urban small world

Chapter 1041 1 Blood

Chapter 1041 One Blood
Those monsters never thought that such a result would happen.It was precisely because of their underestimation that some monsters among them were injured.

Although they were not the ones who were injured, even if they were not normal, they still wished that some of the injured monsters would suffer more severe injuries.That way they can get into trouble.

But obviously, not today.They wouldn't do such shameless things in front of so many monsters.And now they come together anyway.The tasks they received were the same.

Now their companions are so badly injured.Isn't this slapping them in the face?

Although they are all monsters, they also want face.

The damage done by underestimating the enemy is irreparable.But they can avenge them.

Although the first collision between these monsters and humans suffered a big loss.But this also aroused the fierceness of those monsters.

No, many monsters roared loudly at this moment.This is also the clarion call for their attack.Sure enough, before Song Qiufeng and the others got excited.The second wave of monsters rushed over again.

But this time, they will not only know how to charge with brute force like those monsters in the first time.

At this time, among them, some monsters who could use spells actually launched long-range attacks from afar.And the people who directly attacked with their bodies were no longer the same as before, head-to-head, they actually used moves.

Yes, although they have no cheats to draw on.But in their daily life, they also learned a lot of moves.No, now they use it, and the effect is still very good.

"Damn, these monsters are too smart. They are actually playing tricks." Song Qiufeng met a cunning monster at this time.

Originally, he thought they would run into each other directly like before.

He even had his spear ready, waiting for him to hit him.But he didn't expect that when the monster was about to touch his spear head, it turned around slightly, then dodged it, and then used the horns on its head to push towards Song Qiufeng.

And at this time, it was too late for Song Qiufeng to change his tactics.Long weapons have a long attack range, but their inflexible nature has also been exposed.

Fortunately, Song Qiufeng did not panic in the face of danger. He directly gave up the spear and took out a shield from the storage equipment.

And his shield is very different from ordinary shields.Other people's shields are head-to-head, mainly relying on strength and materials to win.But Song Qiufeng's shield has several big springs in front of it, what is it for?

The next moment the result will come out.

Song Qiufeng collided with the monster with the shield.

The next moment, Song Qiufeng flew out.

Yes, after being damped by the spring, a lot of force was still transmitted to him.However, he didn't intend to use his own strength to fight, but used that force to fly back directly.

The monster was also very proud to see Song Qiufeng flying out.

I thought these two-legged monsters were not so bad.That's how it flies out.Ha ha.

But how did he know that Song Qiufeng was taking his attack at the least cost.

Although he flew out, he didn't suffer any damage.

The person who designed this shield is also very talented.

Although Song Qiufeng flew out, he didn't panic. When he was still in the air, he put away the shield, and then replaced it with a big hammer.

Because on the way he was flying, there happened to be a monster fighting with one of his juniors.And the monster was just carrying him on its back.

Then, he would be polite.


The next moment, Song Qiufeng's big hammer hit the monster's head.

At that time, most of its head was smashed off.Obviously, the monster is dead and cannot die anymore.

He also blamed himself for being unlucky.He put all his thoughts on the man in front of him.How could you expect someone to sneak up on you from behind?

And Song Qiufeng not only used the weapon, he also borrowed the power of the monster just now, so when the hammer went down, the unguarded monster died directly under Song Qiufeng's spiritual weapon.

Yes, the hammer that killed that monster just now was not an ordinary hammer.It is a real spiritual weapon, otherwise, with the copper skin and iron bones of the monster, how could it be possible to die directly.


The monster that was proud just now watched Song Qiufeng beat one of their companions to death.He was dumbfounded at the time.

That two-legged monster was still fighting him just now.Why did he suddenly run over there and kill his companion?This is not right.

You are my opponent, how can you do this.

But the more this happened, the angrier he became.That's why he let out a loud roar, and rushed towards Song Qiufeng again.

Even if there are two-legged monsters next to him.If he had also learned to sneak attack just now, he might have been able to kill the two-legged monster as well.But he didn't do that.

He felt that Song Qiufeng was his opponent, and Song Qiufeng even killed their companion, so he felt that he had an obligation to avenge the dead companion.

He really prepared Song Qiufeng today.

"Damn, you're still here." Song Qiufeng couldn't help cursing when he realized that the monster was rushing towards him.

To be honest, he was also very displeased with that monster, why did he keep staring at him, he felt that he was easy to bully, right?

Although he also likes to fight with such rough-skinned guys, because of his weapons, few of them can break through the opponent's defense.No one would like such an opponent.

But now he must stare at him, what can Song Qiufeng do.He can only continue, he is not that stupid, if he provokes a monster at this time, isn't that a joke of his own life?
Song Qiufeng got the first blood here, and he got the first blood in a complete victory, but the others were not so optimistic.

The monsters sponsored this time were much more cautious than the previous one.Even if they have weapons, what's the use if they can't fight monsters.

Those monsters are not fools, they know the power of those martial arts, so they don't go head-to-head with them at all.In this way, those humans quickly became passive.

Although they haven't been crushed by the opponent for the time being, many people are also in danger, and if they don't pay attention, they may be injured.After being injured, their combat effectiveness will definitely drop, and they will be in danger by then.

While fighting the monster, Song Qiufeng was also observing the audience.

He also knew that it couldn't go on like this, otherwise, they might all be folded here.

(End of this chapter)

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