Chapter 183 The Cautious Han Sui

Let's say that in Zhu Jun's army, Wang Yu and Bai Xin were temporarily incorporated into the main force, and all the remaining troops were broken up and mixed.

"I didn't expect to play too big this time, and [-]% of the two thousand sons would be lost in one fell swoop!" Wang Yu said heartbroken.

Beigong Boyu is not smart, but there is Han Sui by his side to advise.Seeing that Zhu Jun failed to lure the enemy several times, finally under Bai Xin's suggestion, Wang Yuhuo went out to lure the enemy, and finally made Beigong Boyu complacent and pursued with all his strength.

The price is very high, [-]% of the [-] family members lost [-]%, ran away [-]%, and the last [-]% were broken up and mixed up, it is really impossible to organize.If it wasn't for Zhu Jun's promise to honor him after the war, I'm afraid he would have really lost money!There are many servants in the Wang family and the Bai family, but loyal servants are difficult to cultivate, and they are not so casually squandered!

"Beigong Boyu is already very arrogant. He thinks that he can wipe out us in one fell swoop. He only needs to delay here for a day or two. If he wants to come, Li Ming will be able to attack the opponent's grain road. There is no way out!" Bai Xin looked at the map, at this moment, Beigong Boyu was far away from their old lair, and this was also their biggest culprit!

Beigong Boyu looted places all the way here, and now there is nothing in the rear for them to continue looting.The result of turning back is to starve to death on the road, and there may be a chance to continue fighting forward.

Zhu Jun seems to have asked Sun Jian to move to the Maiji Mountain to ambush. Once the main enemy army passed by, they would smash down with rocks and logs from both sides.At the same time, Li Ming's troops would attack with tails on their tails, and Zhu Jun's troops would even turn their horses' heads around and attack with the cooperation of Sun Jian and Li Ming.

"There are capable people in the opponent's formation, so we must be ready to attack directly at any time! On Sun Jian's side, the general has already sent someone to inform him, and he is ready to go out of the mountain to meet up at any time!" Zhu Jun walked in, solemnly Said to the two.

"Reporting to General, there is indeed a capable person in the enemy army, but the influence of that capable person on Beigong Boyu seems not to be great enough!" Bai Xin said slowly.

"That's why I haven't transferred Sun Jian here yet!" Zhu Jun nodded, thinking that a reckless man like Beigong Boyu would be easily fooled. alert.

At the same time, after receiving Zhu Jun's military order, Li Ming set off directly from Wangyuan County to the north.Li Ming's troops had avoided Beigong Boyu's main force as much as possible. The opponent had an army of [-], and even he was not sure that he could resist head-on.

"General, we found the enemy's logistics troop thirty miles away!" At noon the next day, Xu Huang came to report.

"Very good!" Li Ming said excitedly. Finding the supply unit means that the first goal has been achieved.All that's left to do is to take away as much of these supplies as possible, or even burn them!
"In addition, the enemy has [-] cavalry troops guarding them, and there is a chance that [-] cavalry troops will come back for rotation every hour. If we fight head-on, our chances of winning are not great!" Xu Huang worried that Li Ming would be too happy, so he came forward to remind him.

"Catch the right hour to switch defenses, we actually have plenty of time! Arrange for the boys to have a good rest, and we will launch a night attack tonight!" Li Ming directly issued an order.

"Here!" Xu Huang nodded, and Zhang Mo and others who were beside him immediately made arrangements.

"My lord!" Xi Zhicai stepped forward, "The lord sent someone to remind Beigong Boyu that there are capable people under his command. This time, he almost failed to lure the enemy deep. If the lord wants to attack the camp, he must first understand the actual situation of the enemy army." It’s better to make a decision later!”

Once the attack fails, Beigong Boyu will definitely be on guard. At that time, the strategy will turn into a tough battle. Relying on Zhu Jun's more than 5 people to deal with the enemy's [-] troops is not a small risk!

"The enemy is not far from Maiji Mountain! We only have less than three days to act!" Li Ming expressed his concerns, "Once the enemy arrives at Maiji Mountain, no matter how stupid Beigong Boyu is, he will definitely not I will continue to move forward. What's more, Beigong Boyu has just been proud of himself for the past two days, so naturally he won't think too much about it, and the more time he is given, he will surely calm down!"

Immediately, Li Ming turned his head to look at Xi Zhicai, and said very solemnly: "What we have to do is to consume the other party's baggage to the maximum with the minimum consumption, and it is best to destroy all of them! Zhang Mo and I, even Xiao Yao will bring [-] daredevils to launch a sneak attack, and what you and Simpi have to do is to ensure the safety of our supplies and assist us in completing the sneak attack!"

Li Ming went out to fight, and Xin Pi stayed behind, which was basically the usual practice.As a military adviser, Xi Zhicai naturally couldn't go into battle to kill the enemy, and it was normal for Xi Zhicai to stay behind.

"Let's do this!" Xi Zhicai thought for a while, "My lord, please give the command of the [-] cavalry to the subordinate! Let the subordinate first attract the main force of the enemy army, so that the lord can act! If you have time, Then we must go to support!"

"Good!" Naturally, Li Ming would not reject Xi Zhicai's kindness.

In the evening, the army began to approach the supply unit, relying on the hilly terrain to advance covertly.After resting at noon, the latter moved forward for about ten miles, and finally settled down.

"The time to switch defenses has passed. After this troop is far away, it's time for us to launch an attack!" Li Ming looked into the distance. Two cavalry troops were changing defenses. Move over there.

"Send an order to the cavalry to launch an attack in a quarter of an hour!" Li Ming gave the order.

"Here!" Zhang Mo stepped back and went to give Xi Zhicai an order.

A quarter of an hour later, the cavalry suddenly rushed out, heading directly towards the enemy camp.The latter's cavalry unit had already dismounted to rest, but when they heard the words, they immediately rode their horses to fight, and rushed out in a hurry.

Xu Huang charged directly, then pretended to be invincible, and turned around to run away.He already has his own style of using troops, so this battle is also continuing this style. The soldiers under his command obviously knew this, so they pretended to be defeated and fled, looking very embarrassed.

"Hahaha, the Han people are so weak and incompetent, let me kill them!" The leading cavalry shouted and killed them directly.

"Riwobuji (the transliteration of the name is a bit homophonic...but it means 'son of the mountain' when translated), don't chase after me!" A young man dressed in Han Chinese rode forward, "Your responsibility is to protect Good baggage, don’t forget! The other party just wants to lure you out so that other troops can come and attack the baggage!”

"Hey, there are [-] troops of yours guarding here, and you are still afraid of their sneak attack? I just saw it yesterday, and the main force of the enemy army is there! If you dare to send more soldiers, I am afraid that the patriarch will take their main troops It's over! Besides, can they send out more soldiers under the eyes of the patriarch?" Riwobuji didn't believe the words of this Han man at all. In his opinion, the Han man in front of him was an 'outsider' after all. Unbelievable!
"Remember, as long as you are with my supply unit! You all have to listen to me!" the young Han roared.

"Okay, you won! But when I go back to the patriarch, I will report this to him! I really don't understand you Han people, who are already in a stable situation, and are still trembling like mice. You have to be timid about everything!" Riwobuji had to give in, but still couldn't help but sneered a few words.

"Whatever you want!" The young man wasn't angry at all, or he could say that the barbarian in front of him didn't deserve his anger at all.

Please subscribe, please customize!
 Riwobuji has appeared in many works, perhaps only such a name was found after investigating the names of the Qiang people... It is indeed very pleasant.

  This chapter is for the book friends 'Shadow Guard' and 'Little 7g' to add updates. After coming back, I really put out the code words, thank you for your reward!Thank you also for the support of other book friends who subscribed to this book!
(End of this chapter)

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