my supplier is god

Chapter 207 - Dog Management and Void and Will

Chapter 207 - Dog Management and Void and Will

Chapter 113 - Dog Management and Void and Will

Seeing Xilubia put Ariane and Essia together under the same blanket, Tang Yuan always felt a little uneasy... This Essia is a pervert, he just said something terrible , It is almost time to set up a podium to stand on it and shout "Masters, I like loli".

Forget it, there are so many people here, forgive her for not daring to do anything excessive...probably.

"Speaking of this little sister... sister, do you know her?" Tang Yuan asked Xilubia, who nodded and said, "Yes, yes, she is a very well-behaved child, and she is very sensible, taking care of her two big worlds." Get organized."

"Two? Which two?" Tang Yuan became interested.

"Devil May Cry and God of War... There was originally a Ninja Gaiden, but it was given to someone else."

"Hey mom..."

ACT fanatics!Unexpectedly, all the big three in action games used to belong to this little lolita's world... Even if one is given away, they still occupy two of them now!
"She and I... have known each other for tens of thousands of years. You may not believe it. If you find a loli girl in the secondary void, their age may be calculated in billions. Ah, in fact, there are A lot of young will, but in the past tens of thousands of years, I don’t know what’s going on, the birth rate has become more and more serious, and I haven’t seen a child for a long time.”

After listening to Xilubia's words, Tang Yuan knew what a legal loli is... Just counting from the time she met, this Ariane is at least tens of thousands of years old, so her real age...

@ eight cloud purple


"Damn ghost, why are you distracted again?" Lin Xiaoyu saw that Tang Yuan's eyes became dazed again, and quickly stretched out her hand to grab him.

"Ah? Oh... sorry." Tang Yuan touched his waist, then looked at the two people who hadn't regained consciousness on the sofa, "What should we do now? Will this little sister be held accountable after she wakes up?" ?”

"Anyway, she has nothing to lose, what is there to pursue?" Xilubia gave him a blank look.

"No loss? I've rolled my eyes from being blown up!" Tang Yuan felt that the thoughts of these guys are not in the same dimension as human beings—it seems that they are not in the same dimension?
"Yes, yes, several tons of concentrated fuel!" Lin Xiaoyu also yelled.

"Shut up, girl. I gave you your research funds. If it weren't for me, how could you waste so many things?" Tang Yuan glared at her.

Seeing the two people arguing, Xilubia shook her head with a smile, and continued: "It's really not a loss for us, you know, generally speaking, we won't if we touch Porcelain does not work in the secondary void. Except for dog management, no one has a way to kill wills... Of course, Ita is an exception. Maybe your first generation of wills also has the ability to kill other wills... ...but are you willing to do it?"

"I don't want to." Tang Yuan shook his head hastily.

"Isn't that enough? Speaking of which, I'm glad you're a good person, otherwise the secondary void would be really messed up." Sylvia shuddered when she said this, "A dog management It's enough to make people uncomfortable, anyway, she doesn't come to the secondary void very often, but if you are also the kind of guy who kills you with a disagreement... But we can't kill you completely. There is simply no other way to survive than to be oppressed."

"You can't kill me?" Tang Yuan's eyes widened when he heard her say that, "What kind of argument is that?"

"Well... it may be difficult for you to understand, but the general meaning—" Xilubia pointed at Tang Yuan's chest, "Maybe you didn't notice it yourself, but now your body is just a body, maybe Your consciousness is also in this body, but when your body 'dies', your consciousness will go back to where you were... I don't know where that is, but you don't have yourself in your body The existence of the 'will'... I can be sure of this."

"What the hell?" Tang Yuan was indifferent, "You mean, my body is actually just a small one? Then where is my big one?"

"Who knows? If you don't even know, how can we know? And even if we know where your will is, is there a way for us to kill you? What I said 'will cannot kill will' ', that is, maybe we can destroy this body, but we can't destroy a will... But you can, look at the pitiful look of Ita, she looks weak, but in fact is Because my own will was hurt by you, it became like this."

After listening to Xilubia's explanation, Tang Yuan finally realized how brave he was.

The will of the first generation is really incredible!The existence second only to dog management...

"Speaking of... can you tell me about that...about the dog management?" Tang Yuan suddenly became interested in the guy who wrote "Mother" and read "dog management".

"You want to hear it? That's fine, I'll tell you about it." Sylvia poured a glass of water and sat on the small sofa beside her. "This probably starts with the earliest void."

As soon as everyone heard it, they knew that this might be a long story, and they all got ready to listen carefully.

"In the earliest days, in a place that cannot be described in words, there was nothingness, there was nothing—perhaps not even the concept of 'nothing', in a state of absolute nothingness, even if there was something in it, It may also be instantly neutralized and assimilated by this state of emptiness, just like 'zero multiplied by any number is equal to zero' - of course, there was no emptiness at that time, not even emptiness, there was real nothingness……"

"Then the first thoughtful guy appeared, let's call it the 'root' for now, and the sexuality that appeared later was female... Yes, you may have guessed, she is the dog management, she was born directly in this nothingness Among them, perhaps she is the only existence that will not be assimilated and annihilated by the 'void', she established the void."

"Void is the first concept she created. Perhaps for other creatures, there is no difference between void and nothingness. They all die when they touch it. But for our will, void is the first place suitable for our survival, but After all, there is nothing in the void. Maybe the dog management was a good mother at that time? She thought that she might create a child in the future, so she created a world in this void... It is the secondary void, literally , is the existence second only to the void, and the various concepts in the secondary void are constantly changing. According to the world, it is the world with the most compatibility, and it is the only world created by the dog management. Creatures in the world can survive in it - we have to admit that dog management is indeed better than us in this regard, because there are incompatibilities between many worlds created by our will, and the creatures in this world may run to You can't live in another world..."

"Then...the secondary void was created. If you have a home, you should have a family...At that time, the dog management created the first batch of 'children', which is what we later called the first generation of will."

As soon as Tang Yuan heard this, he became serious—he got to the point, maybe there was something about his life experience in it.

"After the first generation of wills were created, they lived in the secondary void and lived happily with the dog management... Maybe the dog management at that time was really a good mother? It's a pity that those of us who were born later It is impossible for your child to know what happened at that time."

"Continue to say...the first generation of wills were the first batch of children created by the dog management, and they were endowed with powerful power, and then...for some reason, they were killed by the dog management—ah, not all of them, there are still left A person with amnesia——As for the reason for killing the first will, we naturally don’t know, and we dare not ask. In addition, there are very few materials left at that time, so we can only guess something from the diaries of the first will. So why the first generation of wills were killed by the dog management has become an unsolved mystery."

"According to our speculation, not long after the first generation of will was killed by the dog management, she created the second generation of will, and the second generation of will was endowed by her with power second only to the first generation of will, and then they began to create the world ..."

"In general, it can be summed up as follows:

The first generation, the first generation of will, possesses the most powerful power, infinitely close to the void.

The second generation, the first batch of wills to create the world, because the technology of creating the world was not perfect at that time, the shape of this batch of worlds is not fixed, there are various chaotic forms, even the concepts are chaotic, It is not even clear whether the creatures inside can be regarded as creatures; even so, the second generation will is still the strongest group of wills in existence besides the first generation will.The further back the weaker the will-in general, but there are always unexpected situations.

In the third generation, the wills tried to unify the concepts of the worlds, but due to imperfections, although their worlds had similar concepts, there were very few lives in them.

In the fourth generation, the concepts of the worlds created by the will were further unified. In this period, creatures of various shapes were born in the world, and there were very few creatures in the form of gods (humans). Although the concepts were unified, there were still differences between worlds. There are huge environmental differences, only the measurement standards are unified. Some worlds are shrouded in flames; need air to survive...

In the fifth generation, the environment of most worlds has also been unified, and the appearance of creatures is basically determined to imitate the appearance of will (god form/human form), but there are still most worlds that have not formed the concept of [universe]. It is just a huge sky and land, and there is nothing beyond it.

In the sixth generation, for the first time, a will proposed the concept of [universe]. Creatures live on balls in nothingness (vacuum). They have their own explanations for the balls they live in, and try to understand the reasons for the appearance and operation of these balls. At the same time, the will of this generation is the only aggressive generation, and likes to seize resources from other wills. For the wills of other eras, [resources] are not particularly important, so they simply don’t pay much attention to them. Most of the wills of the sixth generation will compete with each other when seizing resources; also in this generation, a certain will created the original [Lord God], and the Lord God absorbed the natives of the world, and went to other worlds instead of wills to seize resources , although this method is not efficient, but because of its unique competitiveness, it has won the unanimous praise of the sixth generation will, and they have followed suit and used the main god to compete. (Gods always don't care about the life and death of mortals)
In the seventh generation, the world created by the will has once again become diversified, but the concept is more complete. There have been various worlds with different worldviews, and the creatures have once again become different. The will of this generation is not aggressive , but likes to spread the concepts of their own world. When these concepts reach other worlds, they generally do not really become basic concepts, but become information carriers. (literary works/film and television works)

The eighth generation, the world they created is not much different from the seventh generation. It can be regarded as an extension of the seventh generation, but it is further diversified and the concept is further improved. Others are the same as the seventh generation. The eighth generation The concept of will also becomes an information carrier after it spreads. (anime/manga)

The ninth generation...that is, my generation, we try to further diversify the world and further improve the concept. Strictly speaking, the difference between the world created by our generation and the eighth generation is only the difference in the time of appearance. (game)

Ah, of course, what I'm talking about here is only the difference between the worlds. In fact, the wills of each generation are only different in strength, and there is nothing else different.

As for the tenth generation...the will of the tenth generation has not yet appeared. "

Finally, Xilubia drank some water, looked at Tang Yuan who was already in a daze, and said, "And there may never be a tenth generation of will."


"The dog management has been out of contact for several months, and there is no news at all... It's as if she is dead. There will be no more wills of the tenth generation, right? You must know that the algebraic distinction between wills is distinguished according to their respective versions. If a child is born between two wills, that child will not be pushed down to become the next generation. The will of one generation, but refer to the version of either parent."

"Oh... I understand." Tang Yuan nodded blankly.

"So, there probably won't be a tenth generation of will in the future."

[To be continued]

(End of this chapter)

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