Time and space plane shuttle

Chapter 45 Kamen Rider, Flame Dragon!

Chapter 45 Kamen Rider, Flame Dragon!
Chapter 9: Kamen Rider: Fire Dragon

Although Yusuke Goshidai threw the unknown life body No. [-] into the air with all his might, and successfully transformed into Kamen Rider KUUGA, but he was still so scared that his legs went limp, and he fell to the ground with a plop, panting heavily.

"Is it really okay to watch a show here if you don't help?" One asked with a gun at the side.

"It's not you, I haven't finished my research, you brought me out, but luckily it's just a matter of final assembly, my research results will be announced soon." Li Yun shamelessly It is said to be my own research.

"You mean, you've known for a long time that there is such a strange person?" One of them heard another meaning.

"Almost." Li Yun revealed it vaguely.

Although Yusuke Goshidai successfully transformed, he doesn't seem to know how to fight, and now he has been hanged and beaten by the unknown life body No. [-].

With his poor combat experience, the criminal policeman couldn't help covering his face, and then said to Li Yun, "Hurry up and help, or that idiot may be killed."

"What are you panicking about? There are still 2 minutes left." Li Yun glanced at the timer in the system space and said angrily.

The two chatted with each other, but it was just that Yusuke Godai was beaten into a dog by the unknown life body No. [-]. I don’t know what Yusuke Godai thought, but he pushed a bus and hit the body of the unknown life body No. [-]. go.

The unknown life body No. [-] did not resist, and was hit by the bus against the wall. Even the wall was smashed, and the unknown life body No. [-] was fine.

Gu Langji: "Is it only this level? KUUGA!" The unknown life body No. [-] asked in a language that everyone could not understand, and pushed the bus back. When it was blocked, a lazy donkey rolled over and hid.

Although he escaped once, Yusuke Godai was bound by the silk thread spit out by the unknown life body No. [-]. After being pulled into the air, he was thrown to the ground by the unknown life body No. [-], smashing the ground into a big hole.

Li Yun looked at the beaten Wudai Yusuke who was helpless, frowned slightly and glanced at the timer in the system space, and there was 1 minute left.

I don't know if Wudai Yusuke can hold on, it won't be fun if he is killed.

But this is just Li Yun thinking too much. As the protagonist, Wudai Yusuke, how could he be beaten to death by the minions?That's not worth it a little bit.

On the hand of the unknown life body No. [-], the two slightly protruding claws suddenly increased in size, and it slammed into Wu Dai's body with a slam.

Immediately, Wudai Yusuke was beaten out of the transformation state, watching the sharp claws of the unknown life body No. [-] about to pierce into Wudai Yusuke's body.

Li Yun looked at 20 seconds left, sighed slightly, rushed over and kicked the unknown life body No. [-]
Li Yun kicked the unknown life body No. [-], causing it to stagger and nearly fall to the ground.

Gulangji language: "Human beings, it's you again!"

The unknown life body No. [-] gave up its plan to kill Yusuke Godai and rushed towards Li Yun.

Li Yun grabbed Wudai Yusuke's clothes and threw them aside. Before the unknown life body No. [-] came in front of him, he jumped three meters high and jumped onto the roof of the car on one side.

Li Yun looked at the cut collar, wiped the cold sweat off his brow, what the hell!It's so exciting, I almost lost my braids.

Looking at the timer, there were 15 seconds left to return the tama, Li Yun suddenly felt that life was gloomy, 15 seconds?Whether it can last ten seconds in the unknown life body No. [-] is a question.

Unknown life body No. [-] suddenly spit out silk thread from its mouth, and tied Li Yun's arm.

Li Yun looked at the thick silk thread and wanted to cry, but it was over now.

The unknown life body No. [-] jumped up suddenly, and jumped into the air with Li Yun.

Looking at the height of tens of meters above the ground, Li Yun swallowed his saliva, what the hell!If this falls, it may become a pancake, or even worse.

Gulangi language: "Damn humans, taste the taste of fear."

With that said, it threw Li Yun down.

Feeling the whistling wind beside his ears, Li Yun remained calm. He tapped his toes lightly in the void, and there were bursts of air bursting sounds. Li Yun suddenly moved upwards in the air for more than ten meters.

When he came to the edge of the building's wall, he tapped his foot on the building's wall, and all the walls where Li Yun passed were cracked.

Then this impact force Li Yun went up to a height of about three feet again, and then began to fall freely again. If he used the Navy Sixth Form again, his fragile body could not bear it at all.

However, Li Yun looked at the remaining five seconds and looked at the height of nearly [-] meters. He wondered if he could complete the fusion before landing.

Damn, this time I was really cheated by this product!Li Yun kept falling in the air, feeling the whistling wind in his ears, Li Yun's mood was surprisingly calm, since he chose this path, he was ready to die at any time.

But he didn't think he would die like this. Five seconds passed by quickly, and Li Yun was still more than 20 meters away from the ground.

Li Yun quickly took out the card holder and put it on his waist, a belt was automatically generated around Li Yun's waist, Li Yun shouted: "Transform!"

Li Yun's whole body began to change, and Li Yun flipped and moved in the sky. When he was only one meter away from the ground, a flame dragon caught Li Yun and took him up into the sky.

Li Yun's body is composed of red and gold. Red is the general color of the whole body, and gold is the contour line. Li Yun's armor is set off by Li Yun's heroic figure. There are two horns on the top of his head like KUUGA's, but they are different from KUUGA's horns. The difference is that his horns tend to be more aesthetically pleasing, and there is a card slot on his arm, which is specially used to summon weapons and nirvana with the "advent card", and there is a dragon head on it to decorate the slot.

"Roar!!!" Yanlong hovered in the air, spewing its anger at the unknown life form No. [-].

Li Yun jumped off from the top of Yanlong's head, Yanlong glanced at the unknown life body No. [-], then rushed towards Li Yun, and merged with Li Yun.

Gu Langji: "It's actually another KUUGA?"

The unknown life body No. [-] cannot understand the product of technology, and can only think that Li Yun's transformed form is another KUUGA.

Li Yun took out a card, inserted it into the card slot, and the mechanical voice sounded: "Weapons come"

A long sword fell from the sky and fell into Li Yun's hands.

It turned out to be the Dragon Soul Sword, Li Yun was greatly surprised.

Li Yun took out a card and inserted it into the card slot, and the mechanical voice sounded again: "Final Vent."

"Flame Dragon Strike!" Li Yun picked up the Dragon Soul Sword, and the Dragon Soul Sword opened automatically, and the muzzle condensed flame energy. After Li Yun aimed at the unknown life form No. [-], he pulled the trigger, and the flame energy column slammed towards the unknown life form. Body One launched away.

The speed was extremely fast, there was no time for people to react, and the unknown life body No. [-] was pierced through.

The ancient text on the body of the unknown life body No. [-] was shining brightly, and it exploded under the desperate roar of this Gu Langji.

(End of this chapter)

PS: (please recommend, please collect)

(End of this chapter)

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