Chapter 557 Fixed Point and Multipoint

In May 198 AD, Li Ming officially announced that the administrative center would be moved back to Shouchun.However, preparations have already begun two years ago, and now it is officially announced, which does not seem abrupt.

Besides, Shouchun itself is the governing place of Yangzhou, and the yamen was built according to the scale of the governing place, while the governing place of Jiujiang County was originally on the side of Yinling.In contrast, Wang Yu's Zhenbei General's Mansion was also moved from Shouchun to Xiangxian County in Peijun.

After a month of relocation, and the yamen has been tidied up, in addition to changing the working environment, each staff has gradually adapted to the new office environment.Li Ming had already been in Shouchun a year ago and prepared a mansion for them.But after a year, they seem to have bought the houses of two or three families around them, and then expanded them after opening them.

There are also some people who feel that they are surrounded by ordinary people, so they pay for a new residence or something.

"In other words, the scientific examination, general examination and imperial examination in two years' time will also be held here!" Li Ming looked at the government office. It is indeed much wider than Wanling, and the scale is also much larger.No wonder Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor and used this place as his capital.

"Shouchun used to be the capital of Chu State, and later served as the seat of the Yangzhou Governor's Department. The scale is still a bit large. However, if the lord ascends the throne, it can be used as the capital of the country." Guo Jia reminded.

"I don't like being an emperor who lives in a peaceful corner. If I really want to make my capital here, I'm afraid that others will think that my ambition and ability are just a vassal of one side. Unless one day I invade Chang'an and drive Liu Ting away Otherwise, I don't intend to become emperor!" Li Ming said slowly.

"However, if the Central Plains are pacified, the lord should also be crowned king. Many people are waiting for this day, so it's not good to chill their hearts." Guo Jia reminded again.

"If the Central Plains is really pacified, this can be considered!" Li Ming nodded, and becoming king after really occupying the Central Plains is considered a legitimate name in Chinese history. people's approval.

After three days of stability in Shouchun, and it was already mid-June, news came back from Jeju Island that Zhang Mo's troops had arrived in Jeju Island safely, and had begun to replenish their troops, began to transfer to Tsushima Island, and then landed on Kyushu Island.

"It's good to be safe. Make a copy and give it to Cai Yan, so that she won't worry." General Li Ming reported it to his servant Zhang Song. Arranged by Li Ming's side as a close servant.

I have to say that this fellow is indeed a bit ugly, perhaps because of this, he studies harder than anyone else.Over the past year, he has surpassed Jiang Wan in terms of knowledge accumulation, which is also the main reason why he can become a close servant.

"Here!" Zhang Song took the order, took the military newspaper, and began to copy it on his desk.During the process, I almost didn't read the military newspaper again, and just copied it down. I can see ten lines at a glance and I can't forget it. This guy is really suitable for paperwork.

"Is the luggage ready?" Li Ming asked casually.

"The luggage has been prepared, and a large amount of military rations and supplies have been transported from Wanling to Shouchun. According to the request of the lord, it can fully support a third-line battle! In addition, two days ago, Xin Ping, the governor of Changsha, came to report. The materials are also prepared properly, and they can completely support the two-front battle!" Zhang Song stopped writing immediately when he heard the words, raised his head and clasped his hands and replied.

"I'm afraid even Liu Ting will have a headache in a big battle with five fronts!" Li Ming smiled maliciously, "Is the wooden track and horse track from Shouchun to Xiangxian County repaired?"

"It was completed years ago, and it was put into use two months ago, and it can pass smoothly!" Zhang Song replied.

The so-called wooden track horse track can be described as a wooden track railway in later generations.Its two tracks are made of preservative-treated hardwood, and it is not trains running on them, but horses pulling large carriages.Four horses pull the cart at the same time. As long as they start running on the railway, the horses cannot stop due to the restrictions of the sleepers, and can only run forward continuously.

In addition, the wooden rails reduce the friction of the wheels, so that four horses can also pull two carriages, and four or 500 people can move forward quickly.As long as you change horses at a fixed location and continue to move forward, you can move thousands of miles in a day, which is within the expected range.

When the large troops were fighting on the front line, they relied on this to transport supplies from Jiangdong to the front line. The second wooden track and horse track had been planned. From Shouchun to Zongyang, the railway was directly built to the edge of the Yangtze River.After accumulated experience, from Kuaiji Zhuji to Danyang Wanling; Kuaiji Zhuji to Yuzhang Nanchang; Yuzhang Nanchang to Changsha Linxiang; Changsha Linxiang to Wuling Linyuan; Changsha Linxiang to Guiyang Chenxian; Guiyang Chenxian to Guiyang The railway in Panyu, South China Sea will also be put into construction one after another.

To be honest, Li Ming still had some resistance to this kind of wooden rail railway with relatively high maintenance costs.Just a few lines, not to mention the cost of construction, the cost of maintenance in the future is also an astronomical figure.Even if the open people use it to make money, it is estimated that the expenditure can only be kept flat, which can be regarded as offsetting the consumption of the military part.

The key is the wood, and every once in a while you need a lot of it, which means cutting down quite a few trees.Even if there are a lot of trees this year, Li Ming doesn't intend to waste them like this.Especially those hundred-year-old trees. According to Hao Lang, this kind of old trees can faintly produce aura even without some special stimulus. Such trees are the real treasures.

However, in order to ensure his multi-line combat concept, a fast and expendable supply line is a must.For this reason, he had to restore this kind of thing that existed in the pre-Qin period.At the same time, we also want to thank the shipyards. Without their accumulated experience, they would not be able to manufacture this kind of wooden rails with good corrosion resistance. At least the later maintenance costs can be reduced a lot.

"My lord, my subordinates still don't understand why we have to fight on multiple fronts?" Zhang Song asked suddenly, "Generally speaking, don't you concentrate your superior forces, break through the opponent's defense line, and then drive straight in? "

"In the past, the concentration of superior forces was due to the problem of logistics and supply. One supply line was already very difficult. If there were a few more, the supplies consumed by the supply troops every day would be an astronomical figure. At the same time, the more supply lines, the easier it is for the enemy to target the supply line. To start, we also need to spend more manpower and material resources to maintain. At the same time, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers on both sides is low and the equipment is backward, so it has become the norm to fight the number of people, and it has become a practice to gather a large number of people to fight at one go.

We are different. We have railways for supplies, and we can quickly transport supplies to Changsha and Wuling through the navy.At the same time, the increasing food output in our territory also gives us the foundation for multi-line warfare.In the end, because of the widespread popularization of Qi training methods and the improvement of equipment, the required troops at a certain point have been reduced a lot.

In the final analysis, war itself is to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses.What we know most is that we are not short of money, and the imperial court does not have so many materials to fight multi-front wars. In a real fight, it will only catch the opponent by surprise, and it will become very difficult to support a certain point. "Li Ming said with a smile.

"Students are taught!" Zhang Song thought for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case, so he bowed respectfully.

Li Ming spends a large amount of financial budget on internal affairs every year, constantly improving technology and building roads, so that the logistics supply line is guaranteed, and the equipment is becoming more and more sophisticated. At the same time, military supplies are becoming more and more abundant.

In a nutshell, the background of the war has far surpassed that of Yuan Shao and Liu Ting, so after the qualitative change is completed, the mode of war has also begun to change, that's all.

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(End of this chapter)

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