my supplier is god

Chapter 246 - This is a cute little Beibei

Chapter 246 - This is a cute little Beibei

Chapter 153 - This is a cute little North

I heard from Xilubia that the three of Tanya and the others organized a trip when they were bored... The world they went to seemed to be a fleet, but they actually brought back something extraordinary.

Northern Qi Ji...

Perhaps most people's understanding of this little girl started from the emoji, and it is true that the emoji in the north is simply poisonous, and it is the kind that cannot be stopped at all.

But when he actually saw a living North, Tang Yuan still felt a should I put it?A little speechless.

You said that Tanya and the others brought something back, it’s not good, local products are good, but they brought back a girl... Thinking of this, he looked back at the scene of demons dancing inside and outside the wooden house, and shivered.

There are too many girls in the family...

At this time, Xiao Beibei was carrying the cannon, and rubbed against his face again: "Zero War...give it to me."

Light!Where did I get a Zero fighter! ?Tang Yuan thought for a while, and exchanged for an imported zero-type fighter jet and placed it on the open space in front of him. Not to mention, although it looks full of a heavy sense of history (a sense of backwardness), a fighter plane is a fighter plane. At any rate, it was developed by Japan, which was capable of launching wars at that time, but what is interesting is that this Zero fighter was the "main fighter of the Japanese Navy" during World War II. Some people may want to ask, your Great Japanese Empire Where is the Air Force?
Here’s the fun part. Japan did have an “air force” at that time, but it said it was an air force, but it didn’t have any special air force organization at all. It was all Army Air Forces, Naval Air Forces, etc., so the Navy and the Army were fighting each other. When tearing up and yelling at "Bakayalo", there was no melon-eating air force who didn't know the truth watching.

"I've said so much, but I just want to give you a popular science about Japan during World War II..." Tang Yuan coughed dryly, and looked down at his trouser legs—huh?Where did the north go?
"Zero Zhan! Zero Zhan! It's so big!!" As a result, the young girl didn't listen to him at all, and ran to the side of the Zero fighter, jumping around, shouting, "What a big Zero Zhan!"


So, does anyone know why the North wants Zero War so much?What is she trying to do with Zero War?
Tang Yuan tried to call out to the young girl bouncing over there: "Hey... who is that?"

Beibei heard him calling himself, so he ran back again, took out the 127MM anti-aircraft gun again, and pointed at his face: "Zero War, I want more."


A vein popped up on Tang Yuan's forehead, he reached out and grabbed the anti-aircraft gun and snatched it away, his eyes peered into the barrel of the gun—hehe!It was still loaded!You little sister is going to do something!

Speaking of which, this cannon... the part of the gun barrel looks normal, but the black lacquered unknown creature attached to the end... I'll go, if you look carefully, the San value will be crazy.

It is said to be an anti-aircraft gun, but from what point can it be seen that this thing is an anti-aircraft gun! ?Tang Yuan rubbed his head and tried to recover the cannon - as he said before, he can ignore the recycling rules now, so he doesn't care whose belongings it is, or whether it is complete or not.

[Deep-sea 127mm single-mounted anti-aircraft gun (defective product), recycling price: 8000 million points. 】

8000 million... I can't tell that this little girl is carrying something worth 8000 million with her; Tang Yuan just wanted to check the price of this thing, but she didn't intend to take it back.

But... what the hell is a defective product?

At this time, Bei Bei seemed to realize that this guy had stolen his weapon, so...then he lay on the ground and started rolling and crying: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!”

Come on, a brat is a brat, Tang Yuan felt as if he had done something heinous, and quickly threw back the weapon that was said to be an anti-aircraft gun but didn't seem to know how to classify it: "Stop making trouble, give it back Are you ready?"

Beibei hugged this thing back with tears in her eyes, and then such a big cannon disappeared out of thin air, and then she yelled at Tang Yuan: "Bad guy!" Then she ran to the Zero fighter over there Jumping and jumping, shouting "Zero War Zero War" or something.I don't know that this is just an old antique plane, what is there to be so happy about.

So Tang Yuan circled back and forth, then returned to sit on the bench, leaning against the back of the chair with Xilubia and Lin Xiaoyu to pass the time.

After a while, Xilubia looked at Xiaobei who was crawling around on the plane over there, and said, "Speaking of which, that child is quite pitiful."

"Huh? Poor? In Fleet World, isn't there a full-scale war between humans and the deep sea? Maybe that girl looks so cute, but in fact she doesn't know how many lives she has in her hands. What's so pitiful?" Tang Yuan closed his eyes and rested his eyes. Without moving, he said.

"It's really pitiful, as you know, Qiji from the North grew up to be Qiji from the Harbor, but that should I say it, strictly speaking, it should be regarded as a defective product—although the word 'defective product' is not It should be placed on a deep-sea habitat that is considered a living creature, but it probably means a physical disability."

"Handicapped?" Tang Yuan glanced at the northern one. The pale young girl was happily crawling around on the Type Zero fighter. She was so agile, how could she look like she lacked arms or legs?And there is no missing arms or legs, it's normal, "I don't see any disability."

"She's not compatible with all types of deep-sea weapons, understand?" Sylvia smiled wryly, "Besides, creatures like deep-sea qiji... It's strange, they look like humans, but in fact they are all The body is a whole, and internal organs do not exist at all, so if we modify her concept casually and fix her problems, it may affect her whole body, and may change the essence of her existence ... Can you understand? If so, she will no longer be the same her. Although she still has the previous memory, she has actually become another person completely-the main problem is that Shen Haiqi Ji has no soul, Their consciousness is everywhere in their bodies, so they will be affected by changes in their bodies."

"Oh, so...the child can only carry one anti-aircraft gun from the beginning to the end? Other naval guns, ship-based fighter jets, etc., can't be equipped, right?" Tang Yuan seems to understand the so-called physical disability. Which aspect is it referring to.

"That's right, Tanya and the others destroyed a deep-sea stronghold, and then found such a child who had no fighting power. When she was found, she was looking for shells in a panic—it might also be because of her disability, her one The anti-aircraft guns can only be manually loaded one shot at a time, and the combat effectiveness is basically considered to be non-existent.”

"Uh, it's because of the sins I made in my previous life..." Tang Yuan glanced over there, and the little girl from the north was sitting on the glass hatch of the Zero fighter with a smile, waving her hands and singing without knowing it. What, it looks like she doesn't even know that the cockpit of this plane can be opened.

"That's why Tanya and the others also found out about this problem at the time. Seeing that the child was pitiful, they brought it back."

"Hey, after all, it's a deep-sea habitat ship. Just bring it back like this? By the way, isn't the setting of the deep sea extremely loathe humans?" Tang Yuan was not calm.

"Hate humans?" Xilubia glanced at him, "Do you know how she honestly followed Tanya and the others back? At that time, Yuriko approached her and gave her a lollipop, so she was abducted back ..."


This time Tang Yuan is really not calm, a lollipop can bring a North dog home! ?It's a good deal, coach, and I want to buy a lollipop!

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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