Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 387 9 Dead 1 Life

Chapter 387 Nine Dead Lives

The sky was bright and bright, at this time, when I looked up, there was no one in the sky, but there were many unrecognizable corpses scattered in the mountains and forests.

On a large bluestone, a puddle of muddy blood squirmed strangely. After a while, the puddle of flesh and blood condensed into a human figure, as if a person had been skinned and cramped, and his whole body was blood red.


The blood man knelt down suddenly and let out a weeping cry. "Old Zhang, Er Gouzi..."

He was crying in a low voice, looking very sad, drops of blood and tears fell frequently, and a small pool of water gathered in front of him, and it stopped after a long time.

"I, Qi Lao Liao, swear to the sky that I will avenge you two, otherwise I will die without a place to bury me."

Qi Lao Liao's eyes were full of sadness and hatred. He comforted his right chest with his left hand, where a heart was beating. This was a shocking secret that only he knew.

It turned out that Qi Lao Liao was born with a strange nature, he actually had two hearts, one on the left and one on the right. The one that was taken away by Qingyi just now, there is still one in his body now, and the skills he learned are so miraculous, that he is mortal. Live hard.I'm afraid that even the man in Tsing Yi who did it himself would never have imagined that there are such bizarre things in this world.

Qi Lao Liao didn't stay long. After his grief, he immediately set off for a long journey. He couldn't fly because of his serious injury, so he could only trek through mountains and rivers.

He wants to move forward, he wants to rush back and report the conspiracy of the Eastern and Western Regions, and he wants to give an explanation to these brothers who died for him.



The seven pairs of eyes suddenly opened, and they all looked into the distance in unison. They felt an extremely powerful force, which surpassed the power of the god emperor.

"It's a quasi-emperor!" Lei Qianjun said in a deep voice, his complexion was a little ugly, and he even looked a little blue, obviously his heart was extremely angry.

"Several days have passed since Kid Qiu Huang's commotion. It seems that those people can't sit still anymore!"

The faces of the seven people were heavy, because this was not the first time this happened to them, they had experienced it more than ten times, and it was precisely because of such people that they were even more annoyed.

Jian Wushuang from the Temple of War God let out a low cry, and a shocking killing intent permeated his whole body, and said bitterly. "This group of thieves are still so wicked, it's really hateful!"

He was very angry in his heart, surpassing the previous anger, because this time the person who broke through the Emperor Zhun was their Temple of War. There is no doubt that the Emperor Zhun who appeared suddenly came for this, which directly angered Jian Wushuang.

Liu Laodao: "Sword Emperor, be safe and don't be impatient. The enemy's arrival has long been expected. We couldn't do anything to them before, so we could only grit our teeth and suffer in secret. But now we have already prepared, and we must make these people come and go. , I just don’t know how many people the Eastern and Western Regions are willing to send to die.”

After hearing Emperor Liu's words, the expressions of Jian Wushuang and Lei Qianjun obviously looked much better, and even faintly revealed a look of joy.

The Eastern Region and the Western Region have invaded several times, and they have long been enemies of life and death with them. Everyone knows that this kind of thing happens once and twice. hope.

Lei Qianjun snorted coldly. "After millions of years, the seven of us have finally formed a combined attack formation. This time, even if the strength of the people who came here is comparable to ours, we can definitely take them down."

"It's been a million years, and I've finally come to an end." There was a hint of excitement in his words, and it was normal to be overjoyed to be able to turn over one day. Some excitement is also normal.

Different from the past, everyone finally had the strength to fight back, and they finally no longer had to be passively beaten. The emotions that erupted after being suppressed to the extreme were indescribable, and the hearts of the seven were filled with a kind of restlessness.

They looked up at an open space in the distance, where lay a man with a jade crown and a purple gold crown. His name was Qiu Huang, and he was also the one who wanted to break through the Emperor Zhun this time.

Several people felt the thicker and thicker dark clouds gathered above him, and the palpitating power in the clouds became clearer and clearer, and the pupils of the seven people were unusually shining.

"Come on, come on..."


At this time, hundreds of people gathered on a mountain peak in the back of Qiandi Palace, and they all looked at Ming Wuji who was sitting cross-legged in the distance with great excitement, because there were also dark clouds above Ming Wuji's head, and a wave of A horrible atmosphere filled the air.

Yu Xiaogang said cautiously. "This lightning tribulation hasn't even started yet, but just when it's brewing, I feel a deadly threat. I really don't know how terrible it is?"

"That's right! The Zhundi alone is so scary, it's really hard to imagine what it will be like when you reach the Great Emperor?"

Everyone nodded in unison. They all felt a terrifying power congealing in the sky. This kind of power made them feel a little nervous. Even in front of this power, they felt a little small for a moment, as small as a bird. Ants.

It was like a frog sitting in a well watching the sky suddenly jumped out of the well that belonged to him, and seeing the vast and boundless weather, he was shocked beyond words.

Chen Feng on the side smiled and said after seeing everyone's performance. "You all should take a good look at it. This is a great opportunity. As long as you learn a thing or two from it, it won't be too long before you become quasi-emperor."

Everyone showed emotion, and no one wanted to let go of such a good opportunity. They were also unwilling to look at other people's glory, and hoped that one day they would be able to make it this far.

At this time, Yao Jingxiao suddenly made a movement, he took a step forward and said loudly. "Hallmaster, it's time for me to leave."

Chen Feng nodded, they had already planned to let Yao Jingxiao go to confuse their eyes, and by the way, get in touch with people from the outer domain in advance, so as to make arrangements for their future great cause.

More importantly, with Yao Jingxiao present, it is more convenient for Qiandidian to take advantage of the opportunity to do something. As soon as the dark and silent thunder calamity is over here, they will make a full-scale attack. Everything is getting ready.

Of course, only the absolute core executives know about this matter. Although manpower and material resources have been frequently mobilized recently, those with insufficient status still don't know what the plan is, and they can only follow orders in a daze.

After all, this matter is very important. There are definitely other spies in the Palace of Thousand Emperors. No matter how careful you are, it won’t help if they find out when the operation starts, because by then everything will be a foregone conclusion. .

(End of this chapter)

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