my supplier is god

Chapter 244 - Abortion in Gynecology

Chapter 244 - Abortion in Gynecology
Chapter 151 - Abortion in Gynecology
The second hospital... the full name should be called "Second Void Great Will Second People's Hospital", it is completely free, and there is no salary for working in it, so this group of wills are completely full and have nothing to do, don't think that the Second Void This place is like a utopia, it is indeed a utopia, but it is only because the guys living here are not human, so they cannot be measured by human thoughts, if you find a human site to open such a hospital, It's completely free, and you don't get paid for going to work. First of all, no one wants to come to work, and's free. Brother, anyway, if it were me, I would definitely not dare to go to that hospital to see a doctor.

To put it bluntly, wills don’t even die—only dog ​​management can really make wills die, maybe Tang Yuan can do it too, but he hasn’t tried it; so although this hospital has dozens of inpatient departments Building, but in fact few people come here. The clients of the hospital are basically those who are not good at treating themselves, or those who have some major problems in their bodies due to major changes in the world.

Speaking of no fees, in fact, there is a term "currency" in the secondary void. Didn't the little brother who drove the bus in Qiu Mingshan have a coin box? Xilubia even threw coins into it, but In fact, this currency has no special significance. You must know that the will can create anything by itself, and there is no material need at all, so this so-called "currency" is actually used to count the wins and losses of our brothers and sisters on weekdays. Pebbles have a similar meaning.

To this day, I still remember the scene of the big cousin holding more than a pound of small stones in his arms after playing cards... Really awesome, long live the big cousin.

Tang Yuan led Lin Xiaoyu to the door of the doctor's office with a face full of tears and laughter—the hospital seemed to have no specialties, and it seemed that every doctor could cure all diseases, and that's right, Essia said, they were the only ones. A kind of will without creative ability, all the skill points are thrown in the skill tree of "Nurse", if this has to be divided into subjects, it seems too useless.

So Tang Yuan simply asked the girl at the front desk to ask Essia's office, since he came to the hospital to see a doctor, no matter what, he should find an acquaintance, isn't it natural?
"knock knock"

"Come in."

The two pushed the door open, and saw Essia laying on the desk boredly, fiddling with the mobile phone in his hand, looked up, saw these two guys, then lowered his head and continued to fiddle with the mobile phone, muttering He said: "Why are you two looking for me? Oh, by the way, because Yita's condition has stabilized, I drove him home. It's not a problem to hang around in the hospital all the time, right? ? Do you understand me?"

"Pull you down, don't think I don't know you just because it's boring to sit in the ward all day long." Tang Yuan said angrily, pushing Lin Xiaoyu forward, "It's not me who sees the doctor, but this goods."

Essia raised her eyelids, glanced at Lin Xiaoyu who was full of confusion, blinked her eyes again, and said with a smile, "Oh, I see, I'm pregnant again? Whose?"

"Your." Tang Yuan rolled his eyes.

"Let me tell you, you two, don't you know how to calculate the safety period?" As soon as Essia put down her mobile phone, she pressed the desk and stood up, pointing at Tang Yuan and scolding, "If you cooperate, you Seeing that my abortion has no side effects, right? Have you ever thought about how your children feel?"

Tang Yuan looked innocent: "Xiaoyu was beaten, but I actually feel that I should have a baby at my age."

Lin Xiaoyu twisted his waist: "Okay, I will take the blame."

Essia sighed and walked in front of Lin Xiaoyu, rubbing her hands gently: "Okay, okay, I understand, you relax, it will be fine soon..."

"Hey, wait a minute!" Tang Yuan quickly grabbed her by the collar and pulled it back, "Who told you that this time it's still an abortion!? Don't be mean."

"Oh? If you don't want an abortion, why are you two looking for me?"

Tang Yuan scratched his head embarrassingly: "It's only been less than a week, if Xilubia hadn't said it, maybe I haven't realized that this guy has another one, but... I'll check it out It's a famous name,, I was thinking about asking you to help me take a look, take a picture or something, I just want to know if it's a boy or a girl."

Immediately, Essia turned his face: "What's wrong with the girl? Did the girl offend you?"

As she was talking, she rode up to Tang Yuan, grabbed his face with both hands and began to condemn: "Comrade, your thinking is very backward, and your ideology is not advanced enough. Let me tell you, the times have progressed, and it is difficult to have boys and girls. It’s all the same! Women comrades are also good comrades-in-arms, why are you not as good as you gay men? What’s the matter? If it’s a girl, you still want to get rid of it, right? Let me tell you, this time I will definitely not agree!"

"Comrade doctor, calm down..." Tang Yuan pressed her shoulder profusely in sweat, trying to keep her away from him—Lin Xiaoyu was already pulling the soft flesh on his waist, although it didn't hurt but it wasn't too much How comfortable——said, "Comrade, I can't bear to take this hat off for me. Now this period is very special, so don't make trouble for me. If you are caught and criticized, you will not be the one who suffers... Bah, why did I fall into this tone of voice of yours... Cough cough cough, I mean, well, Xiaoyu beat you once, why are you so excited? I didn’t think about it this time Get rid of it, just want to know in advance whether it is a man or a woman, look at this...can you help me?"

"Oh, then this is no problem." Essia nodded.

Then she stared at Lin Xiaoyu for a long time, and said to Tang Yuan, "The two girls are fraternal twins."

"Yeah——" So Tang Yuan was overjoyed... Huh?Why does this statement always feel like something is wrong?
Both Lin Xiaoyu and Essia looked at him inexplicably in horror, and asked in unison, "Why are you happy?"

"Oh, it's nothing, it's much easier to raise a daughter than a son, and you know, basically all the brats are boys." Tang Yuan also noticed that his reaction before was indeed suspicious, and quickly explained, "And I There are too many strange-looking girls in the family, I am afraid that if I were a son, I would suffer from gynophobia in the future... It is better to have a daughter, the daughter is a caring little padded jacket for the father..."

Essia raised his eyebrows on his forehead, walked forward and continued to argue with him: "Comrade, what you said is not right, as I said before, the times have progressed, boys and girls are the same, so what about gays?" Are gay men inferior to lesbians? It seems that your thinking is still very backward. You really should learn from the West. Have you heard of Joan of Arc? Isn’t she just a Lesbians, why aren't they a 'Holy Man Zhang San'?"

"It's alright, alright, I understand, I understand." Tang Yuan quickly nodded frantically, "No more beatings, no more beatings, no matter whether it's a man or a woman, I won't be beating you anymore, okay? I'm willing to accept transformation, Let the thinking progress, resolutely oppose the old ideas, old culture, old customs, old habits, okay? I beg you, Master, stop reading..."

"Well, very good." Essia said, grabbing his shoulder seriously, "Besides, there is one more thing I don't know if I should say it or not."

"...But it's okay to say." Tang Yuan felt that this guy often used some strange tones to draw others in, making others speak in the same strange tones as her, "You and I are no different from outsiders, so there is no need to worry."

"Good." She nodded, "Actually, one of you two children is the one from before."

When Tang Yuan and Lin Xiaoyu heard what she said, they were immediately stunned: "What?"

"Actually... the time I knocked off Xiaoyu's child before, I can probably see a bit of reluctance from your face." Essia stared at Tang Yuan, "In fact, you have always wanted to have a child, but fortunately Pretending to be aggressive in front of children? I am very familiar with your ideological routines."

"Uh." Tang Yuan scratched his hair in embarrassment.

"So at that time, I made a trick and temporarily distorted the child's concept from [existence] to [non-existence]... So it was considered to be abolished. At the same time, I also decided that in the future, as long as Xiaoyu When you are pregnant with a child, I will continue to use this method, and when you are not ready to fight, and you are ready to give birth, I will be able to distort the state of all the previous children from [non-existence] to [existence]... What do you know? What do you mean? It’s like you haven’t fought before.”

Tang Yuan and Lin Xiaoyu looked at each other: "Oh my god, if this is done several times, how many babies will be born!?"

"Don't be afraid. Anyway, this is a secondary void. Our medical level is the highest. When the time comes, it will be difficult for the mother and the child to die... So, in fact, this time Xiaoyu is pregnant with only one child, and the other is the previous one. , you can understand that I put it back again, it’s okay, anyway, it disappeared in what state, and it was still in what state when it came back, so the two children are actually about the same size.”

Essia said, with a malicious smile on his face: "You know, doctors also have doctors' revenge methods. I won't do low-explosive things like leaving a scissors in the patient's stomach, but I can hold you abortionists responsible for your children."

"..." This doctor is so scary, Tang Yuan's eyes twitched wildly, he looked at Essia's smile, and felt goosebumps on his hands for no reason, "Sister... Let me ask you, did you have any unpleasant experiences when you were young?" Memories..."

"Indeed." Essia nodded, "The reason why I survived is because my mother came here, yes, to the Second Hospital to have an abortion, and then she regretted it when she walked into the doctor's office, so she opened the doctor's office. Order an anti-fetal drug, that was the closest I was to death in my life."

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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