my supplier is god

Chapter 208 - Getting Ready

Chapter 208 - Getting Ready
Chapter 115 - Getting Ready
As soon as everyone heard what Ariane said, they gathered together and looked at her mobile phone screen.

Tang Yuan was amused when he saw it... The remake of "DMC" that Kabi released on PS5.

High-definition egg iron (the player's joking name for the black-haired Dante in DMC, used to distinguish the difference between the two Dantes)... At this time, this high-definition egg iron is sitting on the high-definition sofa, smoking a high-definition cigarette, drinking Drinking in high-definition, watching high-definition pole dancing... It seems to be before the plot begins—or maybe after the plot ends.

"Oh my god, why did the card bitch remake this thing!?" Tang Yuan couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the scene on the screen, "The game is a good game, but the mistake is that the name is Devil May Cry..."

"Hey, this can't be the reason why I feel uncomfortable, right? It's just a separate small plane branched out of the world..." Ariane looked at the high-definition egg iron on the screen and was about to reach out to her crotch to masturbate Yes, without further ado, changed the channel.

Then the screen of the small phone in her hand changed, and she came to Devil May Cry's Devil May Cry office—nothing unusual, Dante was sleeping with a pornographic magazine on his face, his legs resting on the table. Filled with empty beer cans and pizza boxes.

"Uh, I don't think the problem is in Devil May Cry..." Ariane knocked the phone on the table, the phone made a beep, and the screen went black...

"Fuck! Little sister, you broke this thing!" Tang Yuan said.

"No, no, no... It's not because I broke the phone." Ariane picked up the phone and pressed it, and the screen lit up again, "I was just about to change the world I was observing, but it seems The signal from God of War World is gone... eh!?"

As she spoke, she froze, then grabbed her hair and started to yell:
"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!? Where's my God of War world!?" She started frantically changing the screens on her phone, but all she could find was the world of Devil May Cry, God of War or something...not at all exist.

Essia looked at her reaction and whispered, "I guess the problem is here. Your world has been invaded... Well, maybe it's not as simple as being invaded. The God of War world seems to have disappeared directly."

"This is unscientific!" Ariane hugged her head and let out a groan, "It was all fine when I saw it the day before yesterday! I touched the fish all day yesterday, why is it like this today!?"

"Calm down, calm down..." Essia touched her head, "There have been some cases where the world of will was directly lost before, and yours is not a special case. Specifically, you can go to the world management center to report , Whether it is an accident or a human reason, the brothers at the management center will help you."

"Woo... my God of War!!" Ariane's face was full of tears, "Why did it disappear!? Sure enough, I feel uncomfortable because of this, right!?"

"But it's not because of this..." Essia narrowed her eyes and said, "The loss of the world only causes dizziness...but your other symptoms...uh, should I say..."

"Tell me, I can listen to everything now." Ariane tugged at her sleeve with a bitter face.

"Well, actually—your symptoms seem to be kidney deficiency."


The scene became very awkward again.

Tang Yuan looked around and saw that everyone fell into a terrible silence, so he decided to save the awkward atmosphere, so he patted Ariane on the shoulder: "Hey, do you usually urinate frequently and go to the toilet frequently?"

"Crack it."


When everyone saw Tang Yuan's playful play, they all laughed together, and the small building was filled with a happy atmosphere...

Then Tang Yuan suddenly thought of something, and muttered: "Why don't I try to use this thing to search? Maybe I can directly search the world of God of War?" He started to play with his watch while talking.

Essia glanced at his watch: "What? Does yours have any special functions? Search the world? It sounds unreliable."

"Hey, I remember that you modified this watch for me now, don't you know?"

"How would I know? I'm just in charge of cutting off the link between you and Ita, and by the way, changing the link target of this thing to yourself. The other changes are all made by this thing... Hehe, thinking about it this way , The security guards you created with the will of the first generation are really smart, automation or something..."

Tang Yuan ignored her thoughts there, but turned on the watch, and clicked on the function that he had experienced once - that's right, it was the indifferent [Shake], those who didn't know thought it was Is playing WeChat.

So everyone started to stare at Tang Yuan with strange eyes, shaking his left arm violently... After a while, Tang Yuan heard a [beep——].

Then he looked at the text displayed on the watch.

[Nearby Worlds: The Elder Scrolls, Rage, Devil May Cry, Long Aotian's Unleashed Tale of Another World*, Overbearing CEO Gets Hit by a Car*, Final Fantasy*, Death*, Castlevania-Symphony of the Night*, God of War*]

There are so many nearby worlds, and many of them are unowned... There seem to be two strange names mixed in, so don't worry about it.

"Look~" Tang Yuan pointed at the screen of his watch and showed it to Ariane, "Your God of War is here, already in an unowned state."

"Hey hey—!?" Ariane clung to his arm without letting go, staring at the watch screen and yelling, "You can really find it out!? What is the principle!?"

"There is no way, the will of the first generation is so weak..." Tang Yuan smiled sullenly, and then asked Ariane, "What are you going to do now?"

"What else can I do!? I always feel that there is something wrong, so I decided!" She clenched her fists and hammered, "click", "I want to go in and see for myself! Find out what happened in the world of God of War !"

"Oh! Good idea!" Tang Yuan shook his watch, "Do you want me to help?"

"Yes! Because the coordinates of the world have changed, I can't find where this world is now... You have to take me there!" Ariane grabbed his clothes and refused to let go, "Do me a favor, I owe you It's your favor, take me to the world of God of War, I want to know what's going on."

"Uh, this..." Tang Yuan fell into hesitation. He glanced at Xilubia and Essia, "Is it all right? Just bring a god into the world like this..."

"It's okay, it's okay, you guys are not here to cause damage..." Sylvia waved her hand, "Besides, that world was originally Ariane's, but it was lost due to unknown reasons."

"Well, how long will it take?" Tang Yuan turned to look at Ariane again.

"Just a few minutes... take me there."


He nodded and looked at Lin Xiaoyu again: "Xiaoyu, let me go away for a while, just a few minutes."

"Well, hurry up, damn it."

Essia looked at the scene where the two said goodbye to each other, suddenly thought of something, pinched her chin and fell into deep thought, while Xilubia on the side looked at her and asked quietly: "What's wrong?"

"Should I say it?" Essia whispered with distress.

"Say what?"

"That girl named Lin Xiaoyu... is pregnant."


[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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