Chapter 558 The Most Fatal Mistake
Wang Yu and Huang Zhong have already fully acted at this moment, the headquarters has already suppressed Pei County, and Lu State and Shanyang County are within the attack range.

Taishi Ci's Ministry is already gearing up in Lanling; Lu Bu and Zhang Liao Chen Bing Dingying, Guan Yu is eyeing Chen Guo in Yilu; Xiao Yao's guerrilla army is stationed in Ruyang, ready to support Lu Bu or Guan Yu's troops.A few years ago, Pan Lin, who was a school lieutenant, and Long Li, who was a military lord under Huang Zhong's command, have become lieutenants.

At the same time, Zhu Huan, Xu Sheng, Huang Bing, and He Qi, three students who had just graduated from Wanling Military Academy, also became military marquises.Huang Xu has also become more and more proficient in logistics and military affairs. This time, Mi Zhu is the head of the three departments of governor Guan Yu, Xiao Yao and Lu Bu, and he is helping as a deputy.

Zhang Ying was transferred to Wuling, and this time he would go north with Pang De, Zhang He and others; Chen Heng was under Wang Yu's command, and the siege equipment battalion was put into the battlefield at any time; Act as a lieutenant, or guard one side.

At the same time, there was a 16-year-old young man who secretly ran away from home and took refuge in his brother-in-law Deng Dang. At that time, Deng Dang followed Li Ming as the governor of Yangzhou, and Deng Dang became Li Ming's subordinate. Then the boy entered the Kuaiji Academy to learn the art of war and the knowledge of marching and fighting.

After a few years, he is only 22 years old now, and he is already a general under Guan Yu's command. His name is Lu Meng.

There is also Wei Yan, who is good at using long poles and broadswords, and is no different from Guan Yu except that his beard is not long.In the army, he has been ridiculed as Guan Yu's long-lost brother. It is said that this rumor was first spread by Li Ming.

Wei Yan is currently under Tai Shici's command as a deputy general, but with his talent, he will eventually stand out and lead an army alone in the future, or it will be more than enough to guard key points.

Not to mention that Zhao Yun and Xu Huang had already made preparations in Jeju Island. As long as they waited for the opportunity, they would follow Gongsun Zan back to Liaodong, at least to retake Liaodong and Liaoxi.In western Liaoning, there are still many people who are grateful for Gongsun Zan's kindness, and the foundation is still there.

"Li Ming is going to attack Yingchuan?" Wang Yu received a message from Shouchun a few days later that Li Ming had already gone to Pingyu with Xu Chu, and went to Dingying after a short rest.

"Sun Jian has already noticed our army's recent actions, and at the same time has assembled an army of [-] in Yingchuan County. Although there are less than [-] soldiers, they are all the elite of the court. Speaking of which, Wang Ling, the general's brother, seems to be there In the army." Bai Xin replied about the contents of the intelligence.

"What is this, don't you make it difficult for me?" Wang Yu smiled lightly, "The imperial court's troops in Kanto have 30 soldiers, but they only invested less than [-] in Yingchuan. This is not taking us seriously. ?”

"They also have to beware of Yuan Shao's going south. Speaking of which, we also asked Yuan Shao to send troops together this time, right? Don't they want Qingzhou?" Bai Xin looked to the north, and it was said that the letter had been sent to Yuan Shao, but the secret guards didn't come. Information sent back.

"It is true that there has been no news from Yuan Shao's side, and they don't know whether to go south or not." Wang Yu was also very surprised.

This piece of cake in the Central Plains is very big. What Li Ming wants to eat most is Nanjun, which has a particularly strong academic atmosphere. Jiangxia County is only incidental; the other is Yingchuan County where his father-in-law lives. Support all channels of South County.Yanzhou and Qingzhou are not within the scope of the target this time, but the value of the five-way attack is to quickly seize the territory where there is a fighter, and the enemy is caught off guard.In other words, in this campaign, there is no real main objective.

Attacking Nanjun and Yingchuan counties with heavy troops is just to attract the attention of the imperial court to the maximum extent.

Li Ming went to Yingchuan to attack in person, anyone with a vision would focus on Yingchuan County.The most important point is that as long as Li Ming is killed, his territory will be finished.The second generation hasn't grown up yet, Li Chong is just a 13-year-old boy after all.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that as long as Li Ming dies, Wang Yu will inevitably lead a group of ambitious elements to separate the Central Plains.Jiangdong will be controlled by Li Ming's direct descendants and the survivors of the Chu Kingdom. The court only needs to defeat each of them and divide them up.

Not having a family background is Li Ming's biggest weakness and shortcoming. However, no one can become the prince with the most potential to separate the Central Plains and even replace the big Han in more than ten years.This may be a miracle that will only appear in the years of war. For the poor, Li Ming's existence has always been a very inspirational legend.

"Li Ming is dispatched?" At this moment in Hebei, Yuan Shao had obviously received the news that Li Ming was going north, and he only needed to send someone to inquire about this news, and there was no need to arrange special spies at all.

"Yes, I entered Runan County with great fanfare, and should have arrived in Dingying by now! Li Ming's meaning is very clear, that is Yingchuan, but from the view of his subordinates, the Yangzhou navy that is eyeing Wuling and Changsha County, and Pang De and Zhang Yun's troops also made up their minds to take Nanjun, in other words, Li Ming's real target this time is the three counties in Jingbei!" Ju Shou cupped his hands and replied.

"It seems that he really intends to give me Yanzhou and Qingzhou. The temptation is so great, we have no reason not to eat it! Take ten thousand steps back and say, Hedong County and Hanoi County, we may not be able to defeat them!" Yuan Shao looked at to the map.

"The imperial court has also deployed large armies in Hanoi and Hedong County. The key point is that the Southern Huns have always been obedient to the Han court, and they seem to have completed a marriage recently. The Southern Huns are Shan Yufulo, who are completely lackeys of the imperial court! With them, we will attack The pressure on Hedong and Hanoi counties will be very high, and it may even attract all the troops of the imperial court, which will make it easier for Li Ming to attack Yanzhou or even Qingzhou! What makes people wonder is that this time Li Ming scattered his troops, It turned out to be a multi-faceted attack. Doesn't he know that the army is most afraid of dividing too many troops? It can't be like this if there is enough money and food!" Tian Feng was a little bit confused about Li Ming's arrangement.

"Indeed, Li Ming's arrangement is to die, but it doesn't matter! If he wants to die, let's help him. When the time comes, Qingzhou and Yanzhou will be taken down, and it's okay to go south to Yuzhou and Xuzhou!" Yuan Shao looked at the map with great interest, "Pass my order, order the soldiers and horses, notify the Black Mountain Army, and ask them to send troops to help!"

"Here!" Seeing that Yuan Shao had made up his mind, Tian Feng and Ju Shou also went down to make arrangements.Relatively speaking, Xu You, Feng Ji, and Guo Tu, who used to have a good status under Yuan Shao's command, have instead become Tian Feng and Ju Shou's deputy, as if falling out of favor.

Among them, Xu You is the most important. This old man of the Yuan Clan helped the Yuan Clan do a lot of unscrupulous things. Under Yuan Shao's command, he was corrupt and perverted the law and embezzled a lot of money.Looking at the past, Yuan Shao tolerated it as long as he could, but because of the scientific examination, he had already started to be afraid of the aristocratic families, but now Xu You didn't know how to restrain himself at all, and he might not be able to bear it for long.

At the same time, at the court of Chang'an, Liu Ting received the news that Li Ming had started to go north, and when he learned that Dingying's troops were only about 6, he immediately laughed.

"Hahaha, Li Ming is willing to fight on multiple fronts! It seems that Jiangdong's soil and water are good, and he has been provided with so much money and food. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he has a lot of money, but dividing troops is a big taboo! Could it be that he really thought that , Yingchuan only has 20 to [-] soldiers? Guanzhong has [-] elites, and let me take them out to meet him! Order it, I want to go to the imperial conquest!" Liu Ting solemnly announced with a wave of his hand.

"Let me, let me concentrate my superior forces and fight to determine the world! Li Ming, this is your deadliest mistake!" Liu Ting laughed.

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(End of this chapter)

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