urban small world

Chapter 1040 The first collision

Chapter 1040 The First Collision

Because they are monsters, they always eat raw meat, where have they ever eaten barbecue?They smelled the fragrance here just now, and many of their monsters were drooling.

Regardless of whether it is a human or a monster, they are also very interested in the unknown.

Therefore, Song Qiufeng's barbecue has long been ordered by these monsters, and now Song Qiufeng and the others want to share the meat.

Those monsters, the first ones refused.

So some impatient monsters roared.

Although the optimal encirclement has not been reached yet, it is not bad.Because they are only four or five hundred meters away from Song Qiufeng and the others.

For ordinary people, 500 meters is still a long way. If it is still so far away, they also have a lot of reaction time.But now they are either warriors in the Baodan state or monsters in the baby demon stage. For them, a mile is just a blink of an eye.

'How is this going?How could there be so many monsters.Could it be that we were too noisy to attract them?Or were they attracted by the aroma of the barbecue? 'Now Song Qiufeng and each of them have a lot of ideas in their minds.

Unexpectedly, they have just arrived here, and they have not yet troubled those monsters.They came to the door automatically, isn't this courting death?

Of course, this was also Song Qiufeng's first thought when they heard the roar of the monster.

But when they turned their heads and looked around, everyone was stunned.

What is courting death, not those monsters courting death.It's about them courting death themselves, okay?

Dozens of different monsters appeared around them, and they didn't even know it yet.This is not courting death.

They were too arrogant, thinking that with so many of them together, they would be invincible in the Supreme Continent, but now these monsters gave them a blow in the head.

"Everyone, be careful, come here quickly, the monster is here." Song Qiufeng saw that many people were petrified at this time, and couldn't help but yelled loudly.

Fortunately, Song Qiufeng yelled in time, and those people soon came back to their senses.

At this time, it is not the time to be in a daze. If you are in a daze at this time, isn't that the same as giving your life to the other party?

They don't believe those monsters have such good intentions, let them go.

So they can't put their fate in the hands of those monsters. No matter what, it's useless to regret at this time. What they need most now is to fight hard and find a chance to evacuate.

Yes, at this time, they don't remember the rhetoric they said when they set off.

Compared to losing face, their lives are more important.

Although everyone here can be said to have experienced many battles, but not everyone has the opportunity to witness such a big scene.At least before today, most of them had never seen each other.

That's why they were frightened and dazed just now.


Finally, those monsters stopped when they were about 100 meters away from Song Qiufeng and the others.

But looking at the monsters coming one after another, Song Qiufeng and the others not only did not feel relaxed, but even more stressed.

I didn't expect those monsters to be so orderly. From this point of view, they were organized and premeditated.

As for why they have such a situation, it is not something that Song Qiufeng and the others should consider at this time. They just want to get out of this encirclement now.

"Everyone, everyone, prepare to fight. It seems that it is impossible for us to go out intact today."

"Fight, let them fight if they want to fight, we are not afraid of them."

"Yes, we are not afraid of them, we fight them."

Originally, among them, some people's legs were frightened.At this time, when they heard these words, they didn't know what happened, and they suddenly felt that their whole bodies were full of strength.

But this is exactly what Song Qiufeng and the others wanted.After all, they are in the minority at this time.If they don't work hard, it is very likely that the whole army will be wiped out.

And when the battle started, they couldn't even take care of themselves, let alone take care of others.Therefore, at this time, if they want to survive, they can only rely on themselves.

If they are so frightened that their legs are weak at this time, then they have little hope of surviving.

In fact, they all understand this truth, but in many cases, some physiological reactions cannot be controlled by themselves.

But in many cases, confidence is also contagious.No, they shouted a few times.Slowly, I also felt that my whole body was full of energy again.

But they shouted, but when they saw those monsters who were no less powerful than them surrounded them, they were still very disturbed.

But there is no way, at least when they are shouted by this slogan, they will not wait to be killed, at least they can resist a few times.


I don't know if the monsters made them too noisy, or they were affected by their atmosphere, so at this time, they also roared twice in response.

Isn't it louder than the sound?Who is afraid of whom?

Originally, the momentum of those people in Wudang was raised, and they were roared by those monsters.The aura that had just been raised was suppressed all of a sudden.

It's not their fault, whoever encounters such a situation will not be better than them.

"Everyone cheer up, don't be afraid, even if we can't win, we can still rush out, don't do it alone, now we can only guarantee maximum safety if we unite together."

That's the way it is said, and everyone understands the truth, but in many cases, it is not so easy to actually do it.

Those monsters, seeing the flustered look of these two-legged monsters, for some reason, they were also very proud.

This is the first time they have seen such a two-legged monster among their demon students.Originally, they lived well in their territory, but not long ago, they were transferred here.

And their task is to stop these two-legged monsters.

Although they are monsters, they are also curious.They are also very curious about what kind of existence it is that they have so many demons to stop it.

It is also because of their curiosity that they did not attack immediately.

After all, in the eyes of those monsters, they can completely defeat those two-legged monsters no matter in terms of numbers or strength, so they are not in a hurry to attack.

Otherwise, if they attacked just now, maybe the battle would have ended by this time.

But it was precisely because of the arrogance of these monsters that they paid the price.

"Senior Brother Song, what are you talking about those monsters? Why don't they attack?"

"You want them to attack. Wouldn't it be better if they didn't attack? Everyone pays attention, let's find the right opportunity to retreat."

There's no way, it's come to this time, obviously, their action this time also ended early, and it ended in such a way that made them feel ashamed.

But they don't have time to think so much at this time, they just want to live now.

Although those monsters are very curious about these two-legged monsters, their curiosity has a limit. Finally, after 2 minutes, I don’t know which monster roared, and then all the monsters also shouted. roared loudly.

These 2 minutes are very tormenting for everyone. It can be said that these 2 minutes are also the longest 2 minutes in their lives.

After all, they were surrounded by three times as many monsters, which was a torment for anyone.

"Everyone, be careful. Those monsters may be about to attack."

Sure enough, as soon as Song Qiufeng finished speaking, he saw the monsters closest to them rushing towards them.

If it was just a monster, Song Qiufeng and the others would not be afraid, but at this moment, more than ten monsters rushed up at once.

Almost each of them had to deal with a monster.

Obviously, those monsters will not give them a chance to share and eat them.

Fortunately, Song Qiufeng and the others have been paying attention to the movements of those monsters, so they can respond in time at this time.

After all, they came from the same force, and they still have a tacit understanding with each other.

Each of them found a monster and went up against it.

"Bump, bump, bump"

Soon, the scene was in chaos, some monsters were knocked into the air, and some humans were also knocked into the air.

As soon as the battle was fought, there was chaos.

Fortunately, at this time, there was no death, but injuries were inevitable.

No matter what, they still blocked the first wave of attacks from those monsters.As for Wudang, apart from two minor injuries, there were no other casualties.

However, during the first battle with the monsters, seven monsters were injured, and three of them were seriously injured.

As for the combat effectiveness of human beings, apart from their own strength, another important factor depends on the weapons they use.

As for the big forces in the Wulin Continent, they also got some spiritual weapons during the Wulin Conference.In addition, the craftsmen of their own forces also forged some magic weapons.

They win with weapons.

The same strength, with or without weapons, and whether the weapons are good or bad, can also affect the battle situation of both sides.

But obviously, those monsters didn't know this.

For monsters, their bodies are also their weapons.How did they know that these two-legged monsters would take out those weird weapons?

And the first time they collided with these two-legged monsters, they also suffered a small loss.


(End of this chapter)

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