my supplier is god

Chapter 267 - Tomorrow is Coming

Chapter 267 - Tomorrow is Coming
Chapter 175 - Tomorrow Comes
In the end, Tang Yuan really got enough evidence to prove his inference.

After hearing what he said, Tang Yuan also proved the feasibility of this plan.

At the earliest time, Tang Yuan was infected by [Chaos], so she began to plan how to make her own death more meaningful. In the end, she came up with such a plan. First, she created the last will of the first generation, and then split a part of herself to keep Gained rational consciousness, sealed it in the mind of the original will, and then continued to create the wills of the following world as if nothing had happened. In their eyes, it keeps magnifying, and when the other "self" that was split at the beginning knows about this, that "self" will never tolerate this kind of killing of its own child, so it will try its best to defeat itself... In this way , in Tang Yuan's plan, her own death was utilized to the maximum extent, and at the same time, what she got in return was a void that suffered a little loss but was incomparably prosperous overall!

She traded the death of herself and some of her children in exchange for a stable life for all of her children in the future, instead of the other negative plan that she had conceived at the beginning - just like this, she endured the erosion of [Chaos] without saving a conscious mind in advance The self continues to create wills until it finally degenerates completely, and the entire void follows itself to the end.

When all this was confirmed by Tang Yuan, it was already over.

The Will of the Void finally found Tang Yuan who had fallen into a deep sleep in the deepest part of the void. At this time, Tang Yuan had been eroded by [Chaos] and completely lost her mind. As soon as she was awakened, she crazily launched an attack on her former brothers and sisters. Attack - but the will of the void came prepared and quickly controlled the scene. The power of all the will of the void combined is a force that nothing can resist. Finally, under the leadership of Tang Yuan, they successfully eliminated Tang Yuan ...sounds a little weird?
This woman who solved the [Chaos] problem at the beginning, saved all the will of the void, and saved her brothers and sisters, was finally killed by another herself leading the brothers and sisters.


Everything was just as Tang Yuan thought. When the news was broadcast in the secondary void, there was a trembling cheer from the infinite land. No one was even saddened by Tang Yuan's death, even if she It is the people who created this place, but the wills are not willing to live in the fear of being killed at any time. Some people may express a certain degree of sadness about this, but more of them are yearning for the future.

Tang Yuan quickly took over her predecessor's seat and became the manager of this void.

"Don't tell me—that guy can really count so far... She knew early on that because I was just a split part of my consciousness, I didn't have enough strength to fight her, so I would definitely go to other voids to find foreign aid .”

At this time, everyone gathered in Tang Yuan's small wooden house, it was some kind of celebration, and at this time Tang Yuan had already heard his deduction on this matter from her son, and she nodded deeply, expressing that this matter was very important. may be true.

"Do you know that at the same time as she died, the periphery of the void began to collapse... I didn't even have the authority to connect to the void. Fortunately, I brought a large group of followers to help me stabilize the void. Only then did I have enough time to slowly take over the control of the void. To be honest, this may be the reason why she committed suicide after she didn't split me directly, because there was no time to go to other voids to ask for help. , after all, it is a state that may lose control again at any time, and I dare not just run into other people's void."

At this time Tang Yuan asked: "But why did she still create so many world wills? If you just want you to find someone to overthrow her later, there is no need to create so many world wills, you see, she is out of control The time did cause a lot of casualties, and these casualties were completely avoidable, as long as the wills were not created before."

"Are you stupid?" Tang Yuan knocked on him, "She did this just to keep you alive."

"Hey? What do you mean? Let me live?"

"Yes, think about it, if you don't create so much will, the entire void will be empty. How long do you think it will take to find you in this empty void if she goes crazy and prepares to kill?" Yuan stared at him and said, "That's why she created so many wills and built countless worlds in the void. Only in this way can she turn her attention to these innocent children when she is going crazy, so that she can let the children go crazy." You live peacefully... The point is not you, but me who was still in your mind at that time, because I was only a part of consciousness at that time, and I couldn't leave your illusion for the time being, and I needed to gradually strengthen myself as time went by So, to say something irresponsible, although I don’t like this, and those children who died did suffer for no reason, but there is nothing to do about it.”

At this point, Tang Yuan finally completed his mission, and finally understood his own life experience and the reason for his birth.

Although this is a tragedy, at least the ending doesn't make people feel so regretful...

But soon he asked again: "So, what about those [Chaos]? What about those pitch-black things? What if a bunch of [Chaos] popped out from nowhere in the future and infected someone? what to do?"

As soon as this question came out, everyone was not calm - yes!What caused all this is not so much Tang Yuan, but rather the [Chaos] that appeared out of nowhere at the very beginning!If there is no such thing, how can there be so many things! ?
What if something like that pops up again in the future?You must know that even the will of the void can't completely get rid of the erosion of this thing. If the ordinary will of the world is spread with this ghost thing, it's like sprinkling salt on a slug, belching on the spot!

However, Tang Yuan waved her hand with a smile, signaling everyone to calm down, and replied: "It's okay, it's okay, the reason for [Chaos] to appear at the very beginning was because of the birth of the will of the void, as long as there is no new will of the void, there will be nothing else." There will be no new [Chaos], and... as I said, we are the first and last Void Will, and there will be no new Void Will in the future. We have put Chaos into existence a long time ago Divided into two parts, one side is where we live, and the other side is where we exile those ghosts, and now this side has been completely cleaned up by us—it should be said that it was cleaned up by the original 'I', now The only 'I' that still has a source of pollution has been wiped out, so it can be said that this place is completely safe...why there is always a feeling of killing a donkey?"

"It's okay, even if it's a matter between you and yourself, it's a matter between you and yourself. According to the law, it's not a crime for you to do something against yourself." Tang Yuan shrugged, "I haven't heard of anyone because I stabbed myself and was sentenced... that's just crazy."

"Oh, are you saying I'm crazy?" Tang Yuan stared at her own son with a chill in her smile, "You haven't been beaten by your own mother since you grew up, right? Come here...I promise not to hit you. "

So Tang Yuan was intimidated...

At this time, Sylvia, who remained silent from the beginning to the end, yelled: "The drawing is finished!" and threw the colored pencils in her hand on the table.

Tang Yuan leaned over to take a look—she drew a picture, which showed Tang Yuan standing on a balcony with a parasol, and behind her was a sea of ​​flowers all over the sky. The whole picture looked as lifelike as a photo, Moreover, Tang Yuan in the painting reveals a gentle and peaceful temperament, just like the Virgin Mary.

"The painting is not bad, are you going to frame it and hang it on the wall?" He looked at the painting and asked.

"Yeah, I will hang it in my room at that time, and I will be able to see my mother every day from now on..." Xilubia held the painting and said with a smile, "Although I like my current stepmother more, I don't seem to like it now. How do you hate dog management?"

Tang Yuan blinked her eyes, her brown pupils looked at the red-eyed but smiling self in the painting, she didn't say anything, just showed a bitter smile.

In the future... everyone can live a stable life, right?
[End of the second volume]

(End of this chapter)

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