my supplier is god

Chapter 266 - This is just a game of chess

Chapter 266 - This is just a game of chess
Chapter 174 - It's just a game of chess
Tang Yuan managed to get Xilubia back, so she had the courage to face the dog management.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is my own mother, not the dog management you mentioned... Uh, although it has something to do with dog management, she has a normal mind, at least more normal than dog management." He pointed out As Tang Yuan introduced to everyone, she turned her head and said to Tang Yuan, "Mother, this group of weird-looking guys is what I told you before. Look, the one playing with a part over there is my wife." , everything else is just a trick.”

"Oh——" Tang Yuan nodded, and waved to the group of people in front of her, "Hi, you guys."

So Tang Yuan was swarmed up by a group of dragons and beat him up.

After a long time, after a normal mutual introduction, Tang Yuan also began to tell everyone her own story: "So, so, so, so..."

After hearing this, Xilubia first raised her hand and said: "So the dog's brain has been out of order since then, and you are a part of her split when her brain is temporarily normal?"

"That's right, that's it." Tang Yuan smiled and nodded.

"Then why haven't you told us what your name is? You see, we have been calling you Mother since ancient times, and we have been calling you as a dog manager after you have a brain problem. We never know her name... Can you say no?"

"Ah, this—" Tang Yuan glanced at her own son, "I guess you should be familiar with this name."

Hearing what she said, Xilubia didn't understand what it meant at all, and continued to ask: "What the hell is it that you are not unfamiliar? I just want to ask for the name... How can a child not know the name of his stepmother?" of?"

What happened to the stepmother later! ?
Tang Yuan looked at Xilubia in shock... This girl seemed to say a terrible word out of nowhere!stepmother! ?
Seeing his expression and gaze, Xilubia tilted her head and said, "Isn't she a stepmother? Although I have a better impression of a stepmother than my real mother, a stepmother is a stepmother."

"Sister, I have to tell you, this guy and the dog management are the same person, but they were separated a long time ago... This is not a stepmother, you should understand her as a normal-minded dog management."

"But it was indeed Dog Management who created us. You see, although she is Dog Management, she is not the one who created us, but is going to take over the position of Dog Management... Isn't she still a stepmother? Why is it not a thing, but it is also a real mother."

"Your argument...well, it seems very reasonable." Tang Yuan shook his head and decided not to argue with her about whether she was a stepmother, but pointed to Tang Yuan and said, "Don't you want to know her name? ? You see, I am her only biological son, created before the split, not after the split, so she named me Tang Yuan... Guess what her name is?"

Xilubia turned her head away and whispered, "What's your name? How do I know? Can it still be called Tang Yuan or something?"

"The answer is correct!!" My mother clapped her hands suddenly and shouted.



As soon as the camera turned, Tang Yuan had already left after a brief chat. She still had to go to meet up with the big army and get rid of the dog management.

Naturally, Tang Yuan consciously stayed because he couldn't help much, and stopped running around with his own mother. It should be said - he had already completed the task assigned to him by history.

It was still in Xilubia's room. At this moment, Xilubia was lying on the sofa in a daze, muttering in her mouth: " she really called Tang Yuan? So if we If you only know the name of the dog management, will there be some unnecessary doubts when you meet the big brother? So the dog management even counts this, deliberately not revealing his name after that? So that we can hear Won't there be any feeling of something wrong when you use the name 'Tangyuan'?"

"Maybe." Tang Yuan sat on the sofa next to him and watched Edwina teaching Bajiao how to arrange fire runes—it felt like Bajiao, a little vixen, was about to be cultivated into a great magician, and it really was. A great magician of the fire department, all he had to do was embroider an FFF icon on his clothes.

"So the dog manager outside actually expected such a day?" Sylvia looked at the dark sky outside the window with an inexplicable expression, "Sooner or later she will lose control, and sooner or later the last first-generation will will Discover her own identity, see her normal part in the illusion, and then go to other voids, so the normal part can leave the illusion and become a new void will to take her place? All these have been calculated by her alright?"

"That's right, she calculated it all..." Tang Yuan also sat next to her in a daze, "The only thing she didn't figure out is maybe the infection of [Chaos] and killing the first generation of wills... Hmm!? "

Thinking of this, his face suddenly changed: "No... no, wait a minute..." Then his face became tangled up, as if he was thinking about something.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Seeing his appearance, Sylvia leaned forward, "What's wrong? Is there anything unreasonable?"

Tang Yuan thought about it for a long time, then suddenly looked at her with horror on his face, and said quietly: "Maybe, the dog management's calculations go further than this..."

"Hey? What do you mean?"

"Have you ever thought... If you found yourself infected by [Chaos] from the very beginning, and sooner or later you would become what you are now, then why would she continue to build her own void? Why did she create the first generation The will, and even later, has lost control once, killing all the will of the first generation, why didn't you learn the lesson after that, and continue to create you?"

Silvia felt something was wrong when she heard it: "You mean—"

"That's right...these may all be in her plan." Tang Yuan looked out the window, his face uncertain, "Is it possible——she knew that she would eventually have this day, so she created the first generation of wills When I was young, I was ready to kill them out of control, and then...the first generation of wills were all dead, so she collected the remains of the first generation of wills, created me, and split another consciousness to be normal , The self that was not infected by [Chaos], sealed up the normal self in my mind... just to let this hatred slowly ferment..."

"Hey, it's not so scary, is it?" Hearing this, Xilubia immediately lost her composure, "What is she trying to do like this?"

"Picture what? Think about it... Now suddenly there is a new dog management that is conscious and good for children, pushes the original dog management down, and then amnesties the world, you who have been bullied by the dog management so much What will the wills of the years do when they hear that the dog management is dead?"

Sylvia's eyes widened: "Overjoyed...accepting this new mother quickly..."

"That's right, this is probably the result that the dog management wants. It can not only build its own void, but also preserve a normal self in advance, let her take over my position in the future, and let myself be eroded by [Chaos] like fate. , All the blame was borne by her alone... And my own mother, your stepmother, was destined to come to liberate you, and she would only get a great mother who saved her children... such a good name , These may have been calculated by Tang Yuan. If you don't do this, even if you know that Tang Yuan is infected by [Chaos], once she loses control, she will kill your brothers and sisters, so there will always be a gap between mother and child ...But if a sane Tang Yuan came to replace the depraved Tang Yuan... Then even if you lost so many brothers and sisters, you would not place the blame on this new Tang Yuan, but on the new Tang Yuan. This Tang Yuan showed great love—this is probably the plan of the dog management, all of which are actually paving the way for the part of the "self" that split off in the first place for the purpose of finally destroying herself! And the road of this road The end point, the final beneficiary, is the "self" that split off at the beginning, and is destined to kill her own "self" in the end! But...why do you want to leave all this to the later Tang Yuan?...No, no, no, There are still a lot of things I haven't figured out...Why didn't I just put the split Tang Yuan in the void to inherit her position, but put her in my mind, and then directly exile myself into the chaos Go, finally die?... Well, yes, she is afraid that if she loses control in the chaos, she will go to other voids to cause damage... She pushed herself to such a situation where she had to die, just to shape another A positive image of yourself!"

After hearing all this, Xilubia fell silent. She looked up at the sky above, as if she could see Tang Yuan who was curled up in the endless void and fell into a deep sleep, and asked softly: "My lord... ...does she really think so?"

She didn't use the name "dog management", but used the name the wills called her a long time ago, when Tang Yuan was not out of control.

Tang Yuan reasoned for a long time and felt a little weak, and replied in a low voice: "If this is the case, it really fits the image of the real 'Tang Yuan' I know these days. If it was her, it would really be like this. Do."

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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