Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 46 Curious Baby - 1 Police Officer

Chapter 46 Curious Baby - A Police Officer

Chapter 10: Curious Baby - A Police Officer

The energy column that instantly killed the unknown life form No. [-] rushed towards the building behind it without losing momentum.

There was no explosion as imagined, and the energy column passed through the building without hindrance, leaving behind a pothole slowly dripping with magma.

Yiyi looked at Li Yun's transformation into Kamen Rider in surprise, then looked at Yusuke Godai, and couldn't help shaking his head. This guy is really too weak to be compared with him at all.

Wudai Yusuke didn't mind these things, instead, he ran up to Li Yun with some acquaintance, and praised, "You are really strong, teach me, I also want to be like you, knock down that weirdo in two or three .”

Li Yun: "..." Since when did I know you so well?
Although Li Yun was in a daze for a while, he still reacted quickly and said directly, "That's ok, anyway, it's up to you to defeat these weirdos in the future."

"Eh? Senior can't fight?" Wudai Yusuke asked in surprise.

Li Yun bared his teeth, can he say that he is too lazy to die now and doesn't want to fight monsters?
As soon as he turned his eyes, an idea appeared in his mind. After Li Yun exited the transformation form, he held a card holder that was emitting black smoke, and pointed to a road, "It's all that guy, my research has not been done yet. It’s perfect, this guy pulled me out, and now I’ve only transformed into a battle once, and it’s a little bit damaged.”

"It's fine with this tama, this guy almost killed me." Li Yun pointed at a dog and spat.

One touched his nose in embarrassment, as if that was really the case. . .

"If I don't fix this thing, I, Tama, still want to protect the world? I don't have that much free time." Li Yun put away his card holder, took Wudai Yusuke's car keys, and drove away in Wudai Yusuke's motorcycle.

It wasn't until Li Yun drove away that Wudai Yusuke came to his senses and shouted, "Senior, that's my car, what should I do if you ride away!"

Yiyi came over and patted Wudai Yusuke on the shoulder, comfortingly said, "I'll take you there, I know where he lives."

Wudai Yusuke was dragged into the car by a car, and quickly drove towards the place where Li Yun lived.

Li Yun was speeding on the road while driving his motorcycle, feeling in his heart the card holder that combined the spirit of twenty human and animal fighters.

He now finds that this item fusion machine is simply against the sky. It can fuse two items that are far apart and still be able to use it. It's just against the sky.

Li Yun quickly returned to his home, parked Wudai Yusuke's car at the door, and quickly entered the house. The door was not locked, and it was ajar. He knew that there were two more people coming.

Li Yun took out the card holder and poured out the cards. There are only six basic cards in it, one is weapon descending, one is heavy strike descending, one is summoning descending, one is final descending, and the other is shield Arrival, one is the advent of survival, and the rest are cards for switching forms.

Tsk tsk tsk, Li Yun kept sighing in his heart, Nima has eleven changes in form, this is the rhythm of going to heaven.

At this time, the door opened, Godai Yusuke and Ichijo walked in, and sat on the sofa very unceremoniously.

One looked at the neatly arranged cards on the coffee table, showing an interested look, picked up the cards with great interest and began to read them.

He picked up the SWORD VENT card, which showed Yanlong's weapon, the Dragon Soul Sword.

After looking at it briefly, he put down the SWORD VENT (Weapon Descend) card and picked up the GUARD VENT (Shield Descend) card, which showed the Flame Dragon's shield, the Dragon Soul Shield.

One put down the GUARD VENT (Shield Descending) card, and picked up the STRIKE VENT (Strike Vent) card, which shows Yanlong Strike. Of course, this is not the only STRIKE VENT (Strike Vent), and The other STRIKE VENT (Strike Vent) is a fire dragon flying kick, which is also common sense. After all, it is a Kamen Rider. Kamen Rider does not have a flying kick. What is the difference between that and a salted fish?
After looking at the two STRIKE VENT (Strike Vent) cards for a while, he put the card down, and then picked up the FINAL VENT (Final Vent) card, which showed Fire Dragon Flame Slash, and other The last piece of FINAL VENT (final arrival) is the nine-headed dragon array.

One put down two FINAL VENT (Final Vent) cards, and picked up a Strange Vent (Strange Advent) card, each card has its purpose introduction, Strange Vent (Strange Advent) is in the local card holder Randomly copy a card out.

Of course, the current card is useless and not included in Li Yun's calculations.

One picked up the Shoot Vent (Shooting Descending) card, which showed a picture of Yanlong and the contracted beast shooting together.

The last one picked up an Ad Vent (summon reward) card, which showed a fire dragon burning with raging flames.

When one was about to continue reading, Li Yun grabbed it and said, "Don't be too greedy, a police officer."

Yiyi smiled awkwardly. He was very interested in this deck, something that was researched by humans, not a product of an ultra-ancient civilization like KUUGA.

"Is this kind of card holder the only one in your hand now?" One asked tentatively.

"Of course more than that, I have one more." Li Yunru replied.

One eye lit up, and when he wanted to say something, Li Yun choked him back, "This deck is blank. If there is no contract beast, the combat power is not much stronger than the white KUUGA." Li Yun showed a blank card. folder, and threw it on the coffee table.

"KUUGA?" One asked again, muttering this strange name, "Is it the name of the white unknown life form No. [-]? How did you know?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If I don't know about KUUGA, why should I study it?" Li Yun said shamelessly.

"You mean, your card holder is based on the research of the unknown life form No. [-]?" One asked, picking up the blank card holder.

Li Yun nodded incredulously, then shook his head again, but did not give a positive answer.

"What about the contract beast? What is a contract beast?" One asked.

"Contract beast? Do you still want a contract beast? Do you want to die?" Li Yun was immediately delighted. The ignorant are really fearless. Once you sign a contract with a contract beast, you have only three options. To devour, the second is to be devoured by the contracted beast after being defeated in battle, and the third is to be devoured by the contracted beast after defeating everyone.

Therefore, signing a contract with a contract beast is simply harmful and not beneficial.

After Li Yun briefly talked about the dangers of contracted beasts, he was dripping with cold sweat, "Damn, contracted beasts are too scary."

"Then you signed a contract with the contracted beast, right?" One asked suddenly.

"How is it possible? I just used elements to replace contracted beasts, so there would be no such harm, and it's no worse than contracted beasts." Li Yun looked at Yi Yi with a mentally handicapped look.

An embarrassing cancer that only feels like it's about to break out, and it's so stupid to ask such a question.

"Then is your research on replacing contracted beasts with elements complete?" One asked again.

"What you have is the finished product. This is the only one. It is still broken and needs to be repaired. If it weren't for you, this situation would not have happened to Tamar." Li Yun pointed to a card in his hand. Facing an unfriendly road.

One rubbed his nose, feeling that the number of times of embarrassment today was more than the times of embarrassment he had experienced since he was a child.

One looked at Godai Yusuke who was dozing off, and had an idea to solve the awkward atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

PS: (Fantasy, and those English words are only one word, I really don’t have enough words. Please recommend, please collect.)
(End of this chapter)

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