Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 388 Terrifying Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 388 Terrifying Thunder Tribulation
The dark clouds that had lasted for several days finally ceased to be silent, and after being suppressed for a long time, they finally broke out completely at this moment, and the heavy rain poured down.

The sound of the pattering rain was mottled and hard to understand, and it was so thick that people's vision was blurred. The sky flashed light from time to time, and thunder dragons roared angrily.


A bright blue light that runs through the entire sky and earth is like a thin line connecting the sky and the earth, and it dives directly from the sky to the ground.The terrifying power contained in it actually horrified the faces of the god emperors watching from thousands of miles away, because they all felt a fatal crisis from it. Years of rich experience told them that once this kind of power is touched, it will make people cry. They vanished into ashes.

At this moment, Lei Qianjun's seven people also changed from their usual calmness, one by one involuntarily stood up and looked at Qiu Huang hovering high in the sky. After waiting for nearly 70 years, the Southern Territory finally ushered in someone who wanted to... After breaking through the Emperor Zhun, the eyes of the seven people became more determined.

Lei Qianjun said in a deep voice: "Everyone, Qiu Huang has already begun to cross the catastrophe, and the most dangerous time has come. Whether the humiliation of tens of millions of years can be washed away depends on today."

Jian Wushuang, who didn't deal with him, rarely choked with him, and also had a solemn face. "At the moment we are crossing the catastrophe, no one dares to make trouble at this time, but those people will do it immediately after the thunder catastrophe passes. The prosperity and decline of the Southern Territory depends on whether a few people like me can stop their plot?"

The others were equally serious. In the past, the Eastern and Western Regions took advantage of the fact that the people who crossed the catastrophe had just passed through the thunder catastrophe when their own losses were the most serious. Several great emperors entangled seven people, and then sent quasi emperors Strong kill.

For tens of millions of years, they have repeated such things to no avail, but they have no strength to spare, and they can only see the newly promoted Emperor Zhun being bombarded and killed right under their noses. This kind of aggrievedness is indescribable.

Even because of these things, many brilliant and gorgeous god emperors in the southern region suppressed their realm to death, and they dared not make a breakthrough at all, for fear that the day of the breakthrough would be the time of their lives and deaths, how sad it is!

Several people have already reached an agreement and agreed to the outside world, saying that they must break this predicament, otherwise, if the Southern Territory stays where it is for tens of millions of years, I am afraid it will become a pig and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

If it was the past, if someone in the southern region wanted to break through the Emperor Zhun, the seven people would be both happy and worried. The happy thing is that the southern region has hope to increase its strength, and the worry is that they are afraid that it will be nothing.

But today is different from the past. At this moment, the seven great emperors are majestic and heroic, and the aura of aloofness in the world is invisible, which makes them return to the feeling of blood surging when they were young.

Lei Qianjun's eyes shifted slightly to look at a distant temple, and he saw a person under the eaves of the pavilion drinking tea contentedly, as if the earth-shattering roar of thunder outside could not arouse his slightest concern interest.

Looking at this figure, Lei Qianjun always had an unspeakable worry in his heart, which made him frown involuntarily.

Liu Di who was on the side quickly noticed his abnormal state and couldn't help feeling curious. "Lei Di is worried that Yao Jingxiao will not work hard."

Lei Qianjun nodded lightly, just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, Jian Wushuang at the side took the words, only to see him sneer disdainfully. "He doesn't have the guts yet, as long as he dares to play tricks to spoil our plan today, then there is no need for the Thousand Emperors Palace to continue to exist.

As long as he is smart enough and still cares about the Palace of Thousand Emperors, he must not dare to steal or play tricks, otherwise what awaits him is the wrath of our seven great emperors. "

Hearing this, Lei Qianjun's slightly parted lips were tightly closed. Obviously, he also thought the same way in his heart. Yao Jingxiao is now completely under their control, even if he wants to do something, he has to think about it. This consequence is not something he can afford.

Seeing that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, Lei Qianjun changed the subject and said: "Do the math, we have already felt five or six strange quasi-emperor auras. This is different from the past. Could there be some mistakes?"

"It's true..." The seven of them were caught in a discussion again, and Lei Qianjun glanced at Yao Jingxiao casually, and looked away after seeing that he didn't show anything unusual, and said with some self-comfort in his heart . "Maybe I was too nervous."


In the arena, Qiu Huang's assassin, who was crossing the catastrophe, looked extremely miserable. Even the precious armor he was wearing had become shattered. The people were all dyed, and they exuded a smell of burning, and even mixed with the smell of barbecue.

However, Qiu Huang himself didn't care about these things. He looked at the sky with an extremely serious expression at the moment, and he could feel the terrifying murderous intent brewing in it. You can successfully cross that barrier and become the most honorable person under the Great Emperor of the Southern Territory.

He has practiced for countless years, competing with the sky, the earth, and people, isn't it just for today?
Thinking that the end of all hardships will soon come, and that his efforts will finally be rewarded richly, Qiu Huang suddenly became a little crazy, and even his body began to shake violently. It was not because of fear, or because he was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself.

Qiu Huang's heart is anxious, he has already taken the last step of the dreaded and longed-for Emperor Zhun, and now there is only one step left. Do you think he can't be in a hurry?

However, he wasn't the only one who had this kind of reaction, Lei Qianjun and the others were also like this.I don't know when several people have dispersed to guard the void around Qiu Huang, because they know that this checkpoint is about to end, and the next catastrophe will come soon.

And many people were also horrified to find that several strange figures appeared in the void far away, and what made it even more difficult for them to imagine was that these people went all the way forward, and their goal was Qiu Huang, who was about to become the quasi-emperor.

After these people got close to a certain distance, they chose to stand still, standing above the void like gods and demons, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that they seemed to be waiting for something.

Seven people!

There are seven people!
The people in the Southern Region understood when they saw the serious expressions on the faces of their seven great emperors. The seven people who came were their life and death enemies in the Southern Region. The expressions of the emperors from the Eastern and Western Regions all changed drastically.

Little did they know that the same was true for Lei Qianjun and the others, but it was very difficult for outsiders to see the fluctuations and changes in their hearts from their faces, Lei Qianjun said in a voice transmission, a little annoyed. "Damn it! How could there be seven great emperors? We have to join forces to suppress and kill four great emperors at most. Now three of them have come out. What should we do?"

"There is no other way now. We can only kill four people first, and the remaining three can only rely on hard work."

"That's a good point, the Seven Great Emperors, even if you pay some price, it's worth it..."

(End of this chapter)

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