my supplier is god

Chapter 243 - Chapter Family

Chapter 243 - Go Home
Chapter 1 Fifty - Go Home
So like this, Tang Yuan and Alphia lived a life of twice a day and occasionally three times.

And then there's one guy that has to be said.


This guy is Utla's best friend, and he often runs here every day when he has nothing to do. Every time he comes, he yells loudly as soon as he enters the door: "Hello? Utla, zaima?"

It can only be said that the real macho is like this.

Then at this time Tang Yuan would calmly reply: "Not here, CNM." Or use a new word updated later: "Not here, CMN."

So Suleman called RuaRua happily: "It's okay to poke Muniang, do you want to eat fragrant chicken? Friends?"

"Don't eat, get out."

Perhaps in Suleman's opinion, even if "Utra" doesn't recover his memory, he can at least have a conversation with him about Daqin dialect. Just like this, he is already very happy, and every time this happens, he dances and dances , so cool that he looked like Qin Xiansen who had seen Jin.

Tang Yuan lived with these guys, and felt very warm, because the first generation of wills really had nothing to do all day long and didn't know what to do. They just ate and waited to die. For someone like him who likes to relax , the lives of the first generation of wills are really miserable.

But he also knows that no matter how long he lives with them as the amnesiac Uterra, he will be killed by Tang Yuan together with them in the end, and when he enters this illusion again, he will be a new At the beginning, they don't know themselves again, and they have to play the role of Uterra who has lost his memory again.


So under this kind of warm and bitter emotion, he finally woke up from the illusion one day.

At least he didn't see the scene of the first generation of wills being killed by Tang Yuan, that's good, otherwise Tang Yuan estimated that he might run away on the spot.


[It has been implemented as planned until the specified date. 】

[The ecological simulation system has been turned on, and it is unfreezing... Three... Two... One... The frozen state has been lifted. 】

Tang Yuan opened his eyes.

He tried to move his head and found that he didn't feel any discomfort after recovering from the frozen state. Of course, it may be because his current body is not at the level of ordinary people, and he doesn't know if he is a normal person. Feeling sore or feeling very cold.

He kicked off the lid of the freezer, climbed out of it, and then looked at the two freezers next to him—the time was set at the same time, even because 5000 years ago he put two liang and three jin in the first place. It was locked in the freezer, so the thawing time on their side was a few seconds earlier than his side.

So when he opened the lids of the other two freezer compartments, Erliang and Sanjin crawled out of them in a daze... They didn't seem to be in any discomfort.

How should I say it?Dinosaur + Daliwan =? ? ?Anyway, in terms of physical fitness, these two dinosaurs are taller than normal people anyway, so they didn't feel any discomfort after they climbed out, and Er Liang even tilted his head and asked: "Brother, why did you let me in here?"

Although Sanjin next to him didn't speak, he was still staring at Tang Yuan. It seems that these two guys didn't know that they had been frozen for 5000 years after entering the freezer—that's right, their consciousness was stopped. There is no sense of time passing, and they don't even have a dream, so it may only be a moment for them, like paralyzed in the freezer and wandered away.

In fact, if Tang Yuan hadn't entered the illusion during the freezing period, it might have been just a momentary feeling for him from being frozen to thawing.

He smiled, stretched out his hand and touched Sanjin's head (I always think this statement is weird, Sanjin's head...), then knocked on Erliang's head, and said to the two of them: " It's nothing, I came here to take you to my house."

"Your home?" Erliang asked curiously, "What is home?"

"...that's a good question." Tang Yuan didn't expect that he would also be talking about philosophy with a dinosaur. He thought for a while, and answered in a deep way, "Home generally refers to the place where you live. It's called home. Erliang, where did you live before?"

"Me? Where do I live... It seems that there is no fixed place. When I am tired, I just find a place to fall asleep. Occasionally, when it rains, I will find a cave or drill into a small forest or something... Ah! Speaking of it I've been in that jungle for a long time."

Tang Yuan looked at Sanjin again: "What about you, Sanjin? Where did you live before?"

Triceratops Little Lolita thought for a while, and replied: "Run around with the adults, wherever there is food, there is no fixed place."

"Those places are not qualified to be called 'home'." He shook his head, "The so-called home refers to a place where you can eat, wear warm, and sleep at ease, and this is just a so-called 'home' It’s just the most basic function, and more importantly, there may be relatives living with you at home, do you know what relatives are?”

Sanjin used to be a Triceratops and lived in groups [Note: In fact, it is not yet confirmed whether Triceratops is a social animal, and I am too lazy to wait for those experts to slowly study it] So I know what is called "relatives" , but Erliang is different, she is a tyrannosaurus rex, she was kicked out of the house to support herself when she was just able to remember, her memory of her so-called relatives is very vague, even the old male in that big forest Tyrannosaurus Rex (Old Ba) didn't even know if it was her father, so she was puzzled when she heard Tang Yuan say "relatives".

"Brother, what is a relative?"

"I'm really worthy of your name 'Two Liang'... Well, let me tell you again, the so-called relatives refer to people who are related to you by blood... You always understand the blood relationship, right?" Tang Yuan Grabbing his hair with a distressed face—you said that although this guy has no problem with his IQ, his cognitive level is too small, and this has nothing to do with his IQ!
"I understand the blood relationship." Unexpectedly, Er Liang didn't know his relatives, but he knew the blood relationship. The ingredients in Dali Pill are really mysterious.

"That's fine. A relative is someone who is related to you by blood. Do you understand?" Tang Yuan said angrily.

"Oh, I understand, but... big brother, relatives are completely meaningless, I have always lived alone." Er Liang said.

"Hehe, you finally hit the point." Tang Yuan tapped her on the head again, "How does it feel to live with me and Sanjin these days? Tell me what you think."

"Impressions?" She touched her forehead, touched her chin again, and said hesitantly, "In my impressions, it's probably because I feel very leisurely when I'm with you... Also, I don't have to look around for something to eat, it's very leisurely, and then ...With big brother, there is a sense of security, and there is no need to be alert to the surrounding situation at all times, um, it is very leisurely."

This guy used three "very leisurely" in a row to describe the feeling of being with Tang Yuan, which is really enough.

"So this is the benefit of being together!" Tang Yuan clapped his hands and said.

"..." Erliang scratched his head in distress, as if he couldn't understand what he meant.

"Forget it, I don't have any expectations for your IQ. You two just need to come with me. Let me introduce you to a few guys in my family..." Tang Yuan didn't bother to control the center of the earth to return. Go to the surface, so as not to put it on the surface for tens of millions of years, it will be a lot of fun when it is excavated by human beings. "Aliens appeared on the earth in the late Cretaceous period" or something, it is simply oolong The oolong in the middle, so just leave this big iron ball in the core of the earth.

Thinking of this, he tore open a crack as soon as he stretched out his hand, walked in, and waved at the two dinosaurs: "Come in, what are you doing here?"

"Brother... what is this? I'm a little scared." Erliang honestly expressed his feelings, "I dare not go in." Although Sanjin next to him didn't speak, he also hugged Erliang's thigh, making a big deal out of it. Nod in agreement.

"Damn, come in, be obedient." Tang Yuan always felt that when he was with these two guys, he always gave some mandatory orders, and he didn't know why, "If you don't come in, you won't be allowed to eat twice."

"!!" So I didn't know whether it was the effect of the mandatory order or the deterrent effect of "no meals for two meals", Erliang and Sanjin hurriedly scrambled in.

Tang Yuan glanced at the two dinosaurs and confirmed that they had both entered, so he closed the rift, and opened a new rift in the independent space inside the rift—this time it was leading to the secondary void. .

"Let's go, go to my will be your home from now on."

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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