Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 135 Coincidence

Chapter 135 Coincidence
"Hi everyone, I am the general manager of Hantan Fishery Company, Yuan Chen!" Yuan Chen walked to the high platform and said to the people below. This is not the first time Yuan Chen spoke to so many people. I remember the first time The second time was when we were in elementary school and we got into a fight and were called to the flag-raising platform by the teacher to read the self-criticism in front of the whole school. Although it has happened for so many years, as far as Yuan Chen is concerned, we have experience!
"What? That young bodyguard is the general manager of Hantan Fishery?"

"Is this younger than Mr. Liu?"

"I thought it was a bodyguard before? I didn't expect him to be Mr. Yuan of Hantan Fishery!"

"This is Mr. Yuan? You're so young. It's amazing to create a company like Hantan Fishery at such a young age!"


"Ahem, I'm very happy to reach a cooperation with you. From now on, you will be the partners of Hantan Fishery Company. As long as you can act according to the contract, then it will be the best for our Hantan Fishery Company..." Yuan Chen said Tao Qiong read out the script that he had given him. Of course, with Yuan Chen's memory, he could memorize it after just reading it once. So now he didn't take the script, but put a little mental pressure on it when he spoke!
After Yuan Chen's speech was over, there was naturally a burst of applause. No matter whether the applause was sincere or fake, now we are going to cooperate with Hantan Fishery, and the face that should be given is also given, and what Yuan Chen said is enough to inspire people's hearts. So most people also agreed with Yuan Chen's statement, although they didn't know that it was because of Yuan Chen's increased spiritual power that they were so exciting!

Afterwards, Yuan Chen started to talk to the owners of those restaurants, because now Hantan Company's Hantan Baiyu has really become famous, so even the owners of those large restaurants did not treat Yuan Chen as a junior, after all, at such a young age. Lightness is the ability to create a company like Hantan Fishery, and its future achievements will definitely surpass itself, so when they talked to Yuan Chen, they were also polite and did not underestimate them just because they were the owners of several star hotels. Yuan Chen!
After chatting for a short time, Yuan Chen's suit pockets were filled with stacks of business cards. These were stuffed for him by the hotel owners, and he couldn't do without them. Almost all the guests present gave them to Yuan Chen. Chen handed over a business card of her own, Yuan Chen could only helplessly shake her head for these!

The next step is to sign the contract. These contracts are prepared by Tao Qiong before. Tao Qiong has prepared different shares for different restaurants, not only for the second-generation fish, third-generation fish, and fourth-generation fish. The difference, and according to the different strengths of those restaurants, Tao Qiong also allocated the shares differently!
This made Yuan Chen admire Tao Qiong very much. In just a few days, he had a clear idea of ​​the strength of these restaurants, and distinguished them according to the difference in strength. Yuan Chen knew that if it was him. , there is absolutely no way to do this, at most it can only be distributed equally, it seems that I still have a lot to learn!

It was enough for Tao Qiong and Liu Yuxuan to sign the contract. Yuan Chen didn't like this kind of lively scene, so Yuan Chen left here first. After all, he couldn't help here. Home seems a little more comfortable!
The process of signing the contract was very smooth, because only Hantan Fishery Company has Hantan Whitefish in the world, and it can be regarded as being monopolized by Hantan Company, so the owners of those restaurants have no objections, and the contract is also very reasonable, so all The boss signed it all!
Yuan Chen's departure did not attract too much attention. After all, all the bosses are currently focused on the contract, and Yuan Chen can still sneak away without attracting anyone's attention. Anyway, There were also experienced Tao Qiong and Liu Yuxuan at the scene, Yuan Chen wasn't worried about anything!

After leaving the Chenxuan Building, Yuan Chen was not in a hurry to go home. It was night, and since graduating from university, Yuan Chen had rarely walked alone on the road. He stayed at home every day, so now he came out to blow some air. is also good!
Walking aimlessly on the street, because Yuan Chen had already changed into a casual outfit when he left the hotel, so he didn't attract too much attention. Yuan Chen recalled the time from when his mobile phone was connected to another dimension to now. Who would have thought that a student who had just stepped out of university could reach such a point in the world that no restaurant owner in the entire eastern Guangdong province could coddle in just a few months!
Looking at the pedestrians coming and going on the street, they seem to be walking in a hurry, probably busy with their own business, and only a big boss like Yuan Chen can be so idle, if it is not because of the mobile phone, now Yuan Chen is also one of them!

Squeezing the bus to get off work every day and the subway to get off work at night, he is busy every day, but he doesn't have much salary, because after all, Yuan Chen has just left school now. For an intern, he doesn't have much salary at all. It's just hundreds of thousands of fares!
Recalling what my teacher said when I was in school, you have to be an apprentice for at least three years in this industry before you have the opportunity to become a real designer. Thinking that you may have to draw pictures in front of the computer and deal with 3D, PS, and CAD every day, Yuan Chen Thinking about it is a bit tiring, how can I be so leisurely as I am now!

"Ouch!" Just as Yuan Chen was thinking wildly, his body seemed to bump into something, and then he saw a girl in front of him fall to the ground, not like in the TV drama, Yuan Chen grabbed the girl, Then he turned around again, looked at each other, and watched the girl in front of him fall to the ground, and Yuan Chen finally realized it!

"How do you look at the road, it hurts so much!" The girl stood up from the ground, looked at her slightly scratched hand, and said!
"Sorry! I didn't pay attention just now. Is there something wrong? Should I take you to the hospital?" Yuan Chen said anxiously. It was true that he was distracted just now. Normally, relying on his own mental strength, even if someone bumped into him on purpose Yuan Chen was also able to dodge!

"Pfft, you're really humorous, you're not driving, you just have a little bruise, why do you need to go to the hospital!" Hearing Yuan Chen's nervous tone, the girl who actually checked the wound on her hand was Puba Smile and hold your head up!

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

Yuan Chen and the girl said at the same time, the girl in front of her is really the shop assistant who introduced Yuan Chen clothes when Yuan Chen went to buy a suit, now she has taken off her formal clothes and put on casual clothes, she looks less than before There is a trace of dignity, but it has a lot of cuteness!
(End of this chapter)

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