

Yes, that's right, as early as a few years ago in Huaxia, many travel agencies launched tour groups for traveling to other worlds.

Of course, the so-called alien world here actually refers to the Wulin Continent.

Compared with people on Earth, it is not wrong to regard the Wulin Continent as a different world.

After all, the Wulin Continent is really a world of its own, and has nothing to do with the earth-earth world.

It's just that this alien world has an entrance on the earth, and through that entrance, you can come to Li Qingyun's world.

Since those travel agencies developed this route, this route is also the busiest throughout the year, and it can be said that it is open all year round.Many travel agencies do not know how many batches of tour guides for this line have been added.

Now in China-Xia, just ask anyone, which scenic spot is the most worth visiting.

It is guaranteed that 80.00% of the people will say Wulin Mainland.

And when it comes to traveling, anyone who has never been to the Wulin Continent is embarrassed to say that he has traveled.

Of course, there are exceptions for those who are refused entry by the Wulin Continent, and those who think they cannot pass.

Because most of those who were refused entry by the Wulin Continent were invited by the police to drink tea.

This is no longer a secret.

In this way, some people who think they can't enter the martial arts mainland don't dare to try again.After all, otherwise, they would also be targeted.

For this point, it is also the most depressing for many people who fail the assessment.

Even once on the Internet, many people protested this kind of discrimination in Wulin Mainland.

But unfortunately, no matter how they protested, Wulin Continent simply ignored them.Those voices have long since disappeared.

Because, those guys who are protesting, it is very likely that they are the ghosts in their hearts.In the online world, even though it is called, you don't know whether you are chatting with a human or a dog.

But that's only for ordinary people. Some hackers can find you out in minutes, let alone the country.

When those people discovered that posting protests on the Internet could lead to fire, no one was a fool, so it didn't take long for such voices to disappear.

So, now on the Earth-Earth network, you can see photos shared by some people who have returned from their trips to the Wulin Continent.

Even, those photos are not only famous in China, but also very famous all over the world.

There are even a lot of "wrong pot benevolence" who climbed over the wall and ran to Huaxia's network, just to look at the photos of those martial arts mainland.

There is no way, because they were born in the wrong country, so they are directly banned from entering the Wulin Continent, regardless of whether they are good or bad.

In this regard, they are even more depressed than those in Huaxia who were refused entry.

After all, those who were refused entry were also rejected because they had done bad things themselves, but for those "wrong pot benevolents", they were not allowed to enter because of their birth.

Especially the descendants of those who got green cards from Western countries with great difficulty.In addition, some parents deliberately go to Western countries to give birth to their children in order to have a better future for their children. They automatically have the nationality of that country when they are born.

Maybe those parents were still excited about their wise choice.

They feel that there is no way for them to go out in this lifetime, and it is good for their descendants to go out.

But when the Wulin Continent came out, they were often complained about.

It is precisely because they thought they were the best choice for their children that they ruined their children's right to enter the Wulin Continent.

There are many such things on the earth, but unfortunately, Li Qingyun doesn't care about them at all.

Li Qingyun used to be a cynical youth anyway.

He has never thought that the moon abroad is rounder than domestic ones.

Moreover, Li Qingyun has also lived abroad for a while, and only those who have really lived abroad know that China is the safest country in the world, which is not wrong at all.

He also lived in the former world's number one country, the United States, before.

At night, if there is no urgent matter, it is best not to go out.Because that would be very unsafe.

Especially in a country like the United States, where individuals can own wooden warehouses.

On the contrary, in Huaxia, the rich nightlife is famous all over the world.Even if many single women walk on the street in the middle of the night, nothing will happen to them.

After all, Huaxia's cities are full of surveillance. If someone does something bad, as long as someone pursues it, he won't be able to escape.

Since he said that the atmosphere in foreign countries should be freer, Li Qingyun even disagreed.

In that capitalist country, if you have money, you have everything. If you don’t have money, you can see how much freedom you have.

It is precisely because of Li Qingyun's angry youth that he stipulated that only people with Hua-Xia nationality can enter the Wulin Continent.

And Li Qingyun wanted to make Hua-Xia nationality the most valuable nationality in the world.

And Li Qingyun also did this.

Although in the early days, Hua Xia also suffered a lot.But Hua Xia persisted.After several years of development, Huaxia's strength has reached the position of one of the most powerful countries in the world.

Now even the United States does not dare to sanction Hua-Xia casually like before.

Their aircraft carrier no longer drove to the gate of China-Xia at every turn.

Because they were very afraid that if they were not careful, a sword energy would come out from somewhere, and then the aircraft carrier they built with great difficulty would turn into scrap iron and sink into the bottom of the sea.

Although over the years, the United States has not given up their genetic transformation plan under the pressure of the whole world, it's just that they have done it more secretly.

Although they have also achieved some results, they found that even if they obtained a lot of things from the Wulin Continent at a high price, they created a lot of powerful genetic people, but in actual combat, they discovered that those transformed people , There is no way to compare with those warriors in China.

The biggest disadvantage of genetic people is that the success rate is low and the cost is high.Even if it is successful, it will overdraw a person's potential in advance. Such a person will not live long.It's not bad if you can live to more than 50 at most.

On the contrary, those warriors in Huaxia, the stronger they are, the longer they live, there is no reason for this.

Although the speed of cultivation is relatively slow, they may not be able to compare with those genetically modified people who have been transformed for dozens of days after practicing for several years.

But don't forget, Huaxia has the most people.One hundred of them can produce a master, so how many masters does Huaxia have now.

(End of this chapter)

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