urban small world

Chapter 1079 Retreat

Chapter 1079 Retreat
However, in many cases, the reality is very cruel. People want to live a better life for themselves. In many cases, they will also deceive themselves and others.

Just like Li Qinglin is now.He himself didn't believe what he said.How can others believe it.

Li Qinglin failed to adjust the atmosphere, but soon, the monster was roasted, and slowly, a smell of meat came out from it.

The few people who were still there in a daze finally turned their attention to the monster meat in the middle of the fire.

Although they are not in the mood to eat right now.After all, there are so many monsters watching outside, how can they have the mood to eat.

But they don't want to eat, but their bodies are very honest.

No, after smelling the smell of meat, Lin Yunfei's stomach protested first.

They haven't eaten all day today.Although it doesn't matter if they don't eat for ten days and a half months.

But in many cases, eating is not for survival.They have been here since they were young. When it's meal time, if they don't eat something, they will feel very uncomfortable.

It's fine if they have something to do.When you get busy, you may forget about it.But it's different now, they have nothing to do now, no, Lin Yunfei's stomach growled.

"Okay, everyone, don't think too much. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. What are you thinking about so much? If you have wine today, you will be drunk today. Come on. Everyone, come over and eat a little. It's finally cooked, so don't waste it. .”

This time, after hearing Li Qingyun's words, everyone did not object. Yes, you can't treat yourself badly.No matter what happens tomorrow.They are still alive today.If they have been like this all the time, before those monsters come, they will be abolished first.

So, the monster was quickly chopped into four pieces by them, and then they bit it fiercely.It seems that this is revenge against those monsters.

It's a pity, no matter how they eat now.The monsters outside will still exist, and they will not decrease or leave just because they eat the meat of monsters.

Although they did not clash with those monsters today, they also clearly realized that their strength is not enough to gain a foothold here.

If they don't want their foundation to be destroyed, then the Lis have to work harder to cultivate.

A while ago, Li Qinglin and the others could be said to have wasted several months of cultivation in order to get married.

But today's facts let them know that their goal is not only to look at those people in the Wulin mainland.

They should stare at Li Qingyun. If they had Li Qingyun's strength now, they wouldn't worry about the existence of those monsters at all.

It's a pity that they don't have the strength of Li Qingyun. They just discovered the existence of those monsters, and they are worried about whether they will attack Supreme Town.

This is the sorrow of the weak.Their fate cannot be controlled by themselves, and their life depends on other people's faces.For anyone who is a little self-motivated, he wants to change this ending.

Therefore, while Li Qinglin and the others were gnawing on the meat of monster beasts, they also made up their minds in their hearts that they must practice hard and not waste their time anymore.

And this is exactly what Li Qingyun wants to see, and it is also the purpose of him creating so many monsters.I just want to put a little pressure on them, so that they don't feel that they are already at the top of the power pyramid of Wulin Continent, and they don't need to work hard.

Cultivation is endless, let alone Li Qinglin and the others.People like them can only be regarded as just starting out in the entire cultivation world.

Other gods and gods still have to practice.After all, there is a more powerful existence above them.No one knows what kind of existence they will become after practicing, but this is still too far away from Li Qinglin and the others. Now they just want to catch up with Li Qingyun.

They took Li Qingyun as their target.

Knowing the determination of these guys, Li Qingyun couldn't help but nodded secretly.They were not frightened, and Li Qingyun was very satisfied.At least after seeing those annoying monsters, they can still develop a heart of resistance.This made Li Qingyun very happy.

After Li Qinglin and the others returned to Brother City, except for Lin Yunfei who had to go to school, the other three also announced that they had retreated within two days.

And their trip has come to an end.

Although Yinger and Chen Yourong were somewhat disappointed, they also knew that this was not the time to be willful, so they could only support Li Qinglin's decision.

They don't want to be considered as ignorant women by Li Qinglin and the others.

In fact, it wasn't just Li Qinglin and the others who had started retreating. After a while, those returnees from all major forces also started retreating.

Although they didn't see as many monsters as Li Qinglin and the others, they had personally experienced the power of those monsters, and they knew better what consequences they would have if they faced them.

Now, many people in Wulin mainland are condemning them.

Of course, they wouldn't run out and be scolded by others at this time.

They have no penchant for masochism.

Therefore, those powerful people simply called all the disciples back and started their retreat.

And in this way, those ordinary netizens condemned on the Internet for a while, and found that no one responded to them, and they were the only ones talking there for a long time, acting like fools.

In this way, after they persist for a few days, they have no interest in continuing.

Of course, among the scattered people, there are also some who are very curious.Some brave guys even went to the Supreme Continent to see those monsters for themselves.

Several of them were even beaten by monsters, so they almost failed to join them again.

As the news of those people came back, slowly the people in the Wulin Continent finally knew what kind of pattern the Supreme Continent was like.

When they discovered that the reality on the Supreme Continent was more serious than what they had seen on the Internet before.

Many people have been courageous for a long time.

After all, if the Supreme Continent is really surrounded by monsters.Is their future safety guaranteed?
This is a question that many people have considered.

But the answer is also very unified, that is, no.

Yes, not to mention those ordinary people, even the masters of many scattered people can only admit cowardice when encountering such a situation.

(End of this chapter)

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