Chapter 184 Draw and Annihilate

"My lord, my subordinates are incompetent..." Xu Huang returned to Li Ming and said regretfully.

"No, in fact, you have succeeded. The Qiang barbarian just now planned to chase him out, but someone stopped him!" Li Ming raised his head on the hill, and he saw everything that happened in the enemy's barracks.

"It seems that the masters from Beigong Boyu's camp are in the supply unit!" Xi Zhicai stepped forward, "But it seems that they are not in harmony, which gives us a chance. But there is still one thing to be sure! My lord, can you wait an hour to see the situation?"

"Okay!" Li Ming didn't understand why Xi Zhicai made such a proposal, but still chose to believe him.

An hour, or even an hour and a quarter of an hour later, Xi Zhicai said to Li Ming with a smile: "Congratulations, my lord, as expected, once the enemy's guards go into the night, they will no longer send manpower to change defense!"

"How do you know?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"It's very simple, it's common sense! Now that it's getting dark, it's impossible for Beigong Boyu to arrange for his soldiers to come over at night to change defenses. An hour is too short to sleep enough. Besides, the large troops have already started to rest, and the supply troops have already Stop to rest, and there is no need to keep changing defenses!" Xi Zhicai said with a smile.

"Xu Sima, what you have to do now is to keep attacking the opponent's position, and then continue to flee until you attract all the opponent's cavalry! You don't need to scold and fight, so as not to make the opponent suspicious!" Xi Zhicai Look at Xu Huang.

"Here!" Xu Huang took the order, Li Ming had already delegated the authority of the cavalry to Xi Zhicai, so Xu Huang only had to obey Xi Zhicai's arrangement.

"My lord, please arrange a manpower, about 100 people, to lay an ambush on the way to Beigong Boyu's headquarters, and attack the scouts sent by the logistics troops to make contact!" Xi Zhicai looked at Li Ming.

"Dianjie, you are in charge!" Li Ming called his name immediately.

"Here!" Dianjie bowed his hands and took the order, and immediately moved forward with a hundred soldiers.

Not long after, Xu Huang had already killed the supply troops.The troops who had finally rested before they had time to eat had to mount their horses and chase them out.After a battle between the two sides, Xu Huang feigned defeat again.

"Warriors, follow me to kill these Han dogs!" Riwobuji roared and led his army out.

"General Riwobuki!" The young man rode out in a hurry and shouted at Riwobuki, "I should have already said it!"

"Those Han people are provoking us!" Riwobuji roared, "They say we are cowards, we Qiang people are not cowards!"

"If you do this, you will only fall into their scheme. They are just trying to lure you out!" the young man retorted.

"But I didn't see their troops. With less than [-] cavalry troops, there is nothing to worry about!" Riwobuji pushed back directly. no.

All signs are showing that there are only 800 cavalry, and there is no one more!And there are more than a dozen or twenty who were beheaded by their warriors in the previous battle!Damn, these cavalry have good armor and good weapons!These are what the tribe urgently needs, and now the men under his command are all eager to get more!
"Remember, your duty is to protect the supply troops, not to fight with others!" the young man reminded.

"I'll listen to you one more time, just one more time!" Zhiwobuji looked at the young man angrily.

"General!" A junior general next to the young man reminded him, he also knew that if this went on like this, he was either caught in a trap, or internal strife broke out on his side first.

"I have sent someone back to tell Beigong Boyu that as long as he is not stupid, he should know the seriousness of the matter here!" The young man shook his head helplessly, he had had enough of these barbarians' brainlessness.

"Kill all the Qiang dogs!" Ten minutes later, Xu Huang shouted, and the troops came in again. Riwo couldn't do anything, so he rode out again on horseback. Buji all of a sudden, and then hurried away.

"Give me chase! Hahaha, the enemy general has already been injured by me, when should we wait if we don't chase now?" Riwobuji laughed, and immediately rode his horse to chase. More Han Chinese, more weapons and armor captured.

"General!" The young man walked out directly.

"I said it!" Riwobuji yelled, "I only listen to you one more time! The enemy general has been injured by me, how long will it be if we don't pursue now? Could it be that the enemy general can resist me in order to lure me into battle? All of a sudden? With my one, even rocks will be smashed into powder, he has already vomited blood!"

"Okay then..." The young man was obviously not sure, could it be that the other party is really a group of people who are overwhelmed?I want to understand what to say, as a cavalry general, he was directly beaten to serious injuries, and if he was not careful, he might die directly, just to lure the enemy?

"General, are you okay?" In the front, Pound came to Xu Huang.Xu Huang's blow was unambiguous at all, he had indeed vomited blood, and Pang De was very worried about his safety.

"Hey, what the military adviser said, if the opponent doesn't get hurt, how can the opponent go to battle with peace of mind? Fortunately, the lord gave me this!" Xu Huang took a pottery bottle, bit off the stopper and drank it down.

He suffered mainly from external injuries, internal injuries can't be cured by this thing. Li Ming gave it to Mr. Tong back then, but it didn't work.Xu Huang has already protected the meridians to the maximum extent, so there is no problem, but the outside is a bit bad, bloody and bloody is the inevitable result, and a piece of the armor is also dented.

But after taking the potion for skin trauma, he recovered completely immediately.

"Hahaha, my lord's potion is amazing, it's more useful than the military advisor's healing talisman!" Xu Huang felt the changes in his body, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Could it be that my lord is a man of gods who can concoct such a magic medicine!" Pang De was already surprised by this scene.

"Hahaha, maybe it is! The medicine prepared by the lord is the only one in the whole world. You don't know the price of this thing, it is really expensive!" Xu Huang laughed.

"General, the enemy has already chased him!" The general below came to report, Xu Huang looked back, and sure enough, Riwobuji had led his troops and chased him up.

"Speed ​​up a little bit, stop slowing down, and get ready to turn around! I will settle the accounts with him now!" Xu Huang spat out the remaining blood in his mouth and shouted One sound.

The large troops began to speed up appropriately, but the increase was not high. In Riwobuji's view, they had to speed up because they were forced to do so.

"Hahaha, keep running! You can't escape!" Riwobuji laughed, and immediately chased after him.

But at this moment, Xu Huang suddenly turned his horse's head, split into two, and killed him back!
 I tried the third update, and found that the result of the third update is likely to be a decline in quality. The key is that the brainpower is too much... I can’t afford it in the short term, so I guess it will be the second update from Monday to Friday, and I will work hard to add updates on weekends!

  Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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