my supplier is god

Chapter 247 - Ending C (Spoof)

Chapter 247 - Ending C (Spoof)
Chapter 154 - Ending C (Spoof)
After that, another few weeks passed.

Although it feels pitiful to say it, it is still necessary to mention... Lin Xiaoyu's breasts have finally become bigger... a small circle, even if they get bigger, they are still A.

It's really pitiful... Poof, don't laugh, don't laugh.

One day, Tang Yuan finally felt that it was time to get down to business, so he called everyone to the open space in front of the house, and took out that unattractive little ball pendant.

"Very good! After touching fish for so long, I've had enough. I'm going to go wandering in other voids now." He said so.

"It's all touched by you! It's embarrassing to be a savage fisherman, take off your skirt." Xilubia complained coldly.

A group of onlookers around also nodded in agreement.

"Cough...don't talk nonsense, come here, I'll put this thing on right now, and then go over to have a look...don't follow me, at least let me go over and step on the spot alone for the first time." Tang Yuan put the ball pendant around his neck, stomped his feet on the spot, took advantage of the wind, soared straight up, and flew towards the dark sky.

He is going to fly out of this super void first, fly into the void at the top, and continue to fly after entering the void until he reaches the end of the void, and then he can reach the chaos. mark, and then follow the mark to find the positions of other voids. If you are unlucky... drift slowly, you may be able to bump into a certain void.

There's no way, Tang Yuan told him, the only way to go to other voids is this, it's super troublesome.

So when he flew to a certain height in the sky, a stream of information emerged from the ball pendant and entered his mind, which seemed to be a kind of coordinates.

Without even thinking about it, he teleported according to this coordinate.

So... So he appeared in a pitch-black world. He looked around, and all he could see was pitch black. He could clearly see his hands, feet and body, but there was no light source around him. Even if you take out a flashlight and shine it into the distance, you can only watch the beam of light being swallowed by the darkness in the distance.

He even noticed that there is no air, no pressure, and even some basic concepts that can be seen when he calms down on weekdays. There is really nothing here, not even time and space, the two major concepts that make up the world. exist.

"This is the void..." He said to himself, he never thought that he could still hear the voice of the voice in such a place without air, it can only be said that it is really mysterious.

That's right, it's just the void here, he hasn't left the void where he is and entered the chaos, what he has to do now is to find a direction to move forward, and finally leave this void.

The problem of direction is also very simple, because the ball pendant on his chest is constantly sending messages to his mind, reminding him what to do now, so that he has an illusion that the ball seems to be a living creature with thoughts Same, but Tang Yuan said that this is just a gadget she made, far from being a living thing... I can only say that the will of the void is really powerful.

So he floated in the direction indicated by the ball pendant... There was no reference object here, and he didn't know whether he was really moving forward, but according to the information fed back by the ball pendant, he was indeed moving forward. moving forward.

There is no concept of [distance] in this void, and Tang Yuan doesn't know the principle and meaning of his so-called "movement". Anyway, it's like dreaming that he is floating in the sky when he is dreaming. It seems that as long as he thinks about it, he can do it, and the so-called movement does not refer to the distance movement. It is really troublesome to describe it, but he can feel that he is really getting closer to the edge of the void .

Finally, he felt that he had stopped, and no matter how much he thought, he couldn't move on. At this time, the little round ball once again conveyed a message to his mind.

"Another way of moving?"

This command is really strange, and what's even more strange is that Tang Yuan seems to be able to understand the so-called "changing one". Anyway, he tried to move himself again, and at this time he felt as if he was passing through Like something, the eyes suddenly lit up.

The surroundings were no longer pitch black, but turned into an unknown gray-white smog-like existence that filled the entire field of vision. However, these "smoke" are indeed flowing and flying.

It seems that he has entered the chaos now, he thought for a while, and when he turned his head, he saw a cloud of hazy black matter churning not far behind him. It seemed that it was the void he was in before, and now he needs to What they do is to find another black substance similar to this one, and drill into it.

At this time, Tang Yuan found that the movement method used in the void was no longer effective, and the only way he could continue to move forward was the movement method he used when he emerged from the void just now—although he still couldn't describe it until now. What is the difference between these two so-called "move ways" from each other.

Then he began to drift around in this endless chaos.

[One year...two years...ten years...a hundred years...a thousand years...countless years, maybe there is no concept of time in this chaos, so Tang Yuan doesn't understand how long he has been floating in it, but he has not been able to Finding the so-called another void, even when he wanted to temporarily return to his own void to readjust his itinerary and plan, he found that he could not find where the original void was, and just like that, he floated in the chaos Floating away, nothing was found, and I don't know how long it has been. 】

[I don't know where I came from, I don't know where to go, I can't find a new void, and I can't return to my original hometown, and I can't even sleep or die. 】

【Finally, Tang Yuan gave up thinking. 】

[End of the book] [Ending: C]




"Well, that was an easter egg just now, well, even though it was an easter egg, the ending was a little too light... huh? Who am I talking to?" Tang Yuan said to himself.

Gradually, he found that if he calmed down and put his consciousness into the small ball, he seemed to be able to feel his position in the chaos—it was very mysterious, but he could feel it. The scope of chaos is Infinite, so he can also feel the distance between the place where he entered the chaos (that is, the void of his life) and himself is constantly lengthening, but at least he can find out how to go back, and he even made inferences from one instance, confirming that if he finds For other voids, this ball will also record the position of another void, so that you don't have to bump around like a headless chicken in the future.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, he saw a tumbling mass of black matter not far ahead.

The gray-white smoke of the chaos is really annoying. If you want to see these black substances that represent the void, you must be very close to see them, otherwise they will be blocked by the smoke... So the smoke in the chaos is really smoke! ?

Thinking of this, Tang Yuan took a deep breath—he knew that there was no air in this place, and even the breathing movements he had been doing all this time were meaningless, but out of habit, he still took a deep breath.

I calmed down and tidied up my emotions. After all, it was like the first time an earthling had dealt with aliens. This was also the first time for me to enter another void.

"As long as the luck is not as bad as the humans in Mass Effect, it's really shameful. The first time I deal with alien civilizations, I actually fought with Turians... I can only say that the indigenous people are like this." Tucao Seeing the love and killing between the Earthlings and the Turians in Mass Effect, Tang Yuan unconsciously relaxed a little.

So, go in.

Thinking of this, he plunged into this mass of black matter—that is, another void.

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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