One Piece of Food

Chapter 19 Mung Bean Flour Upgraded Version

Chapter 19 Mung Bean Flour Upgraded Version
The rural aunt happily left with thousands of dollars, but Rao Mingyang was surrounded by his guests.

Three handfuls of mushrooms are such a rare game that you can't come across, as long as you encounter them, everyone will definitely buy them and will not let them go.It's just that the price that the aunt shouted just now is too high, they want to join the group buying and bargain with the aunt.

Unexpectedly, Rao Mingyang, who was originally watching the fun from the outside, suddenly squeezed in to cut the beard, and bought all three mushrooms at once, catching them by surprise.

Three handfuls of mushrooms are not available every day, and it is rare to find someone selling them. Naturally, they will not let Rao Mingyang hide the three handfuls of mushrooms.

"Boss Rao, I have to share a bunch with me, only 200 yuan!"

"I also want!"

"I also want!"

"I'll add money, can't I add money? 240 give me a string!"

There were 5 diners in the shop, they surrounded Rao Mingyang and prevented him from entering the kitchen.Everyone must share some of Rao Mingyang, and some people even want to grab it.

Rao Mingyang suddenly became nervous, and shouted: "Don't rob, don't rob, if you rob again, you'll lose it! I'll split it, can't I split it?"

Hearing that Rao Mingyang said that he was willing to share a part of it, everyone calmed down a little bit. They didn't reach out to snatch it, but they still surrounded Rao Mingyang to prevent him from getting out of the encirclement.

With a bitter face, Rao Mingyang had to divide the three handfuls of mushrooms into a bunch, and in the end he only left 5 bunches.

In fact, a bunch of three mushrooms per person is not enough to make a dish at all.They can only take it back to stir-fry or boil chicken soup as a condiment.But even if it is used as a condiment, the stir-fried dishes or soups are definitely much more delicious than the original ones.

One person shared a bunch, and after appeasing the diners, Rao Mingyang took the remaining three handfuls of mushrooms to the kitchen and weighed them.There are 27 mushrooms in total, weighing 1 catty and 2 taels.The unit price is more than 800 yuan per catty, which is really a terrifying price, and it is worthy of being the king of mushrooms.

Just when Rao Mingyang was about to store these three handfuls of mushrooms in the freezer, the food system in his mind spoke again.

"Host, if you put three handfuls of mushrooms in the freezer like this, it will freeze to death. Before you can participate in the selection of famous snacks, the three handfuls of mushrooms will be destroyed."

Rao Mingyang scratched his head immediately, and asked: "Then what should we do?"

The system said: "You can take it back and ask your mother to dry it for you, so that it can be stored for a longer time, and it will definitely be enough for you to participate in the famous snack certification. How much will you use at that time, take it out and soak it in water, and share it with Hetian chicken Just boil it."

Rao Mingyang suddenly realized, and said: "This method is good!"

Then, Rao Mingyang called his father, Rao Dexin, and asked him to come to the store and help him take back the three handfuls of mushrooms and dry them. He wanted to keep them for the selection of famous snacks.

Rao Dexin was overjoyed when he heard that his son had bought three rare mushrooms.With three mushrooms boiled in chicken soup, my son will be more confident in participating in the selection of famous snacks.

So, Rao Dexin hurriedly took a taxi, rushed to the store, took the 1 catties, two or three handfuls of mushrooms home, and asked Tian Wenying to dry them on the roof of the building.

It just so happens that there is a big sun today, which is perfect for drying mushrooms.

With the skills of an intermediate chef, Rao Mingyang can easily judge the three mushrooms needed to cook chicken soup.

According to his estimation, to boil 20 kilograms of broth, one hen frog and two or three handfuls of mushrooms are needed.

That is to say, these three handfuls of mushrooms with 1 catty and 2 taels are only enough for him to boil 120 kg of broth and make 150 bowls of soup noodles.

However, the selection of famous snacks in Mae Tan County, which opened on August 8, is open-ended, and not only those judges come to eat.

This selection activity is actually attached to the food festival.Its official full name is Mae Tan County Food Culture Festival and Mae Tan Famous Snacks Selection.

In other words, when the time comes, not only the judges will come to eat, but also many diners and tourists from other places will crowd the scene.

In two days, with such a concentrated food culture festival, there are so many foodies, Rao Mingyang estimated that 150 bowls of broth might not be enough.

Although his crispy mung bean noodles are expensive, the foodies at these food festivals are different from the usual guests who need to eat breakfast every day.They originally brought enough money and came here with the mentality of a real treat.

If the food is really delicious, many people who are usually reluctant to spend money may pay to taste it.

In this way, the allocation of 150 bowls of broth is very dangerous.

In addition to considering the use of broth ingredients at the food festival, Rao Mingyang is also thinking, can he also use Sanba mushrooms and Changtinghe frogs to cook chicken soup and sell crispy mung bean noodles?

However, the prices of Hetian chicken and Sanba mushrooms are very high.If Hetian chicken is used and three handfuls of mushrooms are used, the cost of Rao Mingyang will increase a lot, and the profit will be too thin.

Just right, now that the sales volume of my crispy mung bean powder has reached the peak, can I consider increasing selling points and increasing profits?

After careful consideration, Rao Mingyang decided to divide his crispy mung bean noodles into two grades.

The classic version, the type he sold at the beginning, is still 100 yuan a bowl.

The upgraded version is mung bean noodles sold in Hetian chicken and chicken soup boiled with three mushrooms, priced at 200 yuan a bowl.

However, this is just Rao Mingyang's preliminary thoughts, he still needs to see if he can buy three handfuls of mushrooms before talking.Only after buying enough three handfuls of mushrooms and storing them in the sun, can they be used to cook chicken soup and sell mung bean flour at any time.If you can't buy it, you can only give up.

However, at the Food Festival, we can first use this method of grading to slow down the consumption of the three handfuls of mushrooms, and let the judges who select famous snacks handle it.

After making up his mind, Rao Mingyang placed an advertisement at the door to buy three handfuls of mushrooms, priced at 500-800 yuan per catty, depending on the quality.

Then, when he got home, he also told his parents about it, and asked them to spread the word among relatives and friends, and whoever picked up three handfuls of mushrooms could come and sell them to his family.

On the morning of August 8, the frozen fresh river frog ordered by Rao Mingyang arrived, and the ingredients for the premium chicken soup were also available.

Thinking of the huge crowds at the Food Culture Festival and Famous Snacks Selection Event, Rao Mingyang would definitely not be able to handle it all by himself.

My mother has to guard the family shop, and my father is not in good health, so he can't help.Therefore, Rao Mingyang put up a temporary advertisement, recruiting a temporary waiter, with a daily salary of 1 yuan, to help for two days during the food festival.

What Rao Mingyang didn't expect was that not long after the advertisement was posted, a 40-year-old eldest sister came to recommend herself.

This aunt is Han Qin, a housewife who is very familiar with the kitchen.After Rao Mingyang saw her skillfully tidy up the kitchen, he agreed, and then tore up the recruitment advertisement on the door.

What made Rao Mingyang even more gratifying was that when he came home in the afternoon, he heard his mother say that someone in the village had picked up more than three handfuls of mushrooms per catty and sold them to her. She had washed them and put them on the roof to dry.

Rao Mingyang was immediately overjoyed, with two catties plus three handfuls of mushrooms, it would definitely be enough for the Mae Tan Food Festival.He gave the money for buying three handfuls of mushrooms to his mother, and asked her to continue collecting them for him.

On the afternoon of August 8th, Rao Mingyang posted a notice on the store when he closed the door, explaining his whereabouts in the next two days, so that everyone who wants to eat mung bean noodles can go to the Tianhu Hotel Food Festival site, there will be surprises, etc. watching them.

(End of this chapter)

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