Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 136 Wonderful Fate

Chapter 136 Wonderful Fate

I didn't expect to meet at this time. I feel that the world is really small. I just met in the store yesterday. Uh, it doesn't seem to be acquaintance. It can only be regarded as a meeting. Now I bumped into it on the street. I just bumped into it. , Push all the beauties down!

"I'm sorry!" Yuan Chen didn't expect that the person he bumped into on this road was actually someone he knew, how could the word fate be clearly defined!
"It's okay!" the girl said, seeing that she had only a slight scratch and nothing serious, so she shook her head too!

"By the way, this is for you!" The girl suddenly remembered something, and took out a 50 yuan soft girl coin from her bag and handed it to Yuan Chen!

Yuan Chen looked at the fifty soft girls in front of him with a confused face. Others bumped into people and got money. Today, the person who bumped into someone and was bumped also gave him money. Could it be that his protagonist's gold-absorbing halo is really so powerful? If he hits everyone on the road once, it will be more profitable than Hantan Yu!
"Uh, I bumped into you, why did you give me back the money?" Yuan Chen didn't take the money, but asked weakly, seeing that the girl in front of him looks pretty good, although she isn't the kind that would bring disaster to the country and the people character, but this cute little face, plus those innocent looking eyes, can't just be bumped into on the street, it can't be a liar!
"Didn't you go to our store to buy clothes yesterday? You forgot to give you change when you left!" When she said this, the girl's cheeks were a little reddish, and people would not say that it was because Yuan Chen was handsome and had a certain personality. If you have a different temperament, you will forget to change the money!

"Uh, oh, that's it!" Yesterday, I didn't have any change, so I just gave the whole number of money, because the clothes looked quite suitable, and now Yuan Chen can be regarded as a little money, although he doesn't spend big money recklessly, but Small money is a bit casual to spend, this is not like the previous Yuan Chen, who would bargain with vendors for things worth a few dollars, and sometimes it was just for the few cents!

But since becoming rich, Yuan Chen has gradually lost this habit. Even if he didn't ask him for [-], he would not specifically remind him. Maybe it's a change in mentality. Yuan Chen is really a bit like an upstart now. Look, although this is a derogatory term!
"Why are you in a daze on the road!" Seeing Yuan Chen accepting the money, the girl also breathed a sigh of relief. Yesterday, because of her own fault, the boss gave her a serious reprimand. If it was because of the fifty soft sister coins, If you lose your customers, you will lose more than you gain!
"No! It's you. Seeing how you are in such a hurry, is there something urgent?" Yuan Chen asked, although he was indeed in a daze before, but he was not walking fast, so he could bump into someone, and that person was not Pengci Just go in a hurry!
"Well, I just got off work and I'm going home. I'm afraid I won't be able to get on the bus, and I'll be hungry when I get home!" It's okay to talk!
"That's it! I just didn't eat, why don't we eat something together, just pretend I bumped into you and apologize!" Yuan Chen said, he hadn't started eating when he just came out of the signing site, so he didn't eat anything Things, although my mouth has been raised now, but it's good to eat ordinary food for a change of taste now and then!
"Okay!" I don't know why, but I have an inexplicable trust in the man in front of me, and I'm hungry anyway!
"By the way, what's your name!" Since we agreed to have dinner together, of course the girl will choose the place. Anyway, Yuan Chen also has difficulty choosing, so this kind of thing can be left to the girl, so Yuan Chen let the girl lead the way!

"Gao Enxing, what about you?" Gao Enxing said, she didn't take Yuan Chen to a hotel for dinner, but took Yuan Chen to the most famous snack street here!

"Yuan Chen!" Yuan Chen said, looking at the snack street in front of him, Yuan Chen felt a little nostalgic, the former self would often come here, and would eat a lot every time, but since college, he is used to being with friends Eat at food stalls, and cook at home, but I have never been here again!
"Yuan Chen, by the way, you haven't told me why you were in a daze on the road, it's so dangerous!" Gao Enxing said, and then walked towards a barbecue stand!


"Boss, I want this, this, and this!" Gao Enxing pointed at the food on the stall and said, "By the way, Yuan Chen, what do you want to eat?"

"I want this, this and this!" Yuan Chen also ordered three things he likes to eat, these three things Yuan Chen must order every time he eats barbecue!
"Uh, do you want another serving of those three just now?" The boss looked at the three things Yuan Chen ordered and was a little speechless. Wouldn't it be nice if the couple didn't bring such fun? Can't they order together? Order the same thing!

"Ah, I want this, this and this!" Yuan Chen thought the boss couldn't understand what he said, so he emphasized again!
The boss looked at Yuan Chen speechlessly, isn't it still the same?But speechless is speechless, after all, you are a guest, you can't say anything, you city people really know how to play!

After receiving the skewers handed over by the boss, Yuan Chen realized that what he ordered was exactly the same as what Gao Enxing ordered. No wonder the boss just looked at him like a fool!

"You like to eat these too!" Yuan Chen asked weakly, how could it be such a coincidence, not to mention bumping into each other, even the skewers ordered are exactly the same!

"That's right, you must order barbecue every time, hee hee!" Gao Enxing said with a smile while eating, she looks pretty when she smiles!

"By the way, you haven't said why you were in a daze on the road!" Gao Enxing asked as if remembering something!


"I see, did you fail the interview?" Before Yuan Chen could answer, Gao Enxing spoke first!
"Interview?" Yuan Chen was a little speechless, this girl would really think about it, but she seemed to be at the age of looking for a job at her age!
"That's right, didn't you go to the store to buy formal clothes yesterday? You should have just graduated from college and have an interview! In fact, if you had known me earlier, I would have found you a cheaper store, although yesterday I specially picked out a cheaper one for you. It's cheap, but it's quite expensive for graduates!" Gao Enxing analyzed while eating barbecue!

"Yeah, you're a primary school detective and it's not in vain!" Yuan Chen thought to himself, seeing Gao Enxing's analysis so well, and it turned out that she specially helped him choose a cheaper one yesterday, so I'm a little grateful!

"Hey, I'm right! Don't be sad. I was bumping into walls everywhere when I graduated from college and looking for a job. After a few times, I got used to it. Be good, my sister rubbed her head!" I took the barbecue and got a little oil on it, so I took it back embarrassingly!


"Hey, Yuan Chen, thank you for having dinner with me tonight. It's been a long time since I ate snacks so happily. I'm so full!" After eating the whole snack street, the two of them were finally full, and because of the weather Soon, Gao Enxing is going back too!
"Hey, thank you for eating with me!" Yuan Chen said, he also felt that he hadn't had such a happy shopping and eating in a long time!
"Let's go, I will contact you later, bye!" Gao Enxing said, and then got into a taxi!

"Well, goodbye!" Yuan Chen said, and then watched Gao Enxing's car drive away, and then he turned and left!

(End of this chapter)

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